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 Entire forum ➜ MUSHclient ➜ Plugins ➜ Materia Magica mapper plugin

Materia Magica mapper plugin

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Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #15 on Sun 17 Oct 2010 08:18 PM (UTC)
A couple of improvements now ...


I noticed that the SQLite database offers not only FTS (full text search) but "snippets". Now if you have used search engines you probably notice that when you search for a word that word in shown in the context it appears in the web page. This can be quite handy. For example, in the mapper if you were searching for "baker" you probably want the baker shop, not something like:

The baker used to live here.
North is the baker.
This is the tombstone of the baker.

So now if you do a "mapper find" it shows an extra line with your searched-for words in bold (using the search you can search for multiple things like "butcher OR baker").

For example:

In the above example I searched for:

mapper find shop OR trainer*

Note the use of OR (upper-case) which is required to search for this OR that (otherwise it looks for the word "or"). Also you can add an asterisk to match on trainer, trainers, etc.

Partial goto

A problem with the hashed room numbers is that they are tedious (impossible?) to type by hand. However you may want to quickly goto a common room (eg. the village square).

The goto has been amended to match on a partial room number, so instead of:

mapper goto e960d909fb

... you can now type:

mapper goto e96

The mapper will find the closest room starting with "e96" as its room number in this case. In many cases 3 or 4 digits are likely to be plenty.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #16 on Sun 17 Oct 2010 08:21 PM (UTC)
For the snippets to work you need an updated mapper module (version 2.2 onwards). This can be downloaded from:

RH-click on the "raw" link, download the file, and put it into the "lua" subdirectory under the MUSHclient directory, replacing the existing mapper.lua file.

You also need the updated mapper plugin, from this page:

Download that as described on page 1 of this thread.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Havic   (2 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #17 on Wed 02 Nov 2011 06:17 PM (UTC)
I have been trying for about two hours to get this to work but I can't no matter what I do :(, I doesn't even show any rooms at all on the mapper. I am assuming you need SQLite in order for it to work and ive only tried to download it to plugin's. I have no idea how to install it using SQLite since I've never messed with SQLite. Any possible way you could post a tutorial on how to go about installing SQLite with a link then placing this file into SQLite in order to make it work? It would be greatly appreciated :)!

Thank you.

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #18 on Wed 02 Nov 2011 10:08 PM (UTC)
SQLite has been built into the client for a while now. You don't need to install anything.


Please provide a summary of your world configuration:

  • Either use the scripting Immediate window (Ctrl+I) to execute: Debug ("summary")


  • Install the Summary plugin (see "Summary" feature) and type "summary"

Then copy the resulting information from the output window, and paste into a Forum message.

You need version 4.55 onwards of MUSHclient to do this.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Havic   (2 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #19 on Thu 03 Nov 2011 01:57 AM (UTC)
Thank you for your quick reply :). Is this what you was wanting me to do?

MUSHclient version: 4.73
Compiled: May 8 2011.
Time now: Wednesday, November 02, 2011, 9:53 PM
Operating system: Windows XP
Libraries: Lua 5.1.4, PCRE 8.10, PNG 1.5.2, SQLite3, Zlib 1.2.5
World name: 'Materia Magica', ID: 5020a4e1a465a0f1d86eb937
-- Scripting --
Script language: Lua, enabled: yes
Scripting active: yes
Lua sandbox is 127 characters, DLL loading allowed: yes
Scripting prefix: '/'. External editor in use: NO.
Scripting for: 56.073643 seconds.
-- Triggers, aliases, timers, variables --
** Triggers: 36 in world file, triggers enabled: yes. [Triggers]
30 enabled, 5 regexp, 5094192 attempts, 8523 matched, 14.557023 seconds.
** Aliases: 41 in world file, aliases enabled: yes. [Aliases]
40 enabled, 0 regexp, 40333 attempts, 269 matched, 0.081779 seconds.
** Timers: 1 in world file, timers enabled: yes. [Timers]
1 enabled, 128 fired.
Timers checked every 0.1 seconds.
** Variables: 4. [Variables]
-- MCCP --
MCCP active, took 0.506223 seconds to decompress
MCCP received 1547580 compressed bytes, decompressed to 15517710 bytes.
MCCP compression ratio was: 10.0% (lower is better)
-- Plugins (Processing order) --
ID: 7210c1be34cf14cda8ae48c4, 'KillsTillNextLevel', (Vbscript, 0.134 s) Enabled [Tr]
ID: 565dae21eb816a2fdb8d50f9, 'Chat_Capture_Miniwindow', (Lua, 52.661 s) Enabled [Tr Al Va Cb]
** Plugins: 2 loaded, 2 enabled.
-- Comms --
Connect phase: 8 (Open). NAWS wanted: NO
Received: 1548537 bytes (1512 Kb)
Sent: 103820 bytes (101 Kb)
Received 24004 packets, sent 3508 packets.
Total lines received: 211076
This connection: Sent 3500 lines, received 211703 lines.
Telnet (IAC) received: DO: 0, DONT: 0, WILL: 8, WONT: 1, SB: 2 [Telnet]
-- MXP --
MXP active: yes, Pueblo mode: NO, Activated: On command
MXP tags received: 94375
MXP entities received: 61493
MXP errors: 0
-- Commands --
Commands in command history: 758
Speed walking enabled: NO. Speed walking prefix: #
Command stacking enabled: NO. Command stack character: ';'
Accelerators defined: 0
-- Miniwindows --
Window: '565dae21eb816a2fdb8d50f9', at (0,0,1256,202), shown: yes
width: 1256, height: 202, position: 0, hotspots: 6, fonts: 2, images: 0
** Miniwindows: 1 loaded, 1 shown.
-- Output window --
Output pixels: width 1259, height: 803, font width: 7, font height: 15
can show 179 characters, wrapping at column 160, height 53 lines.
Output buffer: 4996 of 5000 lines.
-- Miscellaneous --
Logging: NO, tracing: NO
** SQLite3 databases: 0
Sound buffers in use: 0

---------------------- End summary ----------------------

Posted by Gorion   (5 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #20 on Fri 25 Nov 2011 07:13 AM (UTC)
I too got an error message similar to the person a few posts earlier:

Scripting error

Error number: 0

Event: Run-time error

Raised by: Plugin: Materia_Magica_Mapper (called from world: Merentha)

Description: [string "Plugin"]:731: table rooms has no column named shop
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'error'
[string "Plugin"]:619: in function 'dbcheck'
[string "Plugin"]:731: in function 'create_tables'
[string "Plugin"]:501: in function <[string "Plugin"]:471>

Called by: Function/Sub: OnPluginInstall called by Plugin Materia_Magica_Mapper
Reason: Executing plugin Materia_Magica_Mapper sub OnPluginInstall
Any comments or suggestions would be much appreciated. :)

(Not sure how to go about fixing it. :( ).

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #21 on Fri 25 Nov 2011 08:10 PM (UTC)
Havic said:

-- Plugins (Processing order) --
ID: 7210c1be34cf14cda8ae48c4, 'KillsTillNextLevel', (Vbscript, 0.134 s) Enabled [Tr]
ID: 565dae21eb816a2fdb8d50f9, 'Chat_Capture_Miniwindow', (Lua, 52.661 s) Enabled [Tr Al Va Cb]

Sorry for the delay. Chaos here.

I don't see the mapper plugin there.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #22 on Fri 25 Nov 2011 08:12 PM (UTC)
Gorion said:

Description: [string "Plugin"]:731: table rooms has no column named shop
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'error'
[string "Plugin"]:619: in function 'dbcheck'
[string "Plugin"]:731: in function 'create_tables'
[string "Plugin"]:501: in function <[string "Plugin"]:471>

Called by: Function/Sub: OnPluginInstall called by Plugin Materia_Magica_Mapper
Reason: Executing plugin Materia_Magica_Mapper sub OnPluginInstall
Any comments or suggestions would be much appreciated. :)

Did you try another version of the mapper before? You may have a different (format) database. Try deleting the database file (close the world first so it isn't in use).

Its name will be something like "materiamagica.com_23.db" and it will be in the MUSHclient "executable" directory.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Gorion   (5 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #23 on Sat 26 Nov 2011 11:05 AM (UTC)
Nick Gammon said:

Gorion said:

Description: [string "Plugin"]:731: table rooms has no column named shop
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'error'
[string "Plugin"]:619: in function 'dbcheck'
[string "Plugin"]:731: in function 'create_tables'
[string "Plugin"]:501: in function <[string "Plugin"]:471>

Called by: Function/Sub: OnPluginInstall called by Plugin Materia_Magica_Mapper
Reason: Executing plugin Materia_Magica_Mapper sub OnPluginInstall
Any comments or suggestions would be much appreciated. :)

Did you try another version of the mapper before? You may have a different (format) database. Try deleting the database file (close the world first so it isn't in use).

Its name will be something like "materiamagica.com_23.db" and it will be in the MUSHclient "executable" directory.

Ah yes thank you for that! Deleting those .db files fixed the problem! Except when the mapper comes on, it still stays the same green window (i.e. with the text of info about it in the middle and that's it).

Looks like my mud is un-mappable haha.

Posted by Iterator   (5 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #24 on Mon 12 Mar 2012 07:12 AM (UTC)
I get the following runtime error, and am wondering if there is a way to get this mapper to work with my MUD:

[string "Plugin"]:731: table rooms has no column named shop
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'error'
[string "Plugin"]:619: in function 'dbcheck'
[string "Plugin"]:731: in function 'create_tables'
[string "Plugin"]:501: in function <[string "Plugin"]:471>

Thanks for the help!!



Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #25 on Tue 13 Mar 2012 04:23 AM (UTC)
You haven't said what MUD it is, but I would close the client, delete the mapper database, and start it up again. It looks like you might have an older database. With none there, it re-makes it.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Dragonite76   (2 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #26 on Sun 30 Sep 2012 12:23 AM (UTC)
Pretty cool, but one major issue (besides dizzy rooms, teleport rooms, etc)

Rooms that have same description. I.e., "wilderness areas" or roads that have same descrips.. without reviewing the code, i'm assuming it disregards same descrips so that it is not fooled by room LOOK. Problem with mapper is that it does not detect movement from one room to an adjacent room with same descrip, so it has to continually remap at the "end of the street" etc. (a lot of "fixed exits" on paths that have already been mapped) The result is an erroneous map in which paths connected to either "end" are out of synch. A city block that should be rectangular is now a spiral path or something equally silly.

any idea how to resolve this particular conflict?

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #27 on Sun 30 Sep 2012 12:43 AM (UTC)
Yes, that's annoying. I've done a few versions over the years, one of them incorporated the room exits to try to make the rooms unique. Not that this would always work.

- Nick Gammon,

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