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MUSHclient scripting return codes

Mnemonic Value Meaning
eOK 0 No error
eWorldOpen 30001 The world is already open
eWorldClosed 30002 The world is closed, this action cannot be performed
eNoNameSpecified 30003 No name has been specified where one is required
eCannotPlaySound 30004 The sound file could not be played
eTriggerNotFound 30005 The specified trigger name does not exist
eTriggerAlreadyExists 30006 Attempt to add a trigger that already exists
eTriggerCannotBeEmpty 30007 The trigger "match" string cannot be empty
eInvalidObjectLabel 30008 The name of this object is invalid
eScriptNameNotLocated 30009 Script name is not in the script file
eAliasNotFound 30010 The specified alias name does not exist
eAliasAlreadyExists 30011 Attempt to add a alias that already exists
eAliasCannotBeEmpty 30012 The alias "match" string cannot be empty
eCouldNotOpenFile 30013 Unable to open requested file
eLogFileNotOpen 30014 Log file was not open
eLogFileAlreadyOpen 30015 Log file was already open
eLogFileBadWrite 30016 Bad write to log file
eTimerNotFound 30017 The specified timer name does not exist
eTimerAlreadyExists 30018 Attempt to add a timer that already exists
eVariableNotFound 30019 Attempt to delete a variable that does not exist
eCommandNotEmpty 30020 Attempt to use SetCommand with a non-empty command window
eBadRegularExpression 30021 Bad regular expression syntax
eTimeInvalid 30022 Time given to AddTimer is invalid
eBadMapItem 30023 Direction given to AddToMapper is invalid
eNoMapItems 30024 No items in mapper
eUnknownOption 30025 Option name not found
eOptionOutOfRange 30026 New value for option is out of range
eTriggerSequenceOutOfRange 30027 Trigger sequence value invalid
eTriggerSendToInvalid 30028 Where to send trigger text to is invalid
eTriggerLabelNotSpecified 30029 Trigger label not specified/invalid for 'send to variable'
ePluginFileNotFound 30030 File name specified for plugin not found
eProblemsLoadingPlugin 30031 There was a parsing or other problem loading the plugin
ePluginCannotSetOption 30032 Plugin is not allowed to set this option
ePluginCannotGetOption 30033 Plugin is not allowed to get this option
eNoSuchPlugin 30034 Requested plugin is not installed
eNotAPlugin 30035 Only a plugin can do this
eNoSuchRoutine 30036 Plugin does not support that subroutine (subroutine not in script)
ePluginDoesNotSaveState 30037 Plugin does not support saving state
ePluginCouldNotSaveState 30037 Plugin could not save state (eg. no state directory)
ePluginDisabled 30039 Plugin is currently disabled
eErrorCallingPluginRoutine 30040 Could not call plugin routine
eCommandsNestedTooDeeply 30041 Calls to "Execute" nested too deeply
eCannotCreateChatSocket 30042 Unable to create socket for chat connection
eCannotLookupDomainName 30043 Unable to do DNS (domain name) lookup for chat connection
eNoChatConnections 30044 No chat connections open
eChatPersonNotFound 30045 Requested chat person not connected
eBadParameter 30046 General problem with a parameter to a script call
eChatAlreadyListening 30047 Already listening for incoming chats
eChatIDNotFound 30048 Chat session with that ID not found
eChatAlreadyConnected 30049 Already connected to that server/port
eClipboardEmpty 30050 Cannot get (text from the) clipboard
eFileNotFound 30051 Cannot open the specified file
eAlreadyTransferringFile 30052 Already transferring a file
eNotTransferringFile 30053 Not transferring a file
eNoSuchCommand 30054 There is not a command of that name
eArrayAlreadyExists 30055 That array already exists
eBadKeyName 30056 That name is not permitted for a key
eArrayDoesNotExist 30056 That array does not exist
eArrayNotEvenNumberOfValues 30057 Values to be imported into array are not in pairs
eImportedWithDuplicates 30058 Import succeeded, however some values were overwritten
eBadDelimiter 30059 Import/export delimiter must be a single character, other than backslash
eSetReplacingExistingValue 30060 Array element set, existing value overwritten
eKeyDoesNotExist 30061 Array key does not exist
eCannotImport 30062 Cannot import because cannot find unused temporary character
eItemInUse 30063 Cannot delete trigger/alias/timer because it is executing a script
eSpellCheckNotActive 30064 Spell checker is not active
eCannotAddFont 30065 Cannot create requested font
ePenStyleNotValid 30066 Invalid settings for pen parameter
eUnableToLoadImage 30067 Bitmap image could not be loaded
eImageNotInstalled 30068 Image has not been loaded into window
eInvalidNumberOfPoints 30069 Number of points supplied is incorrect
eInvalidPoint 30070 Point is not numeric
eHotspotPluginChanged 30071 Hotspot processing must all be in same plugin
eHotspotNotInstalled 30072 Hotspot has not been defined for this window
eNoSuchWindow 30073 Requested miniwindow does not exist
eBrushStyleNotValid 30074 Invalid settings for brush parameter

Some functions return other values - these are documented for those particular functions.

You can copy the error codes from the appropriate section below and paste into the start of your script file, to predefine all known return codes.

Error codes ready for use in VBscript programs

const eOK = 0 ' No error
const eWorldOpen = 30001 ' The world is already open
const eWorldClosed = 30002 ' The world is closed, this action cannot be performed
const eNoNameSpecified = 30003 ' No name has been specified where one is required
const eCannotPlaySound = 30004 ' The sound file could not be played
const eTriggerNotFound = 30005 ' The specified trigger name does not exist
const eTriggerAlreadyExists = 30006 ' Attempt to add a trigger that already exists
const eTriggerCannotBeEmpty = 30007 ' The trigger "match" string cannot be empty
const eInvalidObjectLabel = 30008 ' The name of this object is invalid
const eScriptNameNotLocated = 30009 ' Script name is not in the script file
const eAliasNotFound = 30010 ' The specified alias name does not exist
const eAliasAlreadyExists = 30011 ' Attempt to add a alias that already exists
const eAliasCannotBeEmpty = 30012 ' The alias "match" string cannot be empty
const eCouldNotOpenFile = 30013 ' Unable to open requested file
const eLogFileNotOpen = 30014 ' Log file was not open
const eLogFileAlreadyOpen = 30015 ' Log file was already open
const eLogFileBadWrite = 30016 ' Bad write to log file
const eTimerNotFound = 30017 ' The specified timer name does not exist
const eTimerAlreadyExists = 30018 ' Attempt to add a timer that already exists
const eVariableNotFound = 30019 ' Attempt to delete a variable that does not exist
const eCommandNotEmpty = 30020 ' Attempt to use SetCommand with a non-empty command window
const eBadRegularExpression = 30021 ' Bad regular expression syntax
const eTimeInvalid = 30022 ' Time given to AddTimer is invalid
const eBadMapItem = 30023 ' Direction given to AddToMapper is invalid
const eNoMapItems = 30024 ' No items in mapper
const eUnknownOption = 30025 ' Option name not found
const eOptionOutOfRange = 30026 ' New value for option is out of range
const eTriggerSequenceOutOfRange = 30027 ' Trigger sequence value invalid
const eTriggerSendToInvalid = 30028 ' Where to send trigger text to is invalid
const eTriggerLabelNotSpecified = 30029 ' Trigger label not specified/invalid for 'send to variable'
const ePluginFileNotFound = 30030 ' File name specified for plugin not found
const eProblemsLoadingPlugin = 30031 ' There was a parsing or other problem loading the plugin
const ePluginCannotSetOption = 30032 ' Plugin is not allowed to set this option
const ePluginCannotGetOption = 30033 ' Plugin is not allowed to get this option
const eNoSuchPlugin = 30034 ' Requested plugin is not installed
const eNotAPlugin = 30035 ' Only a plugin can do this
const eNoSuchRoutine = 30036 ' Plugin does not support that subroutine (subroutine not in script)
const ePluginDoesNotSaveState = 30037 ' Plugin does not support saving state
const ePluginCouldNotSaveState = 30037 ' Plugin could not save state (eg. no state directory)
const ePluginDisabled = 30039 ' Plugin is currently disabled
const eErrorCallingPluginRoutine = 30040 ' Could not call plugin routine
const eCommandsNestedTooDeeply = 30041 ' Calls to "Execute" nested too deeply
const eCannotCreateChatSocket = 30042 ' Unable to create socket for chat connection
const eCannotLookupDomainName = 30043 ' Unable to do DNS (domain name) lookup for chat connection
const eNoChatConnections = 30044 ' No chat connections open
const eChatPersonNotFound = 30045 ' Requested chat person not connected
const eBadParameter = 30046 ' General problem with a parameter to a script call
const eChatAlreadyListening = 30047 ' Already listening for incoming chats
const eChatIDNotFound = 30048 ' Chat session with that ID not found
const eChatAlreadyConnected = 30049 ' Already connected to that server/port
const eClipboardEmpty = 30050 ' Cannot get (text from the) clipboard
const eFileNotFound = 30051 ' Cannot open the specified file
const eAlreadyTransferringFile = 30052 ' Already transferring a file
const eNotTransferringFile = 30053 ' Not transferring a file
const eNoSuchCommand = 30054 ' There is not a command of that name
const eArrayAlreadyExists = 30055 ' That array already exists
const eBadKeyName = 30056 ' That name is not permitted for a key
const eArrayDoesNotExist = 30056 ' That array does not exist
const eArrayNotEvenNumberOfValues = 30057 ' Values to be imported into array are not in pairs
const eImportedWithDuplicates = 30058 ' Import succeeded, however some values were overwritten
const eBadDelimiter = 30059 ' Import/export delimiter must be a single character, other than backslash
const eSetReplacingExistingValue = 30060 ' Array element set, existing value overwritten
const eKeyDoesNotExist = 30061 ' Array key does not exist
const eCannotImport = 30062 ' Cannot import because cannot find unused temporary character
const eItemInUse = 30063 ' Cannot delete trigger/alias/timer because it is executing a script
const eSpellCheckNotActive = 30064 ' Spell checker is not active
const eCannotAddFont = 30065 ' Cannot create requested font
const ePenStyleNotValid = 30066 ' Invalid settings for pen parameter
const eUnableToLoadImage = 30067 ' Bitmap image could not be loaded
const eImageNotInstalled = 30068 ' Image has not been loaded into window
const eInvalidNumberOfPoints = 30069 ' Number of points supplied is incorrect
const eInvalidPoint = 30070 ' Point is not numeric
const eHotspotPluginChanged = 30071 ' Hotspot processing must all be in same plugin
const eHotspotNotInstalled = 30072 ' Hotspot has not been defined for this window
const eNoSuchWindow = 30073 ' Requested miniwindow does not exist
const eBrushStyleNotValid = 30074 ' Invalid settings for brush parameter

Error codes ready for use in Jscript programs

var eOK = 0; // No error
var eWorldOpen = 30001; // The world is already open
var eWorldClosed = 30002; // The world is closed, this action cannot be performed
var eNoNameSpecified = 30003; // No name has been specified where one is required
var eCannotPlaySound = 30004; // The sound file could not be played
var eTriggerNotFound = 30005; // The specified trigger name does not exist
var eTriggerAlreadyExists = 30006; // Attempt to add a trigger that already exists
var eTriggerCannotBeEmpty = 30007; // The trigger "match" string cannot be empty
var eInvalidObjectLabel = 30008; // The name of this object is invalid
var eScriptNameNotLocated = 30009; // Script name is not in the script file
var eAliasNotFound = 30010; // The specified alias name does not exist
var eAliasAlreadyExists = 30011; // Attempt to add a alias that already exists
var eAliasCannotBeEmpty = 30012; // The alias "match" string cannot be empty
var eCouldNotOpenFile = 30013; // Unable to open requested file
var eLogFileNotOpen = 30014; // Log file was not open
var eLogFileAlreadyOpen = 30015; // Log file was already open
var eLogFileBadWrite = 30016; // Bad write to log file
var eTimerNotFound = 30017; // The specified timer name does not exist
var eTimerAlreadyExists = 30018; // Attempt to add a timer that already exists
var eVariableNotFound = 30019; // Attempt to delete a variable that does not exist
var eCommandNotEmpty = 30020; // Attempt to use SetCommand with a non-empty command window
var eBadRegularExpression = 30021; // Bad regular expression syntax
var eTimeInvalid = 30022; // Time given to AddTimer is invalid
var eBadMapItem = 30023; // Direction given to AddToMapper is invalid
var eNoMapItems = 30024; // No items in mapper
var eUnknownOption = 30025; // Option name not found
var eOptionOutOfRange = 30026; // New value for option is out of range
var eTriggerSequenceOutOfRange = 30027; // Trigger sequence value invalid
var eTriggerSendToInvalid = 30028; // Where to send trigger text to is invalid
var eTriggerLabelNotSpecified = 30029; // Trigger label not specified/invalid for 'send to variable'
var ePluginFileNotFound = 30030; // File name specified for plugin not found
var eProblemsLoadingPlugin = 30031; // There was a parsing or other problem loading the plugin
var ePluginCannotSetOption = 30032; // Plugin is not allowed to set this option
var ePluginCannotGetOption = 30033; // Plugin is not allowed to get this option
var eNoSuchPlugin = 30034; // Requested plugin is not installed
var eNotAPlugin = 30035; // Only a plugin can do this
var eNoSuchRoutine = 30036; // Plugin does not support that subroutine (subroutine not in script)
var ePluginDoesNotSaveState = 30037; // Plugin does not support saving state
var ePluginCouldNotSaveState = 30037; // Plugin could not save state (eg. no state directory)
var ePluginDisabled = 30039; // Plugin is currently disabled
var eErrorCallingPluginRoutine = 30040; // Could not call plugin routine
var eCommandsNestedTooDeeply = 30041; // Calls to "Execute" nested too deeply
var eCannotCreateChatSocket = 30042; // Unable to create socket for chat connection
var eCannotLookupDomainName = 30043; // Unable to do DNS (domain name) lookup for chat connection
var eNoChatConnections = 30044; // No chat connections open
var eChatPersonNotFound = 30045; // Requested chat person not connected
var eBadParameter = 30046; // General problem with a parameter to a script call
var eChatAlreadyListening = 30047; // Already listening for incoming chats
var eChatIDNotFound = 30048; // Chat session with that ID not found
var eChatAlreadyConnected = 30049; // Already connected to that server/port
var eClipboardEmpty = 30050; // Cannot get (text from the) clipboard
var eFileNotFound = 30051; // Cannot open the specified file
var eAlreadyTransferringFile = 30052; // Already transferring a file
var eNotTransferringFile = 30053; // Not transferring a file
var eNoSuchCommand = 30054; // There is not a command of that name
var eArrayAlreadyExists = 30055; // That array already exists
var eBadKeyName = 30056; // That name is not permitted for a key
var eArrayDoesNotExist = 30056; // That array does not exist
var eArrayNotEvenNumberOfValues = 30057; // Values to be imported into array are not in pairs
var eImportedWithDuplicates = 30058; // Import succeeded, however some values were overwritten
var eBadDelimiter = 30059; // Import/export delimiter must be a single character, other than backslash
var eSetReplacingExistingValue = 30060; // Array element set, existing value overwritten
var eKeyDoesNotExist = 30061; // Array key does not exist
var eCannotImport = 30062; // Cannot import because cannot find unused temporary character
var eItemInUse = 30063; // Cannot delete trigger/alias/timer because it is executing a script
var eSpellCheckNotActive = 30064; // Spell checker is not active
var eCannotAddFont = 30065; // Cannot create requested font
var ePenStyleNotValid = 30066; // Invalid settings for pen parameter
var eUnableToLoadImage = 30067; // Bitmap image could not be loaded
var eImageNotInstalled = 30068; // Image has not been loaded into window
var eInvalidNumberOfPoints = 30069; // Number of points supplied is incorrect
var eInvalidPoint = 30070; // Point is not numeric
var eHotspotPluginChanged = 30071; // Hotspot processing must all be in same plugin
var eHotspotNotInstalled = 30072; // Hotspot has not been defined for this window
var eNoSuchWindow = 30073; // Requested miniwindow does not exist
var eBrushStyleNotValid = 30074; // Invalid settings for brush parameter

Error codes ready for use in PerlScript programs

my $eOK = 0; # No error
my $eWorldOpen = 30001; # The world is already open
my $eWorldClosed = 30002; # The world is closed, this action cannot be performed
my $eNoNameSpecified = 30003; # No name has been specified where one is required
my $eCannotPlaySound = 30004; # The sound file could not be played
my $eTriggerNotFound = 30005; # The specified trigger name does not exist
my $eTriggerAlreadyExists = 30006; # Attempt to add a trigger that already exists
my $eTriggerCannotBeEmpty = 30007; # The trigger "match" string cannot be empty
my $eInvalidObjectLabel = 30008; # The name of this object is invalid
my $eScriptNameNotLocated = 30009; # Script name is not in the script file
my $eAliasNotFound = 30010; # The specified alias name does not exist
my $eAliasAlreadyExists = 30011; # Attempt to add a alias that already exists
my $eAliasCannotBeEmpty = 30012; # The alias "match" string cannot be empty
my $eCouldNotOpenFile = 30013; # Unable to open requested file
my $eLogFileNotOpen = 30014; # Log file was not open
my $eLogFileAlreadyOpen = 30015; # Log file was already open
my $eLogFileBadWrite = 30016; # Bad write to log file
my $eTimerNotFound = 30017; # The specified timer name does not exist
my $eTimerAlreadyExists = 30018; # Attempt to add a timer that already exists
my $eVariableNotFound = 30019; # Attempt to delete a variable that does not exist
my $eCommandNotEmpty = 30020; # Attempt to use SetCommand with a non-empty command window
my $eBadRegularExpression = 30021; # Bad regular expression syntax
my $eTimeInvalid = 30022; # Time given to AddTimer is invalid
my $eBadMapItem = 30023; # Direction given to AddToMapper is invalid
my $eNoMapItems = 30024; # No items in mapper
my $eUnknownOption = 30025; # Option name not found
my $eOptionOutOfRange = 30026; # New value for option is out of range
my $eTriggerSequenceOutOfRange = 30027; # Trigger sequence value invalid
my $eTriggerSendToInvalid = 30028; # Where to send trigger text to is invalid
my $eTriggerLabelNotSpecified = 30029; # Trigger label not specified/invalid for 'send to variable'
my $ePluginFileNotFound = 30030; # File name specified for plugin not found
my $eProblemsLoadingPlugin = 30031; # There was a parsing or other problem loading the plugin
my $ePluginCannotSetOption = 30032; # Plugin is not allowed to set this option
my $ePluginCannotGetOption = 30033; # Plugin is not allowed to get this option
my $eNoSuchPlugin = 30034; # Requested plugin is not installed
my $eNotAPlugin = 30035; # Only a plugin can do this
my $eNoSuchRoutine = 30036; # Plugin does not support that subroutine (subroutine not in script)
my $ePluginDoesNotSaveState = 30037; # Plugin does not support saving state
my $ePluginCouldNotSaveState = 30037; # Plugin could not save state (eg. no state directory)
my $ePluginDisabled = 30039; # Plugin is currently disabled
my $eErrorCallingPluginRoutine = 30040; # Could not call plugin routine
my $eCommandsNestedTooDeeply = 30041; # Calls to "Execute" nested too deeply
my $eCannotCreateChatSocket = 30042; # Unable to create socket for chat connection
my $eCannotLookupDomainName = 30043; # Unable to do DNS (domain name) lookup for chat connection
my $eNoChatConnections = 30044; # No chat connections open
my $eChatPersonNotFound = 30045; # Requested chat person not connected
my $eBadParameter = 30046; # General problem with a parameter to a script call
my $eChatAlreadyListening = 30047; # Already listening for incoming chats
my $eChatIDNotFound = 30048; # Chat session with that ID not found
my $eChatAlreadyConnected = 30049; # Already connected to that server/port
my $eClipboardEmpty = 30050; # Cannot get (text from the) clipboard
my $eFileNotFound = 30051; # Cannot open the specified file
my $eAlreadyTransferringFile = 30052; # Already transferring a file
my $eNotTransferringFile = 30053; # Not transferring a file
my $eNoSuchCommand = 30054; # There is not a command of that name
my $eArrayAlreadyExists = 30055; # That array already exists
my $eBadKeyName = 30056; # That name is not permitted for a key
my $eArrayDoesNotExist = 30056; # That array does not exist
my $eArrayNotEvenNumberOfValues = 30057; # Values to be imported into array are not in pairs
my $eImportedWithDuplicates = 30058; # Import succeeded, however some values were overwritten
my $eBadDelimiter = 30059; # Import/export delimiter must be a single character, other than backslash
my $eSetReplacingExistingValue = 30060; # Array element set, existing value overwritten
my $eKeyDoesNotExist = 30061; # Array key does not exist
my $eCannotImport = 30062; # Cannot import because cannot find unused temporary character
my $eItemInUse = 30063; # Cannot delete trigger/alias/timer because it is executing a script
my $eSpellCheckNotActive = 30064; # Spell checker is not active
my $eCannotAddFont = 30065; # Cannot create requested font
my $ePenStyleNotValid = 30066; # Invalid settings for pen parameter
my $eUnableToLoadImage = 30067; # Bitmap image could not be loaded
my $eImageNotInstalled = 30068; # Image has not been loaded into window
my $eInvalidNumberOfPoints = 30069; # Number of points supplied is incorrect
my $eInvalidPoint = 30070; # Point is not numeric
my $eHotspotPluginChanged = 30071; # Hotspot processing must all be in same plugin
my $eHotspotNotInstalled = 30072; # Hotspot has not been defined for this window
my $eNoSuchWindow = 30073; # Requested miniwindow does not exist
my $eBrushStyleNotValid = 30074; # Invalid settings for brush parameter

Error codes ready for use in Python programs

eOK = 0 # No error
eWorldOpen = 30001 # The world is already open
eWorldClosed = 30002 # The world is closed, this action cannot be performed
eNoNameSpecified = 30003 # No name has been specified where one is required
eCannotPlaySound = 30004 # The sound file could not be played
eTriggerNotFound = 30005 # The specified trigger name does not exist
eTriggerAlreadyExists = 30006 # Attempt to add a trigger that already exists
eTriggerCannotBeEmpty = 30007 # The trigger "match" string cannot be empty
eInvalidObjectLabel = 30008 # The name of this object is invalid
eScriptNameNotLocated = 30009 # Script name is not in the script file
eAliasNotFound = 30010 # The specified alias name does not exist
eAliasAlreadyExists = 30011 # Attempt to add a alias that already exists
eAliasCannotBeEmpty = 30012 # The alias "match" string cannot be empty
eCouldNotOpenFile = 30013 # Unable to open requested file
eLogFileNotOpen = 30014 # Log file was not open
eLogFileAlreadyOpen = 30015 # Log file was already open
eLogFileBadWrite = 30016 # Bad write to log file
eTimerNotFound = 30017 # The specified timer name does not exist
eTimerAlreadyExists = 30018 # Attempt to add a timer that already exists
eVariableNotFound = 30019 # Attempt to delete a variable that does not exist
eCommandNotEmpty = 30020 # Attempt to use SetCommand with a non-empty command window
eBadRegularExpression = 30021 # Bad regular expression syntax
eTimeInvalid = 30022 # Time given to AddTimer is invalid
eBadMapItem = 30023 # Direction given to AddToMapper is invalid
eNoMapItems = 30024 # No items in mapper
eUnknownOption = 30025 # Option name not found
eOptionOutOfRange = 30026 # New value for option is out of range
eTriggerSequenceOutOfRange = 30027 # Trigger sequence value invalid
eTriggerSendToInvalid = 30028 # Where to send trigger text to is invalid
eTriggerLabelNotSpecified = 30029 # Trigger label not specified/invalid for 'send to variable'
ePluginFileNotFound = 30030 # File name specified for plugin not found
eProblemsLoadingPlugin = 30031 # There was a parsing or other problem loading the plugin
ePluginCannotSetOption = 30032 # Plugin is not allowed to set this option
ePluginCannotGetOption = 30033 # Plugin is not allowed to get this option
eNoSuchPlugin = 30034 # Requested plugin is not installed
eNotAPlugin = 30035 # Only a plugin can do this
eNoSuchRoutine = 30036 # Plugin does not support that subroutine (subroutine not in script)
ePluginDoesNotSaveState = 30037 # Plugin does not support saving state
ePluginCouldNotSaveState = 30037 # Plugin could not save state (eg. no state directory)
ePluginDisabled = 30039 # Plugin is currently disabled
eErrorCallingPluginRoutine = 30040 # Could not call plugin routine
eCommandsNestedTooDeeply = 30041 # Calls to "Execute" nested too deeply
eCannotCreateChatSocket = 30042 # Unable to create socket for chat connection
eCannotLookupDomainName = 30043 # Unable to do DNS (domain name) lookup for chat connection
eNoChatConnections = 30044 # No chat connections open
eChatPersonNotFound = 30045 # Requested chat person not connected
eBadParameter = 30046 # General problem with a parameter to a script call
eChatAlreadyListening = 30047 # Already listening for incoming chats
eChatIDNotFound = 30048 # Chat session with that ID not found
eChatAlreadyConnected = 30049 # Already connected to that server/port
eClipboardEmpty = 30050 # Cannot get (text from the) clipboard
eFileNotFound = 30051 # Cannot open the specified file
eAlreadyTransferringFile = 30052 # Already transferring a file
eNotTransferringFile = 30053 # Not transferring a file
eNoSuchCommand = 30054 # There is not a command of that name
eArrayAlreadyExists = 30055 # That array already exists
eBadKeyName = 30056 # That name is not permitted for a key
eArrayDoesNotExist = 30056 # That array does not exist
eArrayNotEvenNumberOfValues = 30057 # Values to be imported into array are not in pairs
eImportedWithDuplicates = 30058 # Import succeeded, however some values were overwritten
eBadDelimiter = 30059 # Import/export delimiter must be a single character, other than backslash
eSetReplacingExistingValue = 30060 # Array element set, existing value overwritten
eKeyDoesNotExist = 30061 # Array key does not exist
eCannotImport = 30062 # Cannot import because cannot find unused temporary character
eItemInUse = 30063 # Cannot delete trigger/alias/timer because it is executing a script
eSpellCheckNotActive = 30064 # Spell checker is not active
eCannotAddFont = 30065 # Cannot create requested font
ePenStyleNotValid = 30066 # Invalid settings for pen parameter
eUnableToLoadImage = 30067 # Bitmap image could not be loaded
eImageNotInstalled = 30068 # Image has not been loaded into window
eInvalidNumberOfPoints = 30069 # Number of points supplied is incorrect
eInvalidPoint = 30070 # Point is not numeric
eHotspotPluginChanged = 30071 # Hotspot processing must all be in same plugin
eHotspotNotInstalled = 30072 # Hotspot has not been defined for this window
eNoSuchWindow = 30073 # Requested miniwindow does not exist
eBrushStyleNotValid = 30074 # Invalid settings for brush parameter


Quick links: MUSHclient. MUSHclient help. Forum shortcuts. Posting templates. Lua modules. Lua documentation.

Information and images on this site are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia License unless stated otherwise.
