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MUSHclient scripting

Description of MUSHclient world function: world.WindowSetZOrder

Name WindowSetZOrder
Type Method
Summary Sets the Z-Order for a miniwindow
Prototype long WindowSetZOrder(BSTR WindowName, long Order);

Sets a Z-Order (drawing order) for the miniwindow.

Note that changes to miniwindows will not become visible until the output window is redrawn. This happens when new (visible) lines arrive from the MUD, or if you call WindowShow, or Redraw.


WindowName - the name of an existing miniwindow.

Order - the order to draw the window. Lower is drawn sooner. Windows with the same Z-Order are drawn in window name order. So for example, the default case of a zero Z-Order results in windows being drawn in name order.

More specifically:

* Windows with a negative Z-order are drawn first (in order, so -2 would be drawn before -1).

* Windows with a zero Z-order (the default) are drawn next, in name order (lower name first)

* Windows with a positive Z-order are drawn last, in Z-order sequence.

* If there are two (or more) windows with the same Z-order number, they are drawn in name order.

Note that being "drawn first" means that a window appears underneath a window which is drawn later.

Note: Available in version 4.73 onwards.

Lua example
WindowSetZOrder (win, 20)
Returns eNoSuchWindow - no such miniwindow

eOK - success
Introduced in version 4.73

See also ...

Function Description
WindowArc Draws an arc in a miniwindow
WindowBezier Draws a Bézier curve in a miniwindow
WindowCircleOp Draws ellipses, filled rectangles, round rectangles, chords, pies in a miniwindow
WindowCreate Creates a miniwindow
WindowDrawImage Draws an image into a miniwindow
WindowGetPixel Gets the colour of a single pixel in a miniwindow
WindowLine Draws a line in a miniwindow
WindowPolygon Draws a polygon in a miniwindow
WindowRectOp Draws a rectangle in a miniwindow

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