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SMAUG server FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about SMAUG server.

Summary Common wizard commands
Question How do I do things on SMAUG, like changing stats, moving players to another room, and so on?

Here is a summary of commands I worked out whilst using SMAUG. It is not comprehensive, but is a good start if you don't know what you are doing. :)

Most of this stuff comes from the help file, but it helps to just browse through it.


Here are some examples to get you going:

Command Meaning
mstat self look at my stats
mset self hp 4000 bump up my HP
restore self restore to full HP
zones list all available zones
goto 10000 go to room vnum 10000
goto (name) go to the room with the mob/player named (name) in it
regoto go back to where I was before
holylight let me see in the dark without a lamp
sset self elvish 100 learn the elvish language (100% level)
mset self speaks elvish flag as actually knowing elvish
sset self all 100 learn all skills and spells
mset self full 100 not hungry anymore
mset self thirst 100 not thirsty anymore
mset self mentalstate 0 good mental state
mset self align 20 change alignment
mset self gold 100000 more gold!
slookup list all skills and spells
slookup uppercut show details about 'uppercut' skill/spell
advance Brardowyn 14 advance Brardowyn to level 14
sset Brardowyn 'faerie fog' 100 Brardowyn now knows the faerie fog spell
tran Brardowyn 10000 transfer Brardowyn to room vnum 10000
retran Brardowyn put Brardowyn back where s/he came from
ofind dagger find all objects with 'dagger' in their name
oinvoke 10308 create an instance of object 10308 and put in my inventory
vsearch 10308 list all instances of object 10308 in the game
mfind kobold find all mobs with 'kobold' in their name
minvoke 10300 create an instance of mob 10300 in the current room
slay (mob) immediately kill the named mob
peace stop all fighting in current room

In the above examples, you can substitute another player's name for "self".


:           :           authorize   at          aassign     advance
allow       aset        astat       avtalk      balzhur     bamfin
bamfout     ban         bestow      bodybag     boards      bset
bstat       bestowarea  checkvnums  cmenu       cedit       coinduct
cooutcast   cset        cmdtable    deny        destro      destroy
disconnect  dmesg       diagnose    echo        fixchar     foldarea
for         force       forceclose  formpass    freeze      fquit
goto        grub        hedit       hell        holylight   hset
immtalk     immtalk     immortalize induct      installarea instazone
invis       instaroom   last        litterbug   loadarea    loadup
log         make        makeboard   makeclan    makecouncil makerepair
makeshop    makewizlist map         mapout      massign     mcreate
mdelete     memory      mfind       minvoke     mlist       mmenu
mpedit      mpstat      mrange      mset        mstat       muse
mwhere      makedeity   newbieset   newzones    noemote     noresolve
notell      notitle     oassign     ocreate     odelete     ofind
oinvoke     olist       omenu       opedit      opstat      orange
ostat       outcast     owhere      opentourney oset        ogrub
pagelength  pardon      peace       purge       purge       qpset
rank        rassign     rat         rdelete     reboo       reboot
recho       redit       redraw      refresh     regoto      repairset

repairshops repairstat  reset       restore     restoretime restrict
return      retran      retire      rlist       rmenu       rpedit
rpstat      rset        rstat       rreset      savearea    sedit
setboot     setclan     setcouncil  shops       shopset     shopstat
showclan    showcouncil shutdow     shutdown    silence     sla
slay        slookup     snoop       sober       sset        switch
setdeity    showdeity   showclass   setclass    think       transfer
trust       timecmd     unfoldarea  unhell      users       unsilence
vnums       vsearch     wizlock     zones

Note: You can refer to yourself as "self" (eg. LOOK SELF).


Associated help files: authorize

Authorize <player> name

This is the command used to allow a player to continue in the Spectral Gate pre-auth area, but will make them choose a new name prior to entering the Academy.

Authorize <player> yes

This is used to accept a players name. Once this command is used, the player requires no further Immortal commands to enter the game.

Authorize <player> no

Denies a player's name and also forces them to leave the game.


Syntax: advance <character> <level>

ADVANCE sets a character's level to the specified value. It is the only way to create new immortal characters within the game. ADVANCE may also be used to demote characters.


Syntax:  astat                      (area stats for the area you are in)
Syntax:  astat <filename of area>   (area stats for specified area)

Astat displays the vital stats of an area, including the following:

Name title of the area
Filename filename of the area
Prototype If the area is prototype or under construction, will be 'yes'
Max_players max # of players in the area as of last reboot
IllegalPks number of illegal pkills in the area since last reboot
Gold looted total amount of gold looted from the area since last reboot
Area Economy current pool of gold for the area (not including player gold)
Mdeaths number of players mobs killed in the area since last reboot
Mkills number of mobs killed in the area since last reboot
Pdeaths/Pkills number of players killed by players in area since reboot
Author name of the area's author
Number Players current number of players in the area
Area flags area-wide flags (such as nopkill)
Low/hi_room first/last room vnum of the area
Low/hi_obj first/last object vnum of the area
Low/hi_mob first/last mob vnum of the area
Soft range level range recommended for the area
Hard range level range enforced for area (outside range cannot enter)
Resetmsg current reset message for the area at repop
Reset frequency frequency with which the area resets



Syntax:  bestow <victim> command [command] [command] etc
Syntax:  bestow <victim> list
Syntax:  bestow <victim> none

Bestow is used to give a command to a player that they would not normally have as a function of their level.

Bestow victim command will give the command to the person.

Bestow victim list will show all commands corrently bestowed on the person.

Bestow victim none will remove all bestowments.


Syntax:  bodybag <character>

Bodybag retrieves all of <character's> corpses and places them into your inventory, as well as removes the decay timer on each. This is primarily used for performing corpse retrievals and the like.


Syntax:  fixchar <character>

Resets a character's saving throws and mentalstate. Should probably not be done while the character is equipped.


Syntax:  for <argument> <command>
Syntax:  for <argument> <command> <target>

For allows an immortal to perform a command at or even on a large number of targets. The arguments include: all, mobs, gods.

Example: for gods gl, you will 'glance' in the room of every god who is online (include link-dead)

You can also perform an action on the argument target.

Example: for mobs poke #, you will perform the 'poke' social on every mob in the game.

'For' does not override private flags.


Syntax:  force <victim> <command>
Syntax:  force all <command>

Force forces one mob or character to execute a command.

FORCE 'all' forces _all_ everywhere in the game to execute a command, typically used for 'force all save'.

Note that the level required to use force on mobs can be different than the level required to use force on players, and can be adjusted via 'cset' (see 'help cset').


Syntax: goto <location>

GOTO takes you to a location. The location may be specified as a vnum, as the name of a mobile, or as the name of an object.

If the location is a vnum, and it does not already exist, and it is within your room vnum range; it shall be created for your to edit further with REDIT.

You may not GOTO a room if it is PRIVATE and has two (or more) characters already present, or if it is SOLITARY and has one (or more) characters already present.



Here is some reference data you will need in order to use GRUB.

Sex          Class       Race         Fields   Clans        Councils
0 Neutral  0 Mage      0 Human        Name     1 1st Guild  1 1st Council
1 Male     1 Cleric    1 Elf          Sex      2 2nd Guild  2 2nd Council
2 Female   2 Thief     2 Dwarf        Class    3 ... so on  3 ... so on
           3 Warrior   3 Halfling     Race
           4 Vampire   4 Pixie        Level
           5 Druid     5 Vampire      Room
           6 Ranger    6 Half Ogre    Gold
           7 Augurer   7 Half Orc     Clan
                       8 Half Troll   Council
                       9 Half Elf     Site
                      10 Gith         Last

Here are some sample uses of GRUB:

grub 20 pkill=y class=5      Display 20 Druid pkillers
grub 20 level=2 last<=970120 Display 20 L2 players absent since 970120
grub 20 level>=20 level<=30  Display 20 players levels 20 thru 30
grub  0 level=2              Count the number of level 2 players
grub 20 level>50 gold>100000 Display 20 imms with more than 100k gold
grub 50 damroll>100 sex=2    Display 50 females with damroll>150
grub  0 class=5 damroll>150  Count the number of druids with damroll>100
grub 20 site=123.456.789     Display 20 players from site 123.456.789
grub 10 class=0 race=2       Display 10 dwarven mages
grub  1 name=Joe             Display Joe's info
grub 20 room=7070 class=0    Display 20 mages who logged off in 7070
grub  0 class!=2 class!=3 class!=4   Count the number of mana users

You always need to specify the number of lines you want displayed. The reason for that is that we don't want to ask for a list and then get surprised to find that it's 15,000 lines long. You can get a count of the players that match your criteria by requesting zero lines.

GRUB will tell you how many lines there are in the list n matter how many you ask to display. So if there are 15,000 players that meet yur criteria and you ask for the first ten, GRUB will tell you there are 15,000 in total but will only show you the first ten.

Here are some examples illustrating common usages:


grub 20 or hitroll>150 damroll>150 gold>200000000

Suppose you want to search for "suspicious players". Suppose you want to see players who have more than 200 million gold or whose damroll exceeds 150 or whose hitroll exceeds 150 you can do that as follows:

Normally GRUB lists players who satisfy all the conditions you specify. But it can also be used like this to list players who satisfy any one of the conditions.

The operand "or" ensures GRUB will list players who satisfy any one of the conditions.

If you had specified:

grub 20 hitroll>150 damroll>150 gold>200000000

That would show you players whose hitroll exceeds 150 and whose damroll exceeds 150 and whose gold exceeds 200 million. It would be a much smaller list and you would miss many suspicous players.


grub 20 name>ska name<skb room>=21000 room<=21499

Suppose someone complains that a player with a name like "Skathamaga" picked up some of their eq and promptly quit the game. The player isn't sure of the exact name of the thief but is sure it starts with "Ska". The thief quit the game somewhere in New Darkhaven (vnums 21000-21499).

This example will show you players whose name starts with "Ska" and who last quit the mud somewhere in New Darkhaven.


Syntax: holylight
Syntax: invis

HOLYLIGHT is a toggle that allows you to see (almost) every character and mobile in the game. With holy light, you can see what's in the game more easily. Without holy light, you can see what mortal players see.

INVIS is a toggle which makes you completely invisible to all player characters of lower level than you, and to all mobiles.

When an immortal is INVIS, they will have a flag on the who list which indicates their level of invisibility, such as (51) for INVIS 51. A similar flag will also appear when you 'LOOK' in a room - this flag will say (Invis 51).

HOLYLIGHT will not allow you to see immortal INVIS characters who are higher level than you.


Syntax:  immortalize <character>

Used to advance a level 50 character (avatar) to level 51 (the first level of immortality). This command will destroy the character's inventory and display to them a pre-written message.


Town of Darkhaven:

       +===PATHWAY==========  ====================+     1 Clerics (Good)
       |                    ||                    |     2 Clerics (Evil)
       |  +===JUSTICE=ST====  =================+  |     3 Druids
       |  |                 V|                 |  |     4 Warriors
       |  F                 E|                 H  |     5 Rangers
       |  A  Cathedral      R|     (4)         A  |     6 Mages
Pixie  |  L   (1)|(2)       T|      |          W  |     7 Thieves
Forest-+  C      |          I|    .-+-\        K  |     8 Vampires
       |  O   /-----------. C| .-/     (5)     |  |     * Academy
  Haon |  N (3)            \||/                |  |          (Shops)
  Dor -+== ================[  ]==HORIZON=ST==== ==+-Cross  9 Scrolls
       |  | Bar   Inn  Hall || Ann.  (6)   *   |  | Roads 10 Potions
       |  |  (9) (10) (11)  || (15) (16) (17)  |  |       11 Magic Items
       |  +===MARKET=ST=====  =================+  |       12 Jewelry
       |  | (12) (13) (14)  || (18) (19) (20)  |  |       13 Courier
       |  |       (7)       ||                 |  |       14 Notes/Quills
       |  +--thieve's-alley- |                 |  |       15 Butcher
       |  |  (8) (21)   Art || Cult       Pets |  |       16 Baker
       |  +=================  ===LAW=ST========+  |       17 Dairy
       |                    ||                    |       18 Blacksmith
       +====================  ===+==PATHWAY=======+   N   19 Armour
       |                           |                 w+e  20 Weapons
       Graveyard                   Marina             s   21 Tailor


Syntax:  memory

Reports the current counts of objects, mobiles, rooms, etc...

Affects   (# of affects)                Areas   (# of areas loaded)
ExtDes    (# of exdescs)                Exits   (# of exits)
Helps     (# of help files)             Resets  (# of resets)
IdxMobs   (# of unique mob indexes)     Mobs    (# of mobs in game total)
IdxObjs   (# of unique obj indexes)     Objs    (unique items) (total items)
Rooms     (# of rooms in the game)      VRooms  (# of virtual rooms present)
Shops     (# of shops defined)          RepShps (# of repair shops defined)
CurOq's   (Not used)                    CurCq's (Not used)
Players   (Current # link-live players) Maxplrs (max players this reboot)
MaxEver   (Max # of players ever)       Topsn   (top sn used) (top sn open)
MaxEver time recorded at:   (date and time max users was reached)


Syntax: mfind <name>
Syntax: ofind <name>

MFIND finds all mobile types with a particular name.

OFIND finds all object types with a particular name.


Syntax: mlist
      : mlist <first mob>
      : mlist <first mob> <last mob>

This command will list all of the prototype mobs in your area, when used with no arguments. When used with a single argument it will list all mobs including and after the argument, and when used with two arguments, it will list all mobs including and between the two.


Syntax: mset <character> <field> <value>
Syntax: rset <location>  <field> <value>

MSET and RSET set the properties of mobiles and rooms respectively.

RSET has been replaced with REDIT, which allows you to change every part of a room.


If a mobile has the PROTOTYPE flag, modifying an instance of the mobile will also modify the index mobile, which all other instances of the mobile are based on.

See MCREATE and REDIT. For objects see OSET.

Also see MMENU, RMENU, and OMENU for the menu editing system.

MSET further details:

Syntax: mset <victim> <field>  <value>

Field being one of:
  str int wis dex con cha lck sex class
  gold hp mana move practice align race
  hitroll damroll armor affected level
  thirst drunk full blood flags
  pos defpos part (see BODYPARTS)
  sav1 sav2 sav4 sav4 sav5 (see SAVINGTHROWS)
  resistant immune susceptible (see RIS)
  attack defense numattacks
  speaking speaks (see LANGUAGES)
  name short long description title spec clan
  council quest qp qpa favor deity

For editing index/prototype mobiles:
  hitnumdie hitsizedie hitplus (hit points)
  damnumdie damsizedie damplus (damage roll)
To toggle area flag: aloaded
To toggle pkill flag: pkill

RSET further details:

Syntax: rset <location> <field> value

Field being one of:
  flags sector


Syntax:  mstat <character/mob or mobvnum>
Syntax:  ostat <object/object vnum>
Syntax:  rstat
Syntax:  rstat <location>

MSTAT shows you statistics on a character or mobile. If a copy of the mobile is present in the game, you can access it using its vnum.

OSTAT shows you statistics on an object. If a copy of the object is present in the game, you can acces it using its vnum.

RSTAT shows you statistics on a location. The location may be specified as a roomvnum, as the name of a mobile, or as the name of an object. Rstat with no argument returns the statistics on your present room.



Syntax:  owhere <object keyword>
Syntax:  mwhere <mob keyword>

Owhere displays the location of all instances of the specified object.

Mwhere displays the location of all instance of the specified mobile.



Syntax: newbieset <character>

NEWBIESET puts the default (i.e. Darkhaven Academy) equipment into the character's inventory. Recipient must be level 5 or lower.


Syntax: ogrub <num of lines> <sort order> [keywords] [operands]

ogrub 20 level<8 avg>12

Display weapons below level 8 that do more than 12 average damage.

ogrub 20 +wear type=armor hp>100 dr>20

Display armor with more than 100 added hp and 20 added dam roll. Sort by wear location.

ogrub 20 +type nm ng vnum>=900 vnum<=951 level>45 hp>0

Display all eq from Olympus that is above level 45 and affects hp. Sort by object type in ascending order. Display only that eq held by players - ignore any on mobs or on thee ground.

ogrub 20 +name name<>gloves

Display all eq with the substring "gloves" in the name field. Sort by object name. Note that often objects are named with two or three keywords like "gauntlets steel gloves". The substring operator <> is used to search fields for substrings.

ogrub 20 +cname np ng type=light int>0

Display lights on mobs that raise intelligence. Sort by character name. Ignore any lights on players or on theground.

ogrub 20 -dr np ng luck>0 level>=10 level<=20

Display eq that raises luck and is between levels 10 thru 20. Sort by object damroll in descending order. Only display eq on mobs.

ogrub 20 +level or hr>25 dr>25 hp>100 mp>100 ac<-100

Display eq that raises hit roll more than 25 or dam roll more than 25 or hit points more than 100 or mana points more than 100 or lowers armor class by more than 100 (remember the lower the AC the better) Sort by object level in ascending order.

ogrub 20 or d2 sav0>1 sav1>1 sav2>1 sav3>1 sav4>1

Display equipment that have affects resulting in any saving throws that are greater than one. Note that positive saving throws are bad for characters and negative ones are good. The more negative the better. The d2 keyword requests an alternate form of display which shows the saving throws.

ogrub 20 nm cname=joe type=weapon    Display Joe the player's weapons
ogrub 20 np cname=joe type=armor     Display Joe the mob's armor

Here is some reference data you will need in order to use OGRUB.

FIELDS                      TYPES      WEAR     MODIFIERS
cname - chr name          1 light      1 take     or - select any
count - obj count         2 scroll     2 finger  +field - sort up
vnum  - obj vnum          3 wand       3 neck    -field - sort down
type  - obj type          4 staff      4 body     np - no players
name  - obj name          5 weapon     5 head     nm - no mobs
level - obj level         9 armor      6 legs     ng - not on the ground
wear  - obj wear locn    10 potion     7 feet     d2 - display saving throws
avg   - obj avg dam      15 container  8 hands
hr    - obj hit roll     16 note       9 arms     OPERATORS
dr    - ojj dam roll     18 key       10 shield    = equals
hp    - obj hit pts      19 food      11 about    != not equal
mp    - obj mana pts     23 mcorpse   12 waist    >  greater than
ac    - obj armor class  24 pcorpse   13 wrist    >= greater than or equal
str   - obj str affect   26 pill      14 wield    <  less than
dex   - obj dex affect   24 book      15 hold     <= less than or equal
con   - obj con affect                16 dual     <> substring
wis   - obj wis affect                17 ears
int   - obj int affect                18 eyes
luck  - obj luck affect               19 missile
sav0  - save_poison
sav1  - save_rod
sav2  - save_para
sav3  - save_breath
sav4  - save_spell

Don't be scared by the fact that things like "pill" are referenced by a number like 26. If you want info about pills, you can request the info either by the name "pill" or the number "26". ***SMILE***


Syntax: peace

PEACE causes all characters in a room to stop fighting.


Syntax: cast refresh <character>

This spell refreshes the movement points of a character who is out of movement points.


Syntax:  regoto

Returns an immortal to the previous roomvnum from which that immortal used the 'goto' command.



Syntax:  restore <victim>
Syntax:  restore all

Restore returns the victim to full hitpoints, mana, blood and movement.

Restore all can be done once per day (real time) by any Saint and above, and will 'restore' every link-live player in the game. Restore alls such as this are limited to once every 6 hours, so if one Savior does one, another cannot do one until 6 hours has passed, regardless of whether or not they have not done one that day.

A Greater God or higher can do a restore all whenever they wish, and are not constrained by the above limitations.

Use 'restoretime' to see when the last restore all was done.



Syntax: switch <character>
Syntax: return

SWITCH switches you into the body of another character (who must not already have a descriptor, e.g. you can't switch into a PC).

RETURN returns you to your original body.


Syntax: retran <player>

This command will return that player or mob to the room from which you last transferred it from.


Syntax: shops

Displays statistics on all the shops.



Syntax: shopstat <mobile vnum>

Shows statistics on a mobile's shop.



Syntax: reboot <nosave>
Syntax: shutdown <nosave>
Syntax: wizlock

REBOOT shuts down the server. When the normal 'startup' script is used to control the server, a delay of sixty seconds will ensue (to allow old connections to die), followed by a reboot.

SHUTDOWN shuts down the server and prevents the normal 'startup' script from restarting it.

WIZLOCK is a toggle command. When the server is WIZLOCKed, players below level 51 may not log in. Players who lose their links, however, may reconnect.

If nosave is specified for reboot or shutdown, it will not automatically save all of the players.


Syntax:  slay <victim> [immolate/shatter/demon]

SLAY kills a character in cold blood, no saving throw.

The optional parameters cause different messages to be sent to the actor, the victim and the room, just for a bit of variety.

Slay bypasses auto actions such as autoloot and autosac. Slay should not be used to test death_programs on mobs, as it is not the same as an actual death to the mobile and may not return accurate results.


Syntax: slookup <skill-or-spell>
Syntax: slookup all

SLOOKUP shows you the internal 'sn' and external 'slot' for the given skill or spell. The 'sn' is used for OSET and OSTAT. The 'slot' is used for area files. Neither 'sn' nor 'slot' is used for player files; these operate with the actual skill and spell names.

SLOOKUP ALL shows this information for all skills and spells.


Syntax: sset <victim> <skill> <value>
or:     sset <victim> all     <value>
or:     sset <sn>     <field> <value>
name          the name of the skill or spell
code          for spells, the code executed when the spell is cast
target        for spells, the target of the spell (see TARGETTYPES)
minpos        the minimum position required to use this skill/spell
slot          for spells, the slot number used in area files
mana          for spells, the amount of mana consumed by the spell
beats         how long this skill takes to be used (in 1/4 seconds)
dammsg        a word to describe the damage done by this skill or spell
wearoff       for spells, the message given when the spell wears off
type          the type of skill (Spell, Skill, Weapon, Tongue)
difficulty    how difficult the spell/skill is to learn and/or use
damtype       for spells, the class of damage it does
components    the components required for this spell (see SPELLCOMPONENTS)
teachers      will restrict the teaching of this skill to these mob vnums
participants  the minimum number of required participants (for spells)

<value> is the amount to set the skill to (eg. 0 for none, 100 for 100%).

For the special fields used by SMAUG spells (spell_smaug) see SMAUGSPELLS


Syntax: transfer <character>
Syntax: transfer all
Syntax: transfer <character> <location>
Syntax: transfer all         <location>

TRANSFER transfers the target character, or ALL player characters, to your current location (default) or to a specified location.


Syntax: users <host ip>
Syntax: users <playername>

USERS reports all of the visible users connected to the server, including users in the process of logging in.

If used with an argument, it will show all users from that host ip. Shortforms of host will work -- e.x. 205, or 205.113, etc. Shortened names will also work. e.x., users fre would show Fredrick and Fred if they were on at the time.

The first number, (desc), is the descriptor number that this user is on.

The second number is the user's connected state. (See CONSTATES)

The third number is the number of seconds the user has been idle.

The fourth number is the remote TCP port on the user's host machine.

Next is the user's character name, then the user's host address. (Usually the IP number as name resolving is normally disabled.)

The FORCECLOSE command can be used to force a connect to close by its descriptor number.


Syntax:  vsearch <vnum of target object>

Returns all instances of the target object presently in the game, as well as their level. Allows location of objects via vnum instead of by keyword, useful for locating rekeyed and renamed objects.



Syntax: zones [low] [high]

Lists the name of the file, and room/mob/object vnum range for each non-prototype zone in the mud.

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