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➜ Mapper for Achaea
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Posted by
| Faedara
(106 posts) Bio
| Reply #90 on Fri 26 Nov 2010 02:26 AM (UTC) Amended on Fri 26 Nov 2010 03:14 AM (UTC) by Faedara
| I get:
"There are no available areas to choose from."
When I try to "edit area" from the RH click
"This room already belongs to area 0"
When I try to "add new area" from the RH click
Also, the autowalk will only move me one room at a time now, as in I move one room closer to my goal and have to search again
Edit: During testing I've found it still locates areas fine (using where) and it knows where I'm supposed to be going, it just never enters the next command in the queue |
The eternally clueless <3
Currently looking for a mentor/tutor to help me learn everything about Lua from the ground up. I can't understand 28*41 until I learn what causes 2+2. | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #91 on Fri 26 Nov 2010 03:18 AM (UTC) |
| Try getting the latest version from the link:
I've made a couple of changes:
- You can change the name for an existing area (thus you can correct spelling if you get it wrong)
- Rooms with an existing area code of zero (as in your case) will now be correctly updated as you walk around to be the correct area number. So first I would walk into a room, getting a non-zero area number. Then add an area description for that room. Then all rooms in that area should then automatically join that area (once their area number is updated by visiting them).
About the autowalk - do you get an error message? If so, what is it? |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Faedara
(106 posts) Bio
| Reply #92 on Fri 26 Nov 2010 03:26 AM (UTC) Amended on Fri 26 Nov 2010 03:53 AM (UTC) by Faedara
| No error messages unless I move in the wrong direction (In other words if I manually walk the path I would get from "where" while the autowalk is queued then it counts down the queued actions as if I were autowalking.
Edit: if I stop/resume/stop/resume continuously I move (albeit slowly) along the determined path to the location one room at a time.
More edit: area exits are shown as 'unexplored exits' (that circle around the nearest room with an unexplored exit)
Even More Edit: The area system is working great now! As long as you name an area (eg. 55 is Hashan, so if it's still 55 it returns nil in the list of areas, but when renamed Hashan it has a value), you can change the area of a room at will. |
The eternally clueless <3
Currently looking for a mentor/tutor to help me learn everything about Lua from the ground up. I can't understand 28*41 until I learn what causes 2+2. | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #93 on Fri 26 Nov 2010 03:52 AM (UTC) |
| What timing delay do you have for speedwalking? Are timers enabled?
As for the area exits, that should clear up a bit as you explore and have the area numbers updated. |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Faedara
(106 posts) Bio
| Reply #94 on Fri 26 Nov 2010 03:56 AM (UTC) |
| Yeah, timers were off because I was returning a bad value on a timer I had to stop immediately and forgot about, haha! I feel pretty dumb on that one.
As for the 'updating' do you mean once I've explored an entire area, or once I've given the area number a name? |
The eternally clueless <3
Currently looking for a mentor/tutor to help me learn everything about Lua from the ground up. I can't understand 28*41 until I learn what causes 2+2. | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #95 on Fri 26 Nov 2010 05:16 AM (UTC) |
| Hmmm. Thought they might not be. I amended the mapper.lua module to check timers are enabled so others don't get caught the same way.
The "area change" circle is drawn on a transition from one area to another (eg. area 49 to area 50). This shows an "area exit". You can configure the mapper to not show those, or to hide areas other than the current one.
The area change refers to the room's area info. If you are seeing a lot of them you probably have a lot of rooms with area 0 in them still. To make them go away you need to revisit the room and get this message:
Fixed room 3736 to have coordinates: -2 -7 0 and area 49
(That's if you have the database updating message enabled).
Then once each room has the correct area number associated with it, the circles should go away. In your case the circles might help you know where you have to go to update the area information.
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Faedara
(106 posts) Bio
| Reply #96 on Fri 26 Nov 2010 05:19 AM (UTC) |
| Good thinking, you've done some amazing work with this mapper!
And the circle shows exits unexplored (missing info) but it also appears at area edges, even after explored, and that's annoying when I use the circle to update info. Also, in the earliest posts I saw that the mapper showed areas around your current area, but in this version it doesn't, is there something I have to configure for that? |
The eternally clueless <3
Currently looking for a mentor/tutor to help me learn everything about Lua from the ground up. I can't understand 28*41 until I learn what causes 2+2. | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #97 on Fri 26 Nov 2010 05:28 AM (UTC) |
| All that stuff is at the very start of the mapper:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE muclient [
<!ENTITY show_vnums "true" >
<!ENTITY show_timing "false" >
<!ENTITY show_completed "false" >
<!ENTITY show_database_mods "true" >
<!ENTITY show_other_areas "false" >
<!ENTITY show_area_exits "true" >
<!ENTITY show_up_down "false" >
<!ENTITY speedwalk_prefix "" >
eg. "show_other_areas"
Once you have that set to true, and reload the mapper, you should be able to mouse-over the rooms in question and see if they are area 0, or simply in a different, but explored, area. |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Faedara
(106 posts) Bio
| Reply #98 on Fri 26 Nov 2010 05:38 AM (UTC) Amended on Fri 26 Nov 2010 05:48 AM (UTC) by Faedara
| Alright, with other areas shown it looks fine, thank you!
Edit: Actually... after using it a bit I see that there's always two circles on an area exit, and that gets very distracting when you're in an area like the forest with the river through it, where the river becomes completely lit up |
The eternally clueless <3
Currently looking for a mentor/tutor to help me learn everything about Lua from the ground up. I can't understand 28*41 until I learn what causes 2+2. | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #99 on Fri 26 Nov 2010 06:31 AM (UTC) Amended on Fri 26 Nov 2010 06:33 AM (UTC) by Nick Gammon
| I noticed that. I hoped you wouldn't <grin>.
Both rooms are on the boundary, right? The first room is the boundary (say 49/50) and the second room is also on the boundary. Technically, the boundary is between the two rooms. |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Faedara
(106 posts) Bio
| Reply #100 on Fri 26 Nov 2010 06:43 AM (UTC) Amended on Fri 26 Nov 2010 06:45 AM (UTC) by Faedara
| It's very noticeable when you start remapping everything to add the areas to it, but damn if you don't have a good point.
And I would disable area borders if it weren't so *damn* useful knowing I haven't explored an exit yet. I know you've put so much work into this already, but would it be possible to have a different colored circle for rooms with unexplored exits? ((I'm thinking purple or violet))
edit: ((And Sorry Nick, it's now my life goal to criticize your every move while begging for your help in every little code snippet I do ;3 )) |
The eternally clueless <3
Currently looking for a mentor/tutor to help me learn everything about Lua from the ground up. I can't understand 28*41 until I learn what causes 2+2. | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #101 on Fri 26 Nov 2010 10:04 AM (UTC) |
| Well the nice thing about scripts is they do what *you* tell them to do. Feel the power!
Now in your case, you want a visual indication of rooms that have area 0, right? So you can go revisit them?
So, in the get_room function, down near the end, tell it to do that.
For example, change the lines:
if uid == current_room then
room.bordercolour = config.OUR_ROOM_COLOUR.colour
room.borderpenwidth = 2
elseif room.area ~= current_area then
room.bordercolour = config.DIFFERENT_AREA_COLOUR.colour
end -- not in this area
return room
if uid == current_room then
room.bordercolour = config.OUR_ROOM_COLOUR.colour
room.borderpenwidth = 2
elseif room.area ~= current_area then
room.bordercolour = config.DIFFERENT_AREA_COLOUR.colour
end -- not in this area
-- unknown area?
if tonumber (room.area) == 0 then
room.fillcolour = ColourNameToRGB "cornflowerblue" -- or whatever
end -- if no area known
return room
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #102 on Fri 26 Nov 2010 07:19 PM (UTC) Amended on Fri 26 Nov 2010 07:20 PM (UTC) by Nick Gammon
| I noticed the code actually changes an unknown area to either of "Area 0" or "Area <unknown>" so if my suggested change doesn't work, try:
-- unknown area?
if room.area == "Area 0" then
room.fillcolour = ColourNameToRGB "cornflowerblue" -- or whatever
end -- if no area known
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Faedara
(106 posts) Bio
| Reply #103 on Fri 26 Nov 2010 08:49 PM (UTC) Amended on Fri 26 Nov 2010 09:02 PM (UTC) by Faedara
| That's wonderful! But I still can't find the 'circle' snippet.
Also, your code stops working if you name area 0 ((I named it "Unknown" before you gave me that snippet)) |
The eternally clueless <3
Currently looking for a mentor/tutor to help me learn everything about Lua from the ground up. I can't understand 28*41 until I learn what causes 2+2. | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #104 on Fri 26 Nov 2010 09:31 PM (UTC) |
| What is this circle snippet of which you speak?
And as for area 0, change the if test to check for "Unknown". |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
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