This lets you add a word to the spell checker "user dictionary" from within a script.
result = AddSpellCheckWord (original_word, action, replacement)
original_word = word to match on
action = one of the following single characters (case-sensitive):
'a' = The word should be unconditionally substituted for another word; the substitution should use the case pattern as listed in the lexicon.
'A' = The word should be unconditionally substituted for another word; the substitution should use the case pattern of the original word.
'c' = The word should be conditionally substituted for another word; the substitution should use the case pattern as listed in the lexicon.
'C' = The word should be conditionally substituted for another word; the substitution should use the case pattern of the original word.
'e' = The word should be treated as misspelled by the spell checker, even if it is defined in other lexicons.
'i' = The word should be ignored (skipped) because it is considered correctly spelled.
replacement = the word to replace (or suggest a replacement for) the original word
AddSpellCheckWord ("foo", "A", "bar") --> convert "foo" to "bar"
AddSpellCheckWord ("colour", "i", "") --> "colour" is spelt correctly
Note: Available in version 3.74 onwards.
VBscript example
AddSpellCheckWord "foo", "A", "bar" ' convert "foo" to "bar"
AddSpellCheckWord "colour", "i", "" ' "colour" is spelt correctly
Lua example
AddSpellCheckWord ("foo", "A", "bar") --> convert "foo" to "bar"
AddSpellCheckWord ("colour", "i", "") --> "colour" is spelt correctly
Lua notes
The third argument (replacement word) is optional and defaults to an empty string.
eSpellCheckNotActive - spell checker not enabled or could not be opened
eBadParameter -
original_word not supplied or too long (more than 63 characters); or
replacement word too long (more than 63 characters); or
error returned from spell-check engine
eUnknownOption - action code not in the above list