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➜ Mapper for Achaea
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Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #30 on Sat 17 Apr 2010 05:45 AM (UTC) Amended on Sat 17 Apr 2010 05:47 AM (UTC) by Nick Gammon
| You may not have the latest mapper module, which this plugin uses. Please download it from here:
(RH click, save as, and put in the "lua" directory, under the MUSHclient directory, replacing the existing one),
When the mapper first starts up it should announce version 1.7 (or higher) in the map window.
If it still has the problem, let me know.
As for the shops, I think from memory that you have to discover them first (by going into the room) and after that they should have saved to the database. |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Indico
(16 posts) Bio
| Reply #31 on Mon 19 Apr 2010 09:58 PM (UTC) |
| I was just about to ask the same question, not about the shops, but about the right clicking. Now that I've installed the latest version, I'm noticing white circles around some rooms. What do these mean? | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #32 on Mon 19 Apr 2010 10:11 PM (UTC) |
| I think they are a faint cyan. :)
They are area exits. Near the start of the plugin is this line:
<!ENTITY show_area_exits "true" >
Change "true" to "false" to not show them. |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Ves
(8 posts) Bio
| Reply #33 on Fri 23 Apr 2010 03:28 AM (UTC) Amended on Fri 23 Apr 2010 04:11 AM (UTC) by Ves
| How do I make it so when I left click or mapper goto that I can put a slight pause in between each movement. I constantly get "slow down" and it exits the speed walk. | Top |
Posted by
| Twisol
USA (2,257 posts) Bio
| Reply #34 on Fri 23 Apr 2010 03:45 AM (UTC) |
Ves said:
How do I make it so when I left click or mapper goto that I can put a slight pause in between each movement. I constantly get "slow down" and it exits the speed walk.
There should be a configuration option to change the period of time between movements. Click the blue star (*) at the bottom-left corner of the map, and click the "Walk delay" option. It's in seconds, I use 0.7 myself (700 miliseconds) |
'Soludra' on Achaea
GitHub: | Top |
Posted by
| Windmill_Man
USA (29 posts) Bio
| Reply #35 on Fri 07 May 2010 02:53 AM (UTC) Amended on Fri 07 May 2010 11:14 AM (UTC) by Windmill_Man
| The mapper isn't mapping like it used to. After I updated everything (mapper.lua etc.) It's not scanning the exits and when I walk in a unmapped room the mapper windows becomes blank with only the room I'm standing in shown. I have to LOOK or something before it brings everything back up. Also, It's not registering areas. Everything I map and have mapped is always labeled "area 0". I have always had that problem though.
But, when left-click on a room I no longer get an error! That's great.
EDIT: I should add that it IS mapping... just doesn't map unexplored exits ahead of time.
EDIT2: Ok. Forget that last edit. It seems that it might not be mapping... because if I go back one room and re-enter it acts like it maps again. This time the way it's supposed to. Still doesn't register the exits though. | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #36 on Fri 07 May 2010 08:10 PM (UTC) |
| It is possible Achaea have changed the way they are sending mapping information. There have been very lengthy discussions in another forum about design changes, and maybe they have been implemented. Perhaps Twisol will know, he is usually abreast of what Achaea is doing. |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Larkin
(278 posts) Bio
| Reply #37 on Fri 07 May 2010 08:24 PM (UTC) |
| There have been a few changes to the basic ATCP features recently, but I don't know of anything that would cause this sort of behavior. (Disclaimer: I'm not using this plugin myself and haven't tested it online.) | Top |
Posted by
| Twisol
USA (2,257 posts) Bio
| Reply #38 on Fri 07 May 2010 08:31 PM (UTC) Amended on Fri 07 May 2010 08:43 PM (UTC) by Twisol
| I haven't seen any major shift in how ATCP (v1) is transmitted, though oddly enough I am having the same problem as Windmill Man.
To compare the ATCP sent on movement and on look:
moveRoom.Brief In the shade of the Hierophants' Complex
Room.Num 6787
Room.Coordinates 51,12,-2,0
Room.Environment Trees
Room.Area Eleusis
Room.Exits e,s,nw
Room.FullExits e(6786),s(6788),nw(6782)
Client.Map 16 8
Room.Brief In the shade of the Hierophants' Complex
Char.Vitals H:3439/3001 M:3408/3658 E:13903/13905 W:17190/17190 NL:25/100
lookRoom.Brief In the shade of the Hierophants' Complex
Room.Num 6787
Room.Coordinates 51,12,-2,0
Room.Environment Trees
Room.Area Eleusis
Room.Exits e,s,nw
Room.FullExits e(6786),s(6788),nw(6782)
Client.Map 16 8
Room.Brief In the shade of the Hierophants' Complex
Char.Vitals H:3439/3001 M:3408/3658 E:13905/13905 W:17190/17190 NL:25/100
Apparently, no difference. The only obvious change between now and before is that Room.Brief is sent twice now. |
'Soludra' on Achaea
GitHub: | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #39 on Fri 07 May 2010 10:45 PM (UTC) |
Windmill_Man said:
EDIT: I should add that it IS mapping... just doesn't map unexplored exits ahead of time.
It can't very well map unexplored exits, until you go into it, and then back again. I may be wrong, but the unknown exits tend to take more work. |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Baatti
USA (7 posts) Bio
| Reply #40 on Fri 07 May 2010 11:27 PM (UTC) Amended on Sat 08 May 2010 12:43 AM (UTC) by Baatti
| Hi, so I started playing around with this plugin the other day, most of this is way over my head but I'm a good swimmer so I jumped right in.
I noticed that the mapper wasn't recording the 'area' of the room and so I started tinkering with it. I noticed that ATCP provides this info, e.g. "Room.Area the Western Ithmia". So I added in the handlers in ATCP_NCJ that were missing, the handlers list on my copy looks like this now.
edit: not 'ATCP_NCJ', 'ATCP_NJG' haha. I'm guessing those are nick's initials.
handlers = {
['Auth.Request'] = got_auth_request, -- handled here
['Room.Num'] = got_room_number,
['Room.Brief'] = got_room_brief,
['Room.Exits'] = got_room_exits,
['Room.FullExits'] = got_room_fullexits,
['Room.Area'] = got_room_area,
['Room.Environment'] = got_room_environment,
['Room.Coordinates'] = got_room_coords,
['Room.Info'] = got_room_info,
['Char.Vitals'] = got_vitals,
} -- end handlers
As a result, I had to create a few functions here too..
function got_room_fullexits (s) -- eg. "n(1234),s(4321)"
BroadcastPlugin (5, s)
end -- got_room_fullexits
function got_room_environment (s) -- eg. "Forest"
BroadcastPlugin (6, s)
end -- got_room_environment
function got_room_coords (s) -- eg. "77,-7,3,0"
BroadcastPlugin (7, s)
end -- got_room_coords
function got_room_area (s) -- eg. "the Western Ithmia"
BroadcastPlugin (8, s)
end -- got_room_coords
function got_room_info (s) -- eg. "shops,postoffice"
BroadcastPlugin (9, s)
end -- got_room_info
Now, after I did this much, the mapper started recording the room info (stores for instance) and the room environments all by itself. I thought I had solved the problem, but I noticed that there was still no area recording. So I went to ATCP_MAPPER and had a look around. I noticed that there were no functions specific to the Room.Area package so I tried making one based on what the others were doing. I came up with this (I have no clue what I'm doing.)
function got_area (s)
if not current_room then
end -- if
local room = rooms[current_room]
-- not cached - see if in database
if not room then
room = load_room_from_database (current_room)
end -- not in cache
if room and room.area == nil then
save_area_to_database(current_room, s)
mapper.draw (current_room) -- redraw room with area
end -- need to save area
end -- got_area
function save_area_to_database (uid, s)
local room = rooms[uid]
local area = s
if s then
dbcheck (db:execute (string.format ([[
UPDATE rooms SET area = %s WHERE uid = %s;
]], fixsql(area), fixsql(uid)
if show_database_mods then
mapper.mapprint ("Fixed room", uid, "to have area:", area)
end -- if
mapper.maperror ("Cannot make sense of area:", s)
end -- if
end -- save_area_to_database
It doesn't seem to be working. I was hoping someone could give me a newbie spanking and show me what I'm doing wrong.
| Top |
Posted by
| Dontarion
USA (62 posts) Bio
| Reply #41 on Thu 01 Jul 2010 05:26 PM (UTC) Amended on Thu 01 Jul 2010 05:33 PM (UTC) by Dontarion
| The mapper works fine without areas but I thought it would be so much better with areas. So I fixed the areas.
The ATCP_NJG needs handlers, like Baatti said
handlers = {
['Auth.Request'] = got_auth_request, -- handled here
['Room.Num'] = got_room_number,
['Room.Brief'] = got_room_brief,
['Room.Exits'] = got_room_exits,
['Room.FullExits'] = got_room_fullexits,
['Room.Area'] = got_room_area,
['Room.Environment'] = got_room_environment,
['Room.Coordinates'] = got_room_coords,
['Room.Info'] = got_room_info,
['Char.Vitals'] = got_vitals,
} -- end handlers
The ATCP_Mapper also needs its handlers changed:
This is why the info may have shown up as the area for you Baatti.
handlers = {
[1] = got_vitals, -- eg. "H:496/496 M:412/412 E:1380/1380 W:960/960 NL:89/100"
-- health mana endurance willpower experience
[2] = got_room_name, -- eg. "Continuing on the Parade of Zarathustra"
[3] = got_room_exit, -- eg. "n,s"
[4] = got_room_number, -- eg. "401"
[5] = got_room_full_exits, -- eg. "ne(8564),w(8428)"
[6] = got_environment, -- eg. "Urban"
[7] = got_coordinates, -- eg. "38,3,1,0"
[8] = got_area, -- eg. "Mhaldor"
[9] = got_info, -- eg. "shops,postoffice"
You need to add in the room.area = area line in the save_area_to_database function in ATCP_Mapper.
function save_area_to_database (uid, s)
local room = rooms[uid]
local area = s
if s then
dbcheck (db:execute (string.format ([[
UPDATE rooms SET area = %s WHERE uid = %s;
]], fixsql(area), fixsql(uid)
room.area = area
if show_database_mods then
mapper.mapprint ("Fixed room", uid, "to have area:", area)
end -- if
mapper.maperror ("Cannot make sense of area:", s)
end -- if
end -- save_area_to_database
The last fix is to your got_area function in ATCP_Mapper:
This will write over areas names for you if they're Area 0. The change is at the very end with regards to if there is a room name. I dislike using not and ~= so you can see my nesting for elses.
function got_area (s)
if not current_room then
end -- if
local room = rooms [current_room]
-- not cached - see if in database
if not room then
room = load_room_from_database (current_room)
end -- not in cache
if room then
if room.area == s then
--Note("Check inside got_area, saving_room_to_db")
save_area_to_database(current_room, s)
mapper.draw (current_room) -- redraw room with area
end -- need to save area
end -- got_area
Baatti you almost had it.
| Top |
Posted by
| Dontarion
USA (62 posts) Bio
| Reply #42 on Thu 01 Jul 2010 07:06 PM (UTC) |
| A few observations and or changes I will be making:
The mapper would look better if the directions weren't so prone to overlapping. My suggestion and what I may try to do is extend or double the length of the e, w, n, and s lines as well as others that require it from that. This will fix issues with ne, nw, se, and sw.
I'm also going to look at trying to stop it from displaying things on different levels and if so, color them differently. If that is already built in I'm not quite sure it's working but I haven't checked.
One thing I'm also going to do is stop the mapper from displaying down directions when the location is a shop. These are something you will rarely ever get into and don't need to be shown. They just clutter up the screen.
I think I may alter the plugin too for tabs like I've seen for Mudlet so that the chat screens can be captured to there as well. | Top |
Posted by
| Larkin
(278 posts) Bio
| Reply #43 on Thu 01 Jul 2010 08:35 PM (UTC) |
| I made a minor change to use the X,Y coordinate pairs you get from the XML data files, and it greatly improves my map visualization, except when the two halves of a diagonal don't quite meet in the middle because they're not 45 degree angles.
Ideally, you could determine whether you had drawn the exit from room N to M so you don't have to then draw the same exit from M to N, and you could just make all the lengths the full exit length rather than half. | Top |
Posted by
| Dontarion
USA (62 posts) Bio
| Reply #44 on Thu 01 Jul 2010 10:53 PM (UTC) |
| I'm trying to think of a way to do this to give better visuals because it's a bit difficult right now.
I think to accomplish the no above/below shown go into the function that is controlled by the depth set, 30 deep right now, and make it stop at up directions. I could also make Up/Down rooms have something special like they already do such as a pink top or bottom border.
Larkin: You downloaded the Achaea map file and went from there I take it from your post? I don't quite follow what you meant by that though.
One thing I'm about to alter is the ability to pick up wormholes. If it sees me warp it'll store the last room in for the current and the current in the last under room.wormhole. This would make me so happy because my 400+ wormhole triggers are a pain to wade through. | Top |
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