This starts the process of sending a file to the specified chat ID.
If the file name is empty, then you will be prompted with a "choose file" dialog box, so you can pick the file with the normal Window file browser.
If the file name is not empty, then MUSHclient will attempt to send that file.
The recipient of the file must have allowed file sending, or you will get an error message.
You cannot send more than one file at a time - you will get an error if you attempt to send a file whilst sending, or receiving, another one (to that user).
You can use GetChatInfo to see if a file transfer is in progres.
You can use SetChatOption to set the "can_send_files" flag.
Each call is identified by its "chat ID" - each chat session has a unique ID, which starts at one, and is incremented by one, per world.
You can use GetChatList to find a list of chat IDs that is current.
You can use ChatGetID to find the chat ID corresponding to a particular chat name.
Note that an "OK" response merely means that we have sent a request to the other user to accept the file. There is no guarantee that s/he will want it.
Note: Available in version 3.37 onwards.
VBscript example
ChatSendFile ChatGetID ("fred"), "" ' send a file that you choose
Jscript example
ChatSendFile (ChatGetID ("fred"), ""); // send a file that you choose
PerlScript example
ChatSendFile (ChatGetID ("fred"), ""); # send a file that you choose
Python example
world.ChatSendFile (world.ChatGetID ("fred"), "") # send a file that you choose
Lua example
ChatSendFile (ChatGetID ("fred")) -- send a file that you choose
Lua notes
The file name is optional. If omitted you will be prompted for one.
eChatIDNotFound: That chat ID is not connected
eAlreadyTransferringFile: Already transferring a file
eFileNotFound: That file not found, or user cancelled file picker dialog box
eOK: File transfer initiated