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MUSHclient scripting

Description of MUSHclient world function: world.WindowPosition

Name WindowPosition
Type Method
Summary Moves a miniwindow
Prototype long WindowPosition(BSTR WindowName, long Left, long Top, short Position, long Flags);

This lets you move a miniwindow. This is only really useful if you are setting the "Absolute location" flag when creating it. In this case, if you notice the output window has been resized, you may want to resposition the window, without having to re-create it, and redraw all its contents.

The output window is scheduled for a redraw if this function is successful.

WindowName - the name of an existing miniwindow.

Left, Top - the top/left corner to position it, inside the MUSHclient output window.

(This may be 0,0 if you are using auto-positioning).

Position - a number indicating where you want the window positioned on the screen. Whenever the screen is resized or redrawn the contents of the window are drawn in the requested position:

0 = strech to output view size
1 = stretch with aspect ratio
2 = strech to owner size
3 = stretch with aspect ratio
4 = top left
5 = center left-right at top
6 = top right
7 = on right, center top-bottom
8 = on right, at bottom
9 = center left-right at bottom
10 = on left, at bottom
11 = on left, center top-bottom
12 = centre all
13 = tile

Flags - this can be a combination of the following bits (that is, add them together if you want more than one):

1 - Draw underneath. If set, the miniwindow is drawn beneath the scrolling text in the output window.

2 - Absolute location. If set, the miniwindow is not subject to auto positioning (so the Position argument is ignored), and it is located exactly at the Left, Top position designated in the function call. By setting this bit you have absolute control over where the window will appear.

4 - Transparent. If set, whenever a pixel in the contents of the window matches the BackgroundColour, it is not drawn, and the text underneath shows through. This lets you make odd-shape windows like stars or circles, by filling the outside (the part you don't want to see) with the background colour.

8 - Ignore mouse. If set, this miniwindow is not considered for mouse-over, mouse-down, mouse-up events.

16 - Keep existing hotspots. If set, hotspots are not deleted if you are recreating an existing miniwindow (with WindowCreate).

For more information, see:

Note: Available in version 4.34 onwards.

Lua notes
You can use the following constants for the position:

miniwin.pos_stretch_to_view = 0
miniwin.pos_stretch_to_view_with_aspect = 1
miniwin.pos_stretch_to_owner = 2
miniwin.pos_stretch_to_owner_with_aspect = 3
miniwin.pos_top_left = 4
miniwin.pos_top_center = 5
miniwin.pos_top_right = 6
miniwin.pos_center_right = 7
miniwin.pos_bottom_right = 8
miniwin.pos_bottom_center = 9
miniwin.pos_bottom_left = 10
miniwin.pos_center_left = 11
miniwin.pos_center_all = 12
miniwin.pos_tile = 13

You can use the following constants for the flags:

miniwin.create_underneath = 1
miniwin.create_absolute_location = 2
miniwin.create_transparent = 4
miniwin.create_ignore_mouse = 8
miniwin.create_keep_hotspots = 16
Returns eNoSuchWindow - no such miniwindow
eOK - success
Introduced in version 4.34

See also ...

Function Description
WindowCreate Creates a miniwindow
WindowInfo Returns information about a miniwindow
WindowList Lists all miniwindows

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