Released on 01 Aug 2000
1. Fixed a bug in alias and trigger evaluation where if a "@" variable was used, the name had to be entered in lower case, or else it would not be found.
2. Fixed a bug where Ctrl+P would not print properly, however using File -> Print would.
3. Fixed bug where if you selected PerlScript as your scripting language, next time you viewed the scripting configuration page the script language would be blank.
4. Fixed bug where you could not choose a PerlScript script file in the script configuration screen by using the Browse button.
5. New trigger option - Send to "Notepad (replace)". This *replaces* the contents of a notepad with the title of "Trigger: <label>" instead of appending, or creating a new notepad window. If such a notepad window does not exist, it is created.
6. Renamed slightly some of the "send to" options for triggers. The ones referring to the notepad window are now:
Notepad (new)
Notepad (append)
Notepad (replace)
7. Added new script method: ReplaceNotepad. This functions the same as AppendToNotepad, but replaces the window contents rather than appending to them.
8. Added support for the Telnet option SGA (suppress go-ahead), as requested in bug report #259.
9. Added new script methods: GetAliasInfo and GetTriggerInfo. This was because of difficulties in accessing GetAlias and GetTrigger from JScript and PerlScript. These return information about an alias/trigger, one item at a time.
See the web page for more details.
10. Fixed a bug where, under certain circumstances, appending to a notepad window would append to the wrong notepad window, rather than creating a new one.
11. You can now enter a "line preamble" for lines in the recall window (eg. for putting in the date/time that the line appeared). For instance, you might put "[%H:%M]" into the line preamble.
12. When using the numeric kepad to navigate, the directions are no longer recorded in the command history buffer (after all, you didn't really type them). This saves the command history from filling up with lots of n/s/w/e commands.
13. You can now specify that an alias sends a "speedwalk" string. Thus you could make an alias like this:
Match on: hotel
Send: 4s e 2u 5w
Speed Walk: checked
This lets you set up aliases that take you to various points in the MUD from a known starting point. You can also set up a reverse alias, see (15) and (18) below.
14. Added new scripting method: EvaluateSpeedwalk. This will evaluate a speed walk string and return the converted string. This is so you can do speed walks in scripts.
15. Added new scripting method: ReverseSpeedwalk. This will evaluate a speed walk string and return the speedwalk "reversed". This lets scripts work out a reverse direction to walk. For example, if the original speedwalk is: 5N E U (5 times north, then east, then up) then the reversed speedwalk will be "D W 5S". (down, west, then 5 times south). In other words, assuming the rooms are symmetrical, you can easily retrace your steps.
16. Enhanced speed walking to allow for "non-standard" directions or actions. Prior to this enhancement there was no way to go, say, southeast, because entering "SE" would be interpreted as south, followed by east. Now you can enter any arbitrary words into brackets, and they will be sent "as is".
For example: N S (NW) (say open sesame)
In this example, the program would send "north", "south", "nw", "say open sesame" to the MUD.
To support reversing directions (as in point 15 above) there is provision for the "reverse" of a direction. This is accomplished by using a "/" character inside the brackets.
For example: N S (NW/SE) (open west/close east)
When doing normal speedwalking, only the characters up to the slash are sent, but if you reverse the speedwalk then the characters before and after the slash are reversed. For instance, if you reversed the above example, you would get:
(close east/open west) (SE/NW) N S
17. Because of the enhancements described in (16) above, you can effectively repeat *any* command by using the speed walk prefix and parentheses. Say, for example, you have set the speedwalk prefix to "#", then typing:
#10 (get food)
would send "get food" to the MUD 10 times.
18. Added a new button to the "edit alias" dialog, so that you can reverse a speedwalk alias string (as described in (15) above) by clicking on the "reverse" button.
19. The "script error" dialog box has been enhanced so that error messages wrap around rather than disappearing off to the right-hand side of the dialog box.
20. Added an example script file in PerlScript ( which shows various examples of writing script routines in PerlScript.
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