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 Entire forum ➜ MUSHclient ➜ Plugins ➜ Zmud Map Database Converter

Zmud Map Database Converter

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Posted by LezChap   (36 posts)  Bio
Date Fri 24 Sep 2010 01:51 AM (UTC)
This plugin will automatically convert a Zmud Map Database to an SQLite Database for use in a Mapper plugin (adapted from the few Nick wrote).

Type "create map database" to run.

* Ensure you have set up a ODBC source named "Map" to your Zmud Map in your Control Panel/Administrative Tools/Data Sources (ODBC).
* Ensure you have the ODBC DLL ( downloaded and installed in your MUSHclient
Program directory.

If any of the above have not been done, the script WILL NOT work.

Source may need to be modified to fit your MUD. Origionally written for WOTMUD (

Code assumes Zmud did not have access/did not record UIDs from the mud for each room, so it builds one based on the room name, room description, and room exits. You will need to change the "ExitLine" variable to match your mud's output, or modify that portion of the code to match the way your actual Mapper plugin creates UIDs for rooms.

Code also assumes you want to keep the Room Colors from Zmud Maps by saving them as Environments. If this is not desired, you will have to modify the code to fit your purposes (A peice of code is commented out that changes the "Info" or "Environment" of a room
depending on it's color.

It was too long for me to post directly to the forums, so download the plugin here:

It's not pretty is some places, but it seems to work without errors for me. Adapted from the Create_ATCP_Map_Database Nick wrote and linked on this topic:

Thanks for the advice on switching to ODBC that helped make this possible, Nick!

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #1 on Fri 24 Sep 2010 03:23 AM (UTC)
Here it is:

Template:saveplugin=Zmud_Map_Database_Converter To save and install the Zmud_Map_Database_Converter plugin do this:
  1. Copy between the lines below (to the Clipboard)
  2. Open a text editor (such as Notepad) and paste the plugin into it
  3. Save to disk on your PC, preferably in your plugins directory, as Zmud_Map_Database_Converter.xml
  4. Go to the MUSHclient File menu -> Plugins
  5. Click "Add"
  6. Choose the file Zmud_Map_Database_Converter.xml (which you just saved in step 3) as a plugin
  7. Click "Close"

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE muclient>

   author="Josh MacDaniel"
   purpose="Converts a Zmud Map Database into a SQLite Database"
   date_written="2010-09-22 04:00:00"
<description trim="y">
Type "create map database" to run.

* Ensure you have set up a ODBC source named "Map" to your Zmud Map in your Control Panel/Administrative Tools/Data Sources (ODBC).
* Ensure you have the ODBC DLL ( downloaded and installed in your MUSHclient
Program directory.

If any of the above have not been done, the script WILL NOT work.

Source may need to be modified to fit your MUD.  Origionally written for WOTMUD (

Code assumes Zmud did not have access/did not record UIDs from the mud for each room, so it builds one based on the room name, room
description, and room exits.  You will need to change the "ExitLine" variable to match your mud's output, or modify that portion of
the code to match the way your actual Mapper plugin creates UIDs for rooms.

Code also assumes you want to keep the Room Colors from Zmud Maps by saving them as Environments.  If this is not desired, you will
have to modify the code to fit your purposes (A peice of code is commented out that changes the "Info" or "Environment" of a room
depending on it's color.


   match="create map database"

<!--  Script  -->


count = 0
roomcount = 0
areacount = 0
exitcount = 0
environmentcount = 0

function process_area (args)
  if not and then
    return "Need id and name"
  end -- if
  areacount = areacount + 1
  SetStatus ("Processing area " .. areacount .. " (" .. ..  " - " .. .. ")")
  DatabaseExec ("mapdb", (string.format (
    "INSERT INTO areas (uid, name, date_added) VALUES (%s, %s, DATETIME('NOW'));",
      fixsql (, 
      fixsql (
end --  process_area 

function  process_environment (args)
  if not and and args.color then
    return "Need id, name, color"
  end -- if
  environmentcount = environmentcount + 1
  SetStatus ("Processing environment " .. environmentcount .. " (" .. ..  " - " .. .. " - " .. args.color .. ")")
  DatabaseExec ("mapdb", (string.format (
    "INSERT INTO environments (uid, name, color, date_added) VALUES (%s, %s, %i, DATETIME('NOW'));",
      fixsql (, 
      fixsql (,
end --  process_environment 

function process_room (room)
  roomcount = roomcount + 1
  SetStatus ("Processing room " .. roomcount .. " (" .. room.UID ..  " - " .. room.Name .. ")")
  local building = 0
  local x, y, z =  0, 0, 0
  DatabaseExec ("mapdb", (string.format (
    "INSERT INTO rooms (uid, name, description, area, terrain, building, info, notes, x, y, z, date_added) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, DATETIME('NOW'));",
      fixsql (room.UID), 
      fixsql (room.Name),
      fixsql (room.Description),
      fixsql (room.Area),
      fixsql (room.Terrain),
      fixsql (building),
      fixsql (room.Info),
      fixsql (room.Notes),
      fixsql (x),
      fixsql (y),
      fixsql (z)

  DatabaseExec ("mapdb", (string.format ([[
    INSERT INTO rooms_lookup (uid, name) VALUES (%s, %s);
  ]], fixsql  (room.UID),       
      fixsql  (room.Name) 
end -- process_room

function process_exit (args)
  exitcount = exitcount + 1
  SetStatus ("Processing Exit " .. exitcount .. " from " .. (args.fromUID or "") ..  " " .. args.dir .. " to " .. (args.toUID or ""))
  DatabaseExec ("mapdb", (string.format ([[
        INSERT INTO exits (dir, fromuid, touid, date_added) 
            VALUES (%s, %s, %s, DATETIME('NOW'));
      ]], fixsql  (args.dir),  -- direction (eg. "n")
          fixsql  (args.fromUID),         -- from current room
          fixsql  (args.toUID)    -- destination room
end -- process_exit

function fixsql (s)
  if s then
    return "'" .. (string.gsub (s, "'", "''")) .. "'" -- replace single quotes with two lots of single quotes
    return "NULL"
  end -- if
end -- fixsql

function load_database()

  -- load the ODBC dll
  assert (package.loadlib ("odbc.dll", "luaopen_luasqlodbc")) ()
  -- create environment object
  env = assert (luasql.odbc())
  -- connect to data source
  con = assert (env:connect ("Map"))
  -------------------------GETTING ZONE UID AND NAMES--------------------               
  -- retrieve a cursor
  cur = assert (con:execute ("SELECT * from ZoneTbl" ))

  -- read first row, then start looping through rows while putting desired data into the areas table
  row = cur:fetch ({})

  local areas = {}
  while row do
    areas = {["id"] = row[1], ["name"] = row[2]}
    -- read next row
    row = cur:fetch (row)
  end  -- while loop
  --Note(": "  --Zone UID: Zone Name
  --------------------------END ZONE READING----------------------
  -------------------------GETTING ROOM INFO----------------------
  -- retrieve a cursor
  cur = assert (con:execute ("SELECT * from ObjectTbl" ))

  -- read first row, then start looping through rows while putting desired data into the rooms table
  row = cur:fetch ({})
  local rooms = {}
  local enviro = {}
  local environment = {}
  RoomUIDRef = {}

  while row do    
    --Get Room Exits to make UID Hash
    local ObjID = row[1]
    cur2 = assert (con:execute ("SELECT DirType from ExitTbl WHERE FROMID = " ..ObjID))
    local ExitID = cur2:fetch({})
    local ExitLine = "[ obvious exits: "                                                                                        --Modify to fit your mud
    local RoomExits = {}
    while ExitID do
      local ExitDirs = { [0] = "N", [1] = " NE", [2] = "E", [3] = "SE", [4] = "S", [5] = "SW", [6] = "W", [7] = "NW", [8] = "U", [9] = "D"}
      RoomExits[ExitID[1]] = ExitDirs[ExitID[1]]
      ExitID = cur2:fetch (ExitID)
    end --while loop
    local RoomDirs = {}
    for i = 0, 10 do
      if RoomExits[i] ~= nil then
        table.insert(RoomDirs, RoomExits[i])
    for k, v in ipairs (RoomDirs) do
      ExitLine = ExitLine..RoomDirs[k].." "
    end -- for
    ExitLine = ExitLine.."]"                              --Creates: [ obvious exits: N E S W U D ]                             --Modify to fit your mud
    cur2:close()  --closing ExitTbl
    --creating UID
    local ToHash = row[2]
    if row[5] then DescString = string.gsub (row[5], "\n", " ") else DescString = "" end
    ToHash = ToHash .. " " .. DescString .. " " .. ExitLine
    --Transfering Fields to Rooms Table
    rooms["UID"] = utils.tohex (utils.md5 (ToHash))
    rooms["Name"] = row[2]
    rooms["Description"] = row[5]
    rooms["Area"] = row[32]
    rooms["Notes"] = (row[3] or "") .. " " .. (row[4] or "")
     --Maintaining Colors from Zmud Database by converting them to Environments
    local color = row[19]
    if enviro[color] == nil then
      environment["id"] = environmentcount + 1
      environment["name"] = "Environment " .. tostring(environmentcount + 1)
      environment["color"] = color
      enviro[color] = environment["id"]
      rooms["Terrain"] = environmentcount + 1
      rooms["Terrain"] = enviro[color]

    rooms["Info"] = ""
 --[[  --Code specific to WOTMUD's conversion.
    --Determining and Adding Terrain to Rooms Table
    if row[19] == 10485760 or row[19] == 32896 or row[19] == 8421376 or row[19] == 8421504 or row[19] == 32768 then
      local terr = {[10485760] = "deepwater", [32896] = "road", [8421376] = "saplings", [8421504] = "indoor", [32768] = "trees"}
      rooms["Terrain"] = terr[row[19]]
 --[[   elseif row[19] == 0 and row[18] == 2147483647 then
      rooms["Terrain"] = "deathtrap"
      rooms["Terrain"] = ""
    --Determining and Adding Info to Rooms Table
    if row[19] == 16776960 or row[19] ==  65535 or row[19] == 65280 or row[19] == 16711935 or row[19] == 255 or 
       row[19] == 33023 or row[19] == 16711680 or row[19] == 8388863 or row[19] == 16744576 or row[19] == 8421631 or
       row[19] == 8388736 or row[19] == 4227200 or row[19] == 210816 then
      local info = {[6776960] = "stables", [65535] = "armory", [65280] = "rent", [16711935] = "food", [255] = "dangerous", [33023] = "bank", [16711680] = "water", 
                    [8388863] = "herbalist", [16744576] = "weapons", [8421631] = "grocer", [8388736] = "clothes", [4227200] = "postoffice", [4210816] = "WarTrain"}
      rooms["Info"] = info[row[19]]
--[[    else
      rooms["Info"] = ""

    --Creating Zmud UID to MUSHclient UID reference table
    RoomUIDRef[row[1]] = rooms["UID"]
    -- read next row
    row = cur:fetch (row)
  end  -- while loop
  --[[rooms["UID"] = UID,
      rooms["Name"] = RoomName,
      rooms["Description"] = Desc,
      rooms["Area"] = Area,
      rooms["Notes"] = Notes,
      rooms["Terrain"] = Terrain,
      rooms["Info"] = Info
  --row[2] = name, row[5] = description, row[4] = info, row[3] = Notes, row[32] = area,
  --row[19] = color, row[18] = cost (2147483647 = dt), 
  --terrains: 10485760 = deepwater, 32896 = road, 8421376 = saplings, 8421504 = indoor, 32768 = trees, 0 = deathtrap
  --info: 16776960 = stables, 65535 = armory, 65280 = rent, 16711935 = food, 255 = dangerous, 33023 = bank, 16711680 = water, 
  --      8388863 = herbalist, 16744576= weapons, 8421631= grocer, 8388736= clothes, 4227200= postoffice, 4210816 = WarTrain,
  --      [ obvious exits: N E S W U D ]
  --------------------------END ROOM INFO READING----------------------
  -------------------------GETTING EXIT INFORMATION--------------------               
  -- retrieve a cursor
  cur = assert (con:execute ("SELECT * from ExitTbl" ))

  -- read first row, then start looping through rows while putting desired data into the areas table
  row = cur:fetch ({})

  exits = {}
  while row do
    local ExitDirs = { [0] = "n", [1] = " ne", [2] = "e", [3] = "se", [4] = "s", [5] = "sw", [6] = "w", [7] = "nw", [8] = "u", [9] = "d"}
    exits["dir"] = ExitDirs[row[19]]  --Set Direction (e.g. "n", "s", etc)
    exits["fromUID"] = RoomUIDRef[row[2]]  --Set FromUID
    exits["toUID"] = RoomUIDRef[row[3]]  --Set ToUID
    -- read next row
    row = cur:fetch (row)
  end  -- while loop
  --------------------------END EXIT PROCESSING----------------------
-- close everything
end --function load_database

function create_database()
  -- open database on disk 
               GetInfo (66) .. Trim(GetInfo(2)) .. "_" .. GetInfo(1) .. ".sqlite",
  -- create tables
  DatabaseExec ("mapdb", [[

  PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON;
  DROP TABLE IF EXISTS environments;
  CREATE TABLE areas (
      uid         TEXT    NOT NULL,   -- vnum or how the MUD identifies the area
      name        TEXT,               -- name of area
      date_added  DATE,               -- date added to database
      UNIQUE (uid)

  CREATE TABLE environments (
      uid           TEXT    NOT NULL,   -- code for the environment
      name          TEXT,               -- name of environment
      color         INTEGER,            -- ANSI colour code
      date_added    DATE,               -- date added to database
      UNIQUE (uid)
  CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS name_index ON environments (name);

  CREATE TABLE rooms (
      uid           TEXT NOT NULL,   -- vnum or how the MUD identifies the room
      name          TEXT,            -- name of room
      description   TEXT,            -- room's description
      area          TEXT,            -- which area
      building      TEXT,            -- which building it is in
      terrain       TEXT,            -- eg. road OR water
      info          TEXT,            -- eg. shop,postoffice
      notes         TEXT,            -- player notes
      x             INTEGER,
      y             INTEGER,
      z             INTEGER,
      date_added    DATE,            -- date added to database
      UNIQUE (uid)

  CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS info_index ON rooms (info);
  CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS terrain_index ON rooms (terrain);
  CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS area_index ON rooms (area);
  CREATE TABLE exits (
      dir         TEXT    NOT NULL, -- direction, eg. "n", "s"
      fromuid     STRING  NOT NULL, -- exit from which room (in rooms table)
      touid       STRING  NOT NULL, -- exit to which room (in rooms table)
      date_added  DATE,             -- date added to database
      FOREIGN KEY(fromuid) REFERENCES rooms(uid)
  CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS fromuid_index ON exits (fromuid);
  CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS touid_index   ON exits (touid);
  DROP TABLE IF EXISTS rooms_lookup;
  CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE rooms_lookup USING FTS3(uid, name);
  DatabaseExec ("mapdb", "BEGIN TRANSACTION;")
  load_database() ---add all shit

  DatabaseExec ("mapdb", "COMMIT;")
  count = areacount+roomcount+exitcount+environmentcount
  print ("Processed " .. count .. " number of records.")
  print ("Found", areacount, "areas")
  print ("Found", roomcount, "rooms")
  print ("Found", exitcount, "exits")
  print ("Found", environmentcount, "environments")
end --function create_database()


- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #2 on Fri 24 Sep 2010 03:25 AM (UTC)
I've amended your profile to allow you to make longer posts, in case you need to post corrections.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Megat   (5 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #3 on Mon 25 Oct 2010 06:38 PM (UTC)

Im new here and just got the mushclient, totally clueless in scripting and what not, I have only one question... How do i set up the ODBC file?? Ive already installed the ODBC DLL but i have no idea how to set up tha ODBC source file? do i need to install zmud first?? im using vista by the way if you wanna give me the step by step tutorial.. thanks

Posted by LezChap   (36 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #4 on Mon 25 Oct 2010 06:41 PM (UTC)
Megat said:


Im new here and just got the mushclient, totally clueless in scripting and what not, I have only one question... How do i set up the ODBC file?? Ive already installed the ODBC DLL but i have no idea how to set up tha ODBC source file? do i need to install zmud first?? im using vista by the way if you wanna give me the step by step tutorial.. thanks

I'll try to work on putting together a guide later...

* Ensure you have set up a ODBC source named "Map" to your Zmud Map in your Control Panel/Administrative Tools/Data Sources (ODBC).

That's your Windows Control Panel in Vista...if you want to try to figure it out before I can get back to you.

Posted by Megat   (5 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #5 on Mon 25 Oct 2010 06:52 PM (UTC)
well i downloaded the map, and i tried to set up the source file in the aforementioned folder, but that where i got lost, hahaha, not really an IT savy, your post is the first time i even heard of ODBC source file.. Just so u can know what kind of NOOB your dealing with here.. :)

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #6 on Mon 25 Oct 2010 08:03 PM (UTC)
See this page:

A little way down is a set of screenshots showing how to set up an ODBC data source. ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) is a sort-of generic way of accessing databases. See:

Your requirements will vary slightly from the screenshots on my forum page. Instead of the MySQL driver, you would choose the Microsoft Access driver (or the Jet driver). I don't have it installed right now so I can't find the exact name.

Then on the page that opens up for the Access driver instead of specifying a server you browse for the Access database (xxx.mdb) file that contains the database. The "data source name" (which is the name *you* assign) would need to be "Map" judging by the earlier post.

This effectively connects the database file (xxx.mdb) to the ODBC "source" named Map. Then the plugin should work.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by LezChap   (36 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #7 on Mon 25 Oct 2010 08:15 PM (UTC)
Okay...First, there a formatting function I'm not aware of for posting images here?

Second, the Tutorial:

Go to your Windows Vista Control Panel. I like the Classic View, because I can find what I want easier than the way Microsoft seems to sort it. In Classic View, click the "Administrative Tools" icon, shown in the picture below:

Next, you're going to want to open the "Data Sources (ODBC)" Icon. (

This will open up a window like this: ( When you click the "Add" button, a window will pop up, and you will select "Driver do Microsoft Access (*.mdb)" as shown in the following image:
(NOTE: Microsft Access Driver (*.mdb), at the bottom of the image above, should work as well, but I have not tested it.)

After doing that, you will see a window like such:

Fill out the fields. The important ones are "Data Source Name" which MUST be "Map", and "Database:" which must refer to the Zmud mapper database file. Click "Select..." and navigate to the file to fill that field.

When you're done with that, click "OK" and you should have your ODBC Data Source set up for the plugin.

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #8 on Mon 25 Oct 2010 08:37 PM (UTC)
LezChap said:

Okay...First, there a formatting function I'm not aware of for posting images here?

No. Images are for me only muahahaha.

LezChap said:

Second, the Tutorial:

Thanks for that. Hopefully the images are similar to the ones on the page I linked to.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by LezChap   (36 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #9 on Mon 25 Oct 2010 08:56 PM (UTC)
Nick Gammon said:

LezChap said:

Okay...First, there a formatting function I'm not aware of for posting images here?

No. Images are for me only muahahaha.

Figures... :P
Nick Gammon said:

LezChap said:

Second, the Tutorial:

Thanks for that. Hopefully the images are similar to the ones on the page I linked to.

Close enough, just minor differences from liking Classic View vs the unintuitive (for me) categorized view and mySQL vs MDB/Access... :)

Posted by Megat   (5 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #10 on Tue 26 Oct 2010 06:44 AM (UTC)
Thanks..i did all that and it wrote

Processed 77692 number of records.
Found 64 areas
Found 22080 rooms
Found 55506 exits
Found 42 environments

I guess the process was successful. But hmm.. where's the map?? hahaha, i hope im not being a pain..

Posted by LezChap   (36 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #11 on Tue 26 Oct 2010 07:55 AM (UTC)
It will create a sqlite database named after your World Name and World IP (via GetInfo(2) and GetInfo(1)) in your MUSHclient Directory.

And it's just a plugin to convert your'll still need to modify/use one of the many mappers Nick's put together with it in order to draw the map. I believe the one Nick wrote for Materia Magica ( is the closest to functioning (needs the least modification) for whatever world you're playing. I still haven't finished modifying one for Wotmud (the game I originally wrote this plugin for)...kinda got busy with a few other things and it was a lower priority.

That is unless your world implements ATCP...then use the ATCP mapper plugin, and figure out how to convert all of Zmud's room IDs into the ones that the ATCP sends...(if your Zmud didn't somehow already do that).

Posted by Megat   (5 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #12 on Tue 26 Oct 2010 08:09 AM (UTC)
ahhh, i see, i was under the false impression that it converts the zmud wotmud map to mudclient, cause i wanted a map to play wotmud.. hmm never mind then. appreciate all the help :)

Posted by LezChap   (36 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #13 on Tue 26 Oct 2010 08:11 AM (UTC)
Megat said:

ahhh, i see, i was under the false impression that it converts the zmud wotmud map to mudclient, cause i wanted a map to play wotmud.. hmm never mind then. appreciate all the help :)

I'll have the mapper itself that will use this database done soon...I just haven't quite been able to finish and test it. When it's done, it'll be uploaded here and to the wotmad database scripts area. I also plan to announce it on the Wotmad forums...just keep an eye out, and it'll be soon.

Posted by Megat   (5 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #14 on Tue 26 Oct 2010 08:50 AM (UTC)
yayyyy, looking forward for that, just wanted to say, its people like you that makes the wotmud and other text related game so much fun and friendly... :)

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To show them in your local time you can join the forum, and then set the 'time correction' field in your profile to the number of hours difference between your location and UTC time.


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