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MUSHclient Mapper Speedwalk Halting

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Posted by Cdw   (4 posts)  [Biography] bio
Date Tue 22 Feb 2011 01:15 AM (UTC)
Hi all,

Not sure how much information will be needed for this so I'll start with basics.

Ubuntu 10.04
WINE 1.22

MUSHclient 4.61

No other plugins. Few aliases.

The issue: upon original install the mapper worked perfectly, even now it works quite well and honestly I'm mostly posting this just as a heads-up. The mapper now yet maps, "mapper find", and other commands still work.

The issue is that the speedwalks halt after the first step. Whether I am two or twenty rooms away clicking on either a URI generated from a "mapper find" or other request or LH-clicking on a square on the mapper field itself the speedwalk moves me one square closer to my destination and then halts. Interestingly while the speedwalk fails to move me if I move myself following the prompts in the status bar I am completely able to follow the speedwalk manually, which is still quite handy.

I have attempted reinstallation of both plugins simultaneously and separately in both orders, restarting the world, restarting Mc, restarting my session, and restarting my computer. In between the original upgrade (from an earlier 4.x install on WINE) to now I haven't had call to update anything on the system. And in between the first MUD session where the mapper worked fully and now I haven't changed much in the world file (added two aliases, and used a timer to "walk to Antioch" while I got a glass of OJ because I had transported rather than walked to Caanae.)

I've been using MUSH (though I never bothered with learning to code or I might be posting a fix here) since 2002 so this is still leaps and bounds above what I'm used to but I figure a bug is a bug. Please let me know what other information you want/need and I'll try to get it.
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Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (22,975 posts)  [Biography] bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #1 on Tue 22 Feb 2011 05:36 AM (UTC)
This sounds vaguely familiar. Can you confirm:

  • Are timers enabled (in timer configuration)?

  • Are speedwalks enabled? (in input configuration)?

  • In about the 10th line near the start of the plugin you should see a line like this:

      <!ENTITY speedwalk_prefix "" > 

    Is the speedwalk_prefix empty, like the above? Or does it have something in it? Perhaps try changing it to "#" (the speedwalk prefix) and enable speedwalking.

  • When you say "if I move myself following the prompts in the status bar" ... what prompts do you see exactly?

- Nick Gammon

www.gammon.com.au, www.mushclient.com
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Posted by Cdw   (4 posts)  [Biography] bio
Date Reply #2 on Wed 23 Feb 2011 08:19 AM (UTC)
On the nose. I had timers off. Thanks - works like a ridiculously wondrous charm once more.

As for the "prompt" I'm referring to the grey bar which appears below the command section and normally holds steady with "Ready" but which displays your trip information whenever you ask the map to walk you somewhere.

By following the instructions that appeared there ("walking w next, xx steps left" or whatever) I was able to use the speedwalk "manually".

Thanks again for the mapper.
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