This draws a line from x1,y1 to x2,y2 with the designated pen.
Note that changes to miniwindows will not become visible until the output window is redrawn. This happens when new (visible) lines arrive from the MUD, or if you call WindowShow, or Redraw.
WindowName - the name of an existing miniwindow.
x1, y2 - the starting point for the line.
x2, y2 - the ending point for the line (note: the x2, y2 point is taken literally, zero or negative numbers have no special significance, as at version 4.38 of MUSHclient).
You can use the following constants for the pen style:
miniwin.pen_solid = 0
miniwin.pen_dash = 1
miniwin.pen_dot = 2
miniwin.pen_dash_dot = 3
miniwin.pen_dash_dot_dot = 4
miniwin.pen_null = 5
miniwin.pen_inside_frame = 6
-- how lines join (eg. in polygons) (add this to the style)
miniwin.pen_join_round = 0
miniwin.pen_join_bevel = 4096
miniwin.pen_join_miter = 8192
-- how lines end (add this to the style)
miniwin.pen_endcap_round = 0
miniwin.pen_endcap_square = 256
miniwin.pen_endcap_flat = 512
eNoSuchWindow - no such miniwindow
ePenStyleNotValid - invalid pen style
eOK - completed OK