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Posted by
| Fezehk
(2 posts) Bio
| Sun 26 Aug 2012 06:23 PM (UTC) Amended on Sun 26 Aug 2012 06:51 PM (UTC) by Fezehk
| Hello, I have played MUDs for a number of years and would like to try my hand at putting one together myself, I have searched quite a bit on the internet looking at different code-bases, but I dont know where I should start.
I have no programming experience, Guess this is the biggest obstacle I have, every place i have looked at says I need to know how to program or hire/bribe a programmer. I have run into a few problems in this regards. I am not adverse to learning how to do it myself, I have a lot of free time, but programming in general eludes me, I was at one time a computer science major at my college, but when it came to the programming courses I failed each one, for some reason I just dont understand it.
I have some fairly solid ideas, features that I like from other MUDs I have played on as well as a few of my own. What I would like to do is be able to put these into something that others might be able to enjoy. the only drawback is that I have no idea how to go about doing it. I have tried to research how to do this, but my lack of programming knowledge seems to block me.
I want to build a dynamic role-playing intensive mud, that offers races, classes,levels,skills, guilds,clans,in-character jobs, Gods and Religions, different starting zones each with its own theme and governmental style (European,Asian,Middle-Eastern.)my goal is aside from a few staff ran NPC's that most things will be handled by the players themselves.
even though it sounds very complicated, I plan on the actual game-play being fairly simple, I have most everything written out as ideas, just have no clue which code-base would be the best to try to implement it on, or once chosen how to actually put it in.
Sorry if I am confusing, If anyone can make some sense of what I wrote and can help me in some fashion, It would be appreciated, also if there is any possible way to have administration done through a web interface, that would be appreciated.
| Top |
Posted by
| Fiendish
USA (2,534 posts) Bio
Global Moderator |
| Reply #1 on Sun 26 Aug 2012 10:21 PM (UTC) |
Fezehk said: but programming in general eludes me, I was at one time a computer science major at my college, but when it came to the programming courses I failed each one, for some reason I just dont understand it.
I do not believe that this problem can be trivially wished away. Developing a MUD is fundamentally a programming endeavour. | | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #2 on Mon 27 Aug 2012 06:28 AM (UTC) |
| I think there was a MUD-maker web site somewhere once. Of course, you got a game designed within their parameters, but it was a sort of "fill in the forms" sort of thing. |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Fezehk
(2 posts) Bio
| Reply #3 on Mon 27 Aug 2012 03:38 PM (UTC) |
| I heard bad things about that from various sites I looked at. I dont think it is around anymore.
Im not adverse to learning how to do things, I just know I am not good with programming, I understand that it may be a daunting task. I did download a few of the code-bases that are offered here, got them running at least locally on my computer and made some rooms and spawned a few mobs, I even tried to find materials on how to do the things I want to do. I guess i dont know what to look for.
Im not looking for someone to do it all for me so I can have a little sandbox to play in, I truly would like to learn this myself. the problem I am having is getting started, I have read the various posts, I understand the difficulty ahead. perhaps I am going about it all wrong. I see the thing that I want in this project as being sort of the backbone that everything else will be built upon and feel I need to get these hammered out first.
a lot of places I have looked at, on their forums is someone saying, if you want to know how to do something,read the documentation and just do it. but i am finding it hard to find the documentation that explains how to do something like adding in a clan system, or adding in a new skill.
I guess what I am looking for is something on the easier scale on the learning curve, that has the ability to handle more as i get more familiar with doing things, if that makes sense. | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #4 on Mon 27 Aug 2012 08:49 PM (UTC) |
| Somewhere on this site is a "Tiny MUD Server". That is a minimal server that might get you going.
But really, if you are going to do it yourself (and not hire or otherwise engage a programmer) you need to really get your programming skills up by doing something simpler first.
A multi-player server is one of the more complex programming tasks you can tackle. |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| George
(9 posts) Bio
| Reply #5 on Tue 04 Sep 2012 04:37 PM (UTC) |
| I have to agree, a mud is too complex a project to start with if you are a total beginner.
These are the steps I recommend:
1. Go here, , and make a small single-player RPG, that takes about 30 minutes to play. Use your mud world as the setting. Publish it on the web and get your friends to play it and get their feedback.
2. Go here, , download it, and make a slightly longer RPG, about one hour of play. Publish it on the web and tell your friends like before, but this time, also post it to so that strangers might play it and review it.
3. When you've done the above come back here and ask what people would recommend for a starter mud codebase.
| Top |
Posted by
| Ashleykitsune
(33 posts) Bio
| Reply #6 on Sun 16 Sep 2012 04:45 PM (UTC) Amended on Sun 16 Sep 2012 04:50 PM (UTC) by Ashleykitsune
| I have this concept in my head where I want to design a MUCK/MUD starting from a basic startpoint (Probably starting from the one Nick has built/linked in this forum) and design it with MUSHclient in mind. For instance, when you enter a room it would send MUSHclient datapoints to draw a map in a miniwindow - using shapes, rather than a miniwindow popping up a text map.
Or a small string of characters could accompany a user's character when they appear in a room that would be used by MUSHclient to display specific information/colors, or graphics that would show their race/class ect.
Possibly a clickable world map.
There would be tags that would identify when specific output is not part of the action so it could be redirected to a miniwindow somewhere on the screen.
Also, colapsable folder like windows that display data you can view when you want it.
I'd like to make it as GUI as possible
And the users would be required to use MUSHclient with a plugin in order to make it all work.
I just want to try it anyway.
Too much? heh.
:) | Top |
Posted by
| KaVir
Germany (117 posts) Bio
| Reply #7 on Sun 16 Sep 2012 11:34 PM (UTC) |
Curtis_D said: Or a small string of characters could accompany a user's character when they appear in a room that would be used by MUSHclient to display specific information/colors, or graphics that would show their race/class ect.
You'd be far better off using one of the OOB protocols. | Top |
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It is now over 60 days since the last post. This thread is closed.
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