Hunter Green said:
= The output from the MAPPER command comes out in an almost unreadable color for me, which doesn't correspond to any of my ANSI or custom colors. Can this be configured?
If you click on the configuration "star" symbol on the bottom LH corner of the map window, and then on the swatch for "Messages" you can change the colour of the messages.
Hunter Green said:
= Does the Create Map Database plugin overwrite the existing database, so any changes you make are lost any time you import a new map?
Yes it overwrites the existing database, as rooms may have changed.
Hunter Green said:
Does that include bookmarks?
No, by design bookmarks are in a separate database (eg. achaea.com_23_bookmarks.db) which is not overwritten. Thus things you note for your own reasons will stay there.
Hunter Green said:
= If one moves by abnormal means such as teleporting, being summoned, sprinting, etc. will ATCP make the map reflect the movement, or do we need triggers to account for every such situation?
The ATCP message should report your new location (I noticed when making a new character this did not always happen). There was something that forced it out (eg. "map" or something).
Hunter Green said:
= A command like MAPPER WALK SHRINE to walk to a previously-bookmarked location by name.
Currently "mapper book" shows your bookmarks and you can click to go there. What you suggest could easily be added.
Hunter Green said:
= The ability to set rooms and exits with costs and "do not enter" for pathing, including a way to set that from a script or trigger.
An interesting idea. Setting "do not enter" should be easy enough.
Hunter Green said:
= Recovering from "Now, now, don't be hasty".
It currently cancels the speedwalk when it sees that. You shouldn't see it anyway if the delay is configured correctly. However a modification would be to send "mapper resume" after a delay of a second perhaps.
Hunter Green said:
= Exits that use special commands like "touch wall" or "enter archway", especially if they can handle losing balance without losing the path.
Again, perhaps a "mapper resume" could be sent after a short delay.
Hunter Green said:
= A way we can build upon the imported map from IRE games, by adding those special exits, bookmarks, costs, or even rooms we had to add ourselves, without losing them when we reimport an updated map.
Bookmarks are already handled. Costs and special exits could be written to the bookmarks database. |