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Mapper for Achaea

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Posted by Hunter Green   USA  (16 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #60 on Mon 26 Jul 2010 07:39 PM (UTC)
Pretty new to MUSHclient and trying to make the switch from zMUD, and the mapper's been the show-stopper up to now, so I'm eagerly trying this out, and very impressed so far. The ability to import the XML map that Lusternia provides is an amazing advantage, and ATCP is so much slicker than all that trigger trickery we used to have to do.

I have a few questions:

= The output from the MAPPER command comes out in an almost unreadable color for me, which doesn't correspond to any of my ANSI or custom colors. Can this be configured?

= Does the Create Map Database plugin overwrite the existing database, so any changes you make are lost any time you import a new map? Does that include bookmarks?

= If one moves by abnormal means such as teleporting, being summoned, sprinting, etc. will ATCP make the map reflect the movement, or do we need triggers to account for every such situation?

Generally I'm very impressed with the mapper even though I know it's still in development. If I can get to where I can do the things I need to to do to get by, I'll probably be working on scripting and hopefully be able to eventually contribute a little to these kinds of things. A few features I hope we see, if they're not already there:

= A command like MAPPER WALK SHRINE to walk to a previously-bookmarked location by name.

= The ability to set rooms and exits with costs and "do not enter" for pathing, including a way to set that from a script or trigger.

= Recovering from "Now, now, don't be hasty".

= Exits that use special commands like "touch wall" or "enter archway", especially if they can handle losing balance without losing the path.

= A way we can build upon the imported map from IRE games, by adding those special exits, bookmarks, costs, or even rooms we had to add ourselves, without losing them when we reimport an updated map.

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #61 on Mon 26 Jul 2010 08:54 PM (UTC)
Hunter Green said:

= The output from the MAPPER command comes out in an almost unreadable color for me, which doesn't correspond to any of my ANSI or custom colors. Can this be configured?

If you click on the configuration "star" symbol on the bottom LH corner of the map window, and then on the swatch for "Messages" you can change the colour of the messages.

Hunter Green said:

= Does the Create Map Database plugin overwrite the existing database, so any changes you make are lost any time you import a new map?

Yes it overwrites the existing database, as rooms may have changed.

Hunter Green said:

Does that include bookmarks?

No, by design bookmarks are in a separate database (eg. achaea.com_23_bookmarks.db) which is not overwritten. Thus things you note for your own reasons will stay there.

Hunter Green said:

= If one moves by abnormal means such as teleporting, being summoned, sprinting, etc. will ATCP make the map reflect the movement, or do we need triggers to account for every such situation?

The ATCP message should report your new location (I noticed when making a new character this did not always happen). There was something that forced it out (eg. "map" or something).

Hunter Green said:

= A command like MAPPER WALK SHRINE to walk to a previously-bookmarked location by name.

Currently "mapper book" shows your bookmarks and you can click to go there. What you suggest could easily be added.

Hunter Green said:

= The ability to set rooms and exits with costs and "do not enter" for pathing, including a way to set that from a script or trigger.

An interesting idea. Setting "do not enter" should be easy enough.

Hunter Green said:

= Recovering from "Now, now, don't be hasty".

It currently cancels the speedwalk when it sees that. You shouldn't see it anyway if the delay is configured correctly. However a modification would be to send "mapper resume" after a delay of a second perhaps.

Hunter Green said:

= Exits that use special commands like "touch wall" or "enter archway", especially if they can handle losing balance without losing the path.

Again, perhaps a "mapper resume" could be sent after a short delay.

Hunter Green said:

= A way we can build upon the imported map from IRE games, by adding those special exits, bookmarks, costs, or even rooms we had to add ourselves, without losing them when we reimport an updated map.

Bookmarks are already handled. Costs and special exits could be written to the bookmarks database.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Hunter Green   USA  (16 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #62 on Mon 26 Jul 2010 10:14 PM (UTC)
The idea of the MUDs publishing their own maps is brilliant, what a huge, huge improvement in effort and accuracy and usefulness. But those maps can never be entirely complete, due to things like private residences; so having any additional rooms lost any time you get an update will be a big limitation.

It might be better if the Create Map Database would amend the existing database, if it's present, instead of replacing it (or at least if that were an option). Since the rooms have a unique number which should remain the same from one dump to another, it could simply overwrite records in place. It would add records for any room number that wasn't already present. That way, we could import a new map file periodically while preserving any rooms we'd made ourselves (and it would also help with preserving special exits).

Perhaps I'll learn enough to look over the Create Map Database plugin and see if I could amend it to work that way, in fact. But I thought I'd let you think on the idea first.

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #63 on Mon 26 Jul 2010 10:21 PM (UTC)
One problem I foresee is that it might be hard to tell the difference between an exit you added yourself (which should stay) and an exit that was there already, but the MUD realized was wrong (or had changed).

So maybe it would be better for user-added rooms and exits to be in their own database (either the bookmarks one, or a third one), which would not be replaced. Or maybe just flag user-added rooms and exits, that might be simpler.

So when the mapper does an SQL "INSERT INTO" to add a room and its exits, it sets a "user" flag as well. Then instead of deleting all rooms and exits, the database creation program would simply delete rooms and exits which did *not* have that flag set. This would be a fairly minor change.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Hunter Green   USA  (16 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #64 on Mon 26 Jul 2010 10:35 PM (UTC)
Heh, I actually wrote my post three times, once with a second database, then I thought "that's too hard, we could just use a flag", so I wrote it again with a boolean "Imported" flag, then I thought, that's still probably making it too complex.

Posted by Twisol   USA  (2,257 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #65 on Mon 26 Jul 2010 10:41 PM (UTC)

Amended on Mon 26 Jul 2010 10:42 PM (UTC) by Twisol

I was thinking it would be the server-provided rooms that would have the flag, not the user-mapped rooms, because that keeps the mapper itself from having to know about the origin of the rooms, and the flag only has any meaning to the importer. The default for the flag in the database would simply be user-provided.

'Soludra' on Achaea


Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #66 on Tue 27 Jul 2010 12:12 AM (UTC)
You are right, that means changing only one plugin, not two.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by LezChap   (36 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #67 on Wed 29 Sep 2010 07:56 AM (UTC)
I'm not seeing where/what the plugin uses the coords for, other then putting them in the database. What am I missing?

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #68 on Wed 29 Sep 2010 08:22 AM (UTC)
It doesn't use them. The server supplies them so it stores them. But the map is drawn based on east being to the right and west being to the left etc.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Faedara   (106 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #69 on Fri 19 Nov 2010 10:11 PM (UTC)

Amended on Fri 19 Nov 2010 10:16 PM (UTC) by Faedara

I'm no expert, and by that I mean I know almost nothing, but if ATCP is so powerful, couldn't it pull "survey" up and use that as a reference for marking areas?

You discern that you are in Hashan.
Your environment conforms to that of Urban.
You are in the Prime Material Plane.

I know you've probably already thought of this, and I really only read the first page, so I'm not fully up to date, but I lose my ideas quickly so I had to type it up before I forgot.

Not sure if you'd want to do anything with 'planes' but it's possible too if area labelling is possible.

Also, the alert that the database has been updated is a bit intrusive, is there a built-in way to gag it that I missed?

The eternally clueless <3
Currently looking for a mentor/tutor to help me learn everything about Lua from the ground up. I can't understand 28*41 until I learn what causes 2+2.

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #70 on Fri 19 Nov 2010 10:59 PM (UTC)
Faedara said:

Also, the alert that the database has been updated is a bit intrusive, is there a built-in way to gag it that I missed?

Near the start of the plugin, change this line:

  <!ENTITY show_database_mods "true" > 

Change true to false.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Twisol   USA  (2,257 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #71 on Fri 19 Nov 2010 10:59 PM (UTC)
Faedara said:
I'm no expert, and by that I mean I know almost nothing, but if ATCP is so powerful, couldn't it pull "survey" up and use that as a reference for marking areas?

You discern that you are in Hashan.
Your environment conforms to that of Urban.
You are in the Prime Material Plane.

Nope. That's not ATCP data. ATCP only sends us hidden data (and with GMCP, its successor, you can request data on demand too), but you can only receive the data that the server -wants- to send. If IRE hasn't added a survey-analogue message, you can't get it over ATCP. But of course, you can fairly easily use the normal SURVEY command and capture/gag the output.

'Soludra' on Achaea


Posted by Faedara   (106 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #72 on Fri 19 Nov 2010 11:16 PM (UTC)
Thank Nick, I understand that but I wouldn't know how to code it into the plugin, so I'll just smile and nod, and one more thing that just came up:

Why can you only search for room nearby? Performance issues, speedwalking bugs, or something else entirely?

The eternally clueless <3
Currently looking for a mentor/tutor to help me learn everything about Lua from the ground up. I can't understand 28*41 until I learn what causes 2+2.

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #73 on Sat 20 Nov 2010 12:16 AM (UTC)
You open the plugin file with a text editor, near the start is that line. Change it. Save the file.

As for the search, it searches by "walking" outwards from where you are (to the current search depth). If it can't find the room you want inside the search depth, it doesn't know how to get there.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Faedara   (106 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #74 on Sat 20 Nov 2010 12:21 AM (UTC)
Oh, sorry, that part after thanks Nick was directed at Twisol, I know how to modify scripts fairly well now. Not good at making them, but I can edit like a pro.

Is there a way to customize the walk radius, or do you have plans on making it so that you can search a wider area at a later point in the design?

The eternally clueless <3
Currently looking for a mentor/tutor to help me learn everything about Lua from the ground up. I can't understand 28*41 until I learn what causes 2+2.

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