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Builder Available

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Posted by Kresslack   (70 posts)  [Biography] bio
Date Fri 28 Jan 2011 07:17 AM (UTC)
Currently the project I was working on seems to have died out due to inactivity. Unfortuante, as it had a lot of potential but apparently everyone working on it got busy and lost interest right after we moved to a new code base.

Therefore, I am looking to offer my services as a Builder/Designer to any project currently seeking such skills. Preferably, I would like to work with an experienced team/owner.

Looking to work on a serious project, where RP is strongly encouraged(i.e. OOC not prefered in Says, Someone's name isn't eight different colours, etc.) I have adequate experience in Smaug, which seems to be a favourite for many start ups, and am always seeking to expand my knowledge.

I have a strong grasp of building and design, as well as a detailed imagination. If you have a project you are looking for help with, and would be intersted in considering me to join your team, feel free to reply to this post or email me at kress_lack@hotmail.com.


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Posted by Kresslack   (70 posts)  [Biography] bio
Date Reply #1 on Mon 23 May 2011 12:39 PM (UTC)
As a note, this offer is still available. I've been looking for a good project for over a year now.
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Posted by Kresslack   (70 posts)  [Biography] bio
Date Reply #2 on Sun 28 Aug 2011 09:24 AM (UTC)
Bump. Still looking for an active project. Tell me there's gotta be something out there.
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Posted by Thorbenn   (25 posts)  [Biography] bio
Date Reply #3 on Sun 28 Aug 2011 12:36 PM (UTC)

I can't offer a project to build on but i would need some help getting something to work in SimpleMUD from Ron Pentons Book and it would be a little work for you. I am new to Mud Programming and am trying to implement a pvp function to the SimpleMUD from the Book Mud Game programming. Right now you can attack a player but only the first one that is in the list from the room you are in. My question is how can i get it done to select a specific player that can be attacked. like if i would type ingame the command "attack thorbenn" that the player thorbenn would be the one attacked.
http://gammon.com.au/forum/?id=11304 Heres a link where Nick was trying to help me with it.

void Game::PVP(const string& p_player) {
Player& e = *m_player;
room r = e.CurrentRoom();
sint64 now = Game::GetTimer().GetMS();
std::list<player>::iterator itr;
for (itr = r->Players().begin(); itr != r->Players().end(); itr++)
Player& p = **itr;
if (itr != r->Players().end()) {break ;}
else { e.SendString(newline + red +bold + "There is no such Player here!") ; return ; }
} // end of for loop

Player& p = **itr;
int damage;
if( e.Weapon() == 0 )
damage = BasicLib::RandomInt( 1, 3 );
e.NextAttackTime() = now + seconds( 1 );
damage = BasicLib::RandomInt( e.Weapon()->Min(), e.Weapon()->Max() );
e.NextAttackTime() = now + seconds( e.Weapon()->Speed() );
if( BasicLib::RandomInt( 0, 99 ) >= e.GetAttr(ACCURACY) - p.GetAttr( DODGING ) )
Game::SendRoom(newline + yellow + e.Name() + " slashes at " + p.Name() +
" but misses!", e.CurrentRoom() );
damage += e.GetAttr(STRIKEDAMAGE);
damage -= p.GetAttr( DAMAGEABSORB );

if( damage < 1 )
damage = 1;
p.AddHitpoints( -damage );
Game::SendRoom(newline + red + e.Name() + " hits " + p.Name() + " and inflicts " +
tostring( damage ) + " damage!", e.CurrentRoom() );
if( p.HitPoints() <= 0 )
PlayerKilled( p.ID() );
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