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 Entire forum ➜ Programming ➜ General ➜ [ROM] Reworked some code. Would like a second opinion.

[ROM] Reworked some code. Would like a second opinion.

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Posted by Rapture   USA  (13 posts)  Bio
Date Tue 31 Aug 2010 10:43 PM (UTC)
Hello all,

I just got back into coding and found a nice base to start from ,QuickMUD, which is a cleaned up version of Rom2.4b6 with some basic additions. I also applied some bug fixes. In any event, I am working on redoing the fight code. Starting from the top of fight.c, I cleaned up the check_assist() function. I wanted to run it by you all to see if I foobared anything in the process. I found some issues with the stock code and hopefully made it more efficient as well as put in some comments for future reference.

Here is what I've got:
 * for auto assisting 
 * Commented, adjusted, and modified by Rapture (30Aug2010)
void check_assist (CHAR_DATA * ch, CHAR_DATA * victim)
	CHAR_DATA *rch, *rch_next;

	/* rch = next person in the room with ch */
	for (rch = ch->in_room->people; rch != NULL; rch = rch_next)
		rch_next = rch->next_in_room;

		 * Don't make victim to attempt to attack themselves OR
		 * Skip rch if they are already fighting
		if ( rch_next == victim || rch->fighting != NULL )

		/* Skip rch if they are sleeping or blind */
		if ( !IS_AWAKE(rch) || IS_AFFECTED (rch, AFF_BLIND) )

		/* quick check for ASSIST_PLAYER */
		 * If ch is a PLAYER and 
		 * rch is a MOBILE, is set to assist players, and the MOBILE's level is 7+ levels over the victim
		 * then the MOBILE(rch) will attack the victim
		 * For example, city guards
		 * skip rest of loop and check next person in room
		if ( !IS_NPC (ch) && ( IS_NPC (rch) && IS_SET(rch->off_flags, ASSIST_PLAYERS) && (rch->level + 6 > victim->level) ) )
			do_function (rch, &do_emote, "screams and attacks!");
			multi_hit (rch, victim, TYPE_UNDEFINED);

		/* PCs next */
		 * If ch is a PLAYER or ch is a MOBILE and is charmed 
		 */  //who has charmed ch????
		if ( !IS_NPC (ch) || IS_AFFECTED (ch, AFF_CHARM) )
			 * If rch is a PLAYER and is set to auto-assist players OR rch is a MOBILE and is charmed AND
			 * rch is in the same group as ch, and can attack the victim
			 * then rch will attack the victim
			 * skip the rest of loop and check next person in room
			if ( ( ( !IS_NPC (rch) && IS_SET (rch->act, PLR_AUTOASSIST) ) || IS_AFFECTED (rch, AFF_CHARM) ) 
				&& is_same_group (ch, rch) && !is_safe (rch, victim) )
				multi_hit (rch, victim, TYPE_UNDEFINED);

		} // end if (!IS_NPC (ch) || IS_AFFECTED (ch, AFF_CHARM))

		/* now check the NPC cases */
		 * If ch is a MOBILE and is not charmed AND
		 * if rch is a MOBILE
		if ( IS_NPC (ch) && !IS_AFFECTED (ch, AFF_CHARM) && IS_NPC(rch) )
			 * if rch is set to assist all OR
			 * if rch is in the same group as ch OR
			 * if rch is the same race as ch and is set to assist same race as ch OR
			 * if rch is set to assist same alignment and alignment is same as ch OR
			 * if rch is the same mobile VNUM as ch and rch is set to assist same VNUM
			if ( IS_SET (rch->off_flags, ASSIST_ALL) || ( rch->group && rch->group == ch->group ) || 
				( rch->race == ch->race && IS_SET (rch->off_flags, ASSIST_RACE) ) ||
				( IS_SET (rch->off_flags, ASSIST_ALIGN) && 
				( ( IS_GOOD (rch) && IS_GOOD (ch) ) || ( IS_EVIL (rch) && IS_EVIL (ch) ) || 
				( IS_NEUTRAL (rch) && IS_NEUTRAL (ch) ) ) ) || 
				( rch->pIndexData == ch->pIndexData && IS_SET (rch->off_flags, ASSIST_VNUM) ) )
				CHAR_DATA *vch;
				CHAR_DATA *target;
				int number;

				 * Flip a coin to see if MOBILE(rch) is going to actually do something
				 * otherwise, skip the rest of the loop and go on to next person in room.
				if (number_bits (1) == 0)

				target = NULL;
				number = 0;

				/* Now, we are going to loop through all the people in the room again */
				for (vch = ch->in_room->people; vch; vch = vch->next)
					 * If MONSTER(rch) can see next person (vch) in room AND
					 * if vch is in the same group as victim AND
					 * MONSTER(rch) has picked this person's random number
					 * then set MONSTER(rch)'s target as vch then repeat this 
					 * until we get through all the people in the room.
					 * NOTE: The first person in the victim's group is always the victim!
					if (can_see (rch, vch)
					    && is_same_group (vch, victim)
					    && number_range (0, number) == 0)
						target = vch;

				/* If MONSTER(rch) was able to pick someone then attack them! Go to next person in room. */
				if (target != NULL)
					do_function (rch, &do_emote, "screams and attacks!");
					multi_hit (rch, target, TYPE_UNDEFINED);

The only part of this function I haven't messed with is the last for loop which picks a random person in the victim's group to attack. I'm not too confident in the original coder's choice of randomness, but I didn't want to introduce another for loop into the mix.

Does everything look copasetic?

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #1 on Wed 01 Sep 2010 03:52 AM (UTC)
Well it's hard to say if it is copasetic or not (especially when I had to look that word up). :P

Did you delete that thread and re-add it? It looks familiar.

Anyway, the proof of the pudding is in the eating, as they say. If it gives good results it is probably OK.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Twisol   USA  (2,257 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #2 on Wed 01 Sep 2010 04:26 AM (UTC)
Nick Gammon said:
Did you delete that thread and re-add it? It looks familiar.

That's what I thought, too.

'Soludra' on Achaea


Posted by Rapture   USA  (13 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #3 on Wed 01 Sep 2010 04:51 AM (UTC)
Yes, I moved it from MUDs->Design concepts to programming. I figured it was more appropriate here.

It does work just fine in a closed environment, but I at least wanted a pro's opinion.

Posted by David Haley   USA  (3,881 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #4 on Wed 01 Sep 2010 05:20 AM (UTC)
It's hard to tell without a before/after comparison. A side-by-side diff would be useful, or at the very least a "unified context" diff (try diff -C).

If you messed around with whitespace, use diff -w so that it doesn't report spurious whitespace changes.

David Haley aka Ksilyan
Head Programmer,
Legends of the Darkstone

Posted by Rapture   USA  (13 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #5 on Wed 01 Sep 2010 06:12 AM (UTC)
Not sure if this will be readable, but here is a diff -cw:

This will be multiple posts....

Change 1:
*** 101,122 ****
! /* for auto assisting */
  void check_assist (CHAR_DATA * ch, CHAR_DATA * victim)
      CHAR_DATA *rch, *rch_next;
      for (rch = ch->in_room->people; rch != NULL; rch = rch_next)
          rch_next = rch->next_in_room;
!         if (IS_AWAKE (rch) && rch->fighting == NULL)
!         {
              /* quick check for ASSIST_PLAYER */
!             if (!IS_NPC (ch) && IS_NPC (rch)
!                 && IS_SET (rch->off_flags, ASSIST_PLAYERS)
!                 && rch->level + 6 > victim->level)
                  do_function (rch, &do_emote, "screams and attacks!");
                  multi_hit (rch, victim, TYPE_UNDEFINED);
--- 101,139 ----
! /* 
!  * for auto assisting 
!  * Commented, adjusted, and modified by Rapture (30Aug2010)
!  */
  void check_assist (CHAR_DATA * ch, CHAR_DATA * victim)
  	CHAR_DATA *rch, *rch_next;
+ 	/* rch = next person in the room with ch */
  	for (rch = ch->in_room->people; rch != NULL; rch = rch_next)
  		rch_next = rch->next_in_room;
! 		/*
! 		 * Don't make victim to attempt to attack themselves OR
! 		 * Skip rch if they are already fighting
! 		 */
! 		if ( rch_next == victim || rch->fighting != NULL )
! 			continue;
! 		/* Skip rch if they are sleeping or blind */
! 		if ( !IS_AWAKE(rch) || IS_AFFECTED (rch, AFF_BLIND) )
! 			continue;
  		/* quick check for ASSIST_PLAYER */
! 		/*
! 		 * If ch is a PLAYER and 
! 		 * rch is a MOBILE, is set to assist players, and the MOBILE's level is 7+ levels over the victim
! 		 * then the MOBILE(rch) will attack the victim
! 		 * For example, city guards
! 		 * skip rest of loop and check next person in room
! 		 */
! 		if ( !IS_NPC (ch) && ( IS_NPC (rch) && IS_SET(rch->off_flags, ASSIST_PLAYERS) && (rch->level + 6 > victim->level) ) )
  			do_function (rch, &do_emote, "screams and attacks!");
  			multi_hit (rch, victim, TYPE_UNDEFINED);

Basically, I moved some checks to the top of room-list loop to expedite code for blindness and a couple other things. Other than that, I think I spent more time sorting through the logic and commenting it for future reference.

Posted by Rapture   USA  (13 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #6 on Wed 01 Sep 2010 06:13 AM (UTC)
Change 2:
*** 124,165 ****
              /* PCs next */
              if (!IS_NPC (ch) || IS_AFFECTED (ch, AFF_CHARM))
!                 if (((!IS_NPC (rch) && IS_SET (rch->act, PLR_AUTOASSIST))
!                      || IS_AFFECTED (rch, AFF_CHARM))
                      && is_same_group (ch, rch) && !is_safe (rch, victim))
                      multi_hit (rch, victim, TYPE_UNDEFINED);
!             }
              /* now check the NPC cases */
!             if (IS_NPC (ch) && !IS_AFFECTED (ch, AFF_CHARM))
!                 if ((IS_NPC (rch) && IS_SET (rch->off_flags, ASSIST_ALL))
!                     || (IS_NPC (rch) && rch->group && rch->group == ch->group)
!                     || (IS_NPC (rch) && rch->race == ch->race
!                         && IS_SET (rch->off_flags, ASSIST_RACE))
!                     || (IS_NPC (rch) && IS_SET (rch->off_flags, ASSIST_ALIGN)
!                         && ((IS_GOOD (rch) && IS_GOOD (ch))
!                             || (IS_EVIL (rch) && IS_EVIL (ch))
!                             || (IS_NEUTRAL (rch) && IS_NEUTRAL (ch))))
!                     || (rch->pIndexData == ch->pIndexData
!                         && IS_SET (rch->off_flags, ASSIST_VNUM)))
                      CHAR_DATA *vch;
                      CHAR_DATA *target;
                      int number;
                      if (number_bits (1) == 0)
                      target = NULL;
                      number = 0;
                      for (vch = ch->in_room->people; vch; vch = vch->next)
                          if (can_see (rch, vch)
                              && is_same_group (vch, victim)
                              && number_range (0, number) == 0)
--- 141,214 ----
  		/* PCs next */
+ 		/* 
+ 		 * If ch is a PLAYER or ch is a MOBILE and is charmed 
+ 		 */  //who has charmed ch????
  		if ( !IS_NPC (ch) || IS_AFFECTED (ch, AFF_CHARM) )
! 			/*
! 			 * If rch is a PLAYER and is set to auto-assist players OR rch is a MOBILE and is charmed AND
! 			 * rch is in the same group as ch, and can attack the victim
! 			 * then rch will attack the victim
! 			 * skip the rest of loop and check next person in room
! 			 */
! 			if ( ( ( !IS_NPC (rch) && IS_SET (rch->act, PLR_AUTOASSIST) ) || IS_AFFECTED (rch, AFF_CHARM) ) 
  				&& is_same_group (ch, rch) && !is_safe (rch, victim) )
+ 			{
  				multi_hit (rch, victim, TYPE_UNDEFINED);
+ 			}
! 		} // end if (!IS_NPC (ch) || IS_AFFECTED (ch, AFF_CHARM))
  		/* now check the NPC cases */
! 		/*
! 		 * If ch is a MOBILE and is not charmed AND
! 		 * if rch is a MOBILE
! 		 */
! 		if ( IS_NPC (ch) && !IS_AFFECTED (ch, AFF_CHARM) && IS_NPC(rch) )
! 			/*
! 			 * if rch is set to assist all OR
! 			 * if rch is in the same group as ch OR
! 			 * if rch is the same race as ch and is set to assist same race as ch OR
! 			 * if rch is set to assist same alignment and alignment is same as ch OR
! 			 * if rch is the same mobile VNUM as ch and rch is set to assist same VNUM
! 			 */
! 			if ( IS_SET (rch->off_flags, ASSIST_ALL) || ( rch->group && rch->group == ch->group ) || 
! 				( rch->race == ch->race && IS_SET (rch->off_flags, ASSIST_RACE) ) ||
! 				( IS_SET (rch->off_flags, ASSIST_ALIGN) && 
! 				( ( IS_GOOD (rch) && IS_GOOD (ch) ) || ( IS_EVIL (rch) && IS_EVIL (ch) ) || 
! 				( IS_NEUTRAL (rch) && IS_NEUTRAL (ch) ) ) ) || 
! 				( rch->pIndexData == ch->pIndexData && IS_SET (rch->off_flags, ASSIST_VNUM) ) )
  				CHAR_DATA *vch;
  				CHAR_DATA *target;
  				int number;
+ 				/*
+ 				 * Flip a coin to see if MOBILE(rch) is going to actually do something
+ 				 * otherwise, skip the rest of the loop and go on to next person in room.
+ 				 */
  				if (number_bits (1) == 0)
+ 				{
+ 				}
  				target = NULL;
  				number = 0;
+ 				/* Now, we are going to loop through all the people in the room again */
  				for (vch = ch->in_room->people; vch; vch = vch->next)
+ 					/*
+ 					 * If MONSTER(rch) can see next person (vch) in room AND
+ 					 * if vch is in the same group as victim AND
+ 					 * MONSTER(rch) has picked this person's random number
+ 					 * then set MONSTER(rch)'s target as vch then repeat this 
+ 					 * until we get through all the people in the room.
+ 					 * NOTE: The first person in the victim's group is always the victim!
+ 					 */
  					if (can_see (rch, vch)
  					    && is_same_group (vch, victim)
  					    && number_range (0, number) == 0)

Posted by Rapture   USA  (13 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #7 on Wed 01 Sep 2010 06:13 AM (UTC)
Change 3 (Last one):
*** 169,174 ****
--- 218,224 ----
+ 				/* If MONSTER(rch) was able to pick someone then attack them! Go to next person in room. */
  				if (target != NULL)
  					do_function (rch, &do_emote, "screams and attacks!");
*** 178,185 ****
- }

Posted by David Haley   USA  (3,881 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #8 on Wed 01 Sep 2010 05:55 PM (UTC)
It looks like your changes are mostly adding comments, which seem reasonable enough. There's that one big block of if statement conditions that got reformatted which I didn't check in detail, but I'm assuming you just reformatted/rearranged it.

However, I'm unsure why you added this:

if ( rch_next == victim

Your comment says that it's to avoiding having rch attack itself, but you're testing if the next character in the room is the victim. Did you mean rch == victim?

David Haley aka Ksilyan
Head Programmer,
Legends of the Darkstone

Posted by Rapture   USA  (13 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #9 on Wed 01 Sep 2010 08:11 PM (UTC)
Yep, I overlooked that. Oops. Thanx!

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