Saves the current world, under the specified filename. Supply a blank file name to save under the current name.
Also, all plugins are forced to save their current state.
Under Lua (only) you can do a "save as" which saves under a new name, but preserves the original name, see below.
VBscript example
world.Save "" ' Saves under current name
world.Save "my_new_name.mcl" ' Saves under new name
Jscript example
world.Save(""); // Saves under current name
PerlScript example
$world->Save(""); # Saves under current name
Python example
world.Save("") # Saves under current name
Lua example
Save("") -- Saves under current name
Save ("my_new_name.mcl") -- Save under a new name - which is used for future saves
Save ("my_backup.mcl", true) -- Save a copy under a different name, original name is unchanged
Lua notes
The filename is optional, if not supplied the file is saved under its current name, if any.
You can supply a second boolean argument. If true, MUSHclient does a "save as", which means the file is saved under the given name, however the original name is preserved for future save. If you do a "save as" the file name is not optional.
Note under Lua the return codes are a bit misleading:
false: saved OK
true: did not save OK