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 Entire forum ➜ MUSHclient ➜ Plugins ➜ Hyperlink URL2 Linewrapping

Hyperlink URL2 Linewrapping

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Posted by Yggdra   (2 posts)  Bio
Date Wed 01 Jun 2011 08:10 PM (UTC)
I'm using the Hyperlink URL2 plugin because a friend suggested it, but I'm getting some slight issues with it causing too many lines. For example:

<Public> I R MOUSE, hear me Skweek Raven DeVanos says, ""

Someone saying this turns into:

<Public> I R MOUSE, hear me Skweek Raven DeVanos says, "


<Public> I R MOUSE, hear me Skweek Raven DeVanos says, "


I tried looking at the XML script, but I couldn't figure out why this is happening; it just seems to produce extra linewraps for little to no reason.

Is there an alternative to Hyperlink URL2 for MUSHClient?

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #1 on Wed 01 Jun 2011 10:30 PM (UTC)
I can't reproduce that. Where did you download it from exactly? ?

Did you RH click and "save as"?

What is your output window width?

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Yggdra   (2 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #2 on Thu 02 Jun 2011 12:03 AM (UTC)
After trying it out... it turns out, having my output at 80 characters instead of 78 was causing the problem.


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