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➜ A couple PennMUSH questions
A couple PennMUSH questions
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Posted by
| Zidoof
(2 posts) Bio
| Sun 02 Sep 2012 09:53 PM (UTC) |
| So I've been trying out PennMUSH and I have a few questions:
Where is everything saved to? There seems to be no player folders and such to edit the characters and all that.
You know when you click the PennMUSH file and the CMD page opens, and records something in the log, that means you can connect now, right? So I do that. But I'm curios as to if I have to keep that cmd page open or not? If I exit it will things still save properly?
| Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #1 on Sun 02 Sep 2012 10:08 PM (UTC) |
| I haven't looked at PennMUSH for a while, and they may have changed things. In the past there was a "database" into which all players, rooms, and other things went. When the database was saved, so was all that stuff.
Try asking at for the latest info, or look at their FAQ. |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Daniel P
USA (97 posts) Bio
| Reply #2 on Mon 03 Sep 2012 01:36 PM (UTC) Amended on Mon 03 Sep 2012 01:45 PM (UTC) by Daniel P
| There are no player folders and object folders. Everything is instead saved to outdb, indb, chatdb and maildb in the "data" subdirectory. You can open each of those in a text editor to see how they're stored, but I wouldn't recommend editing them from there. Instead working out your development in game will keep everything clean and neat (meaning connect via MUSHClient and do all your development there).
For an explanation on those four files, maildb and chatdb are pretty self explanatory. When you send commands via the built-in @channel system, the proper information is written to chatdb. Same for mail using the @mail system.
Outdb is written to when a wizard performs a @dump in-game, and indb is written to when the server is initially started or rebooted. How the server reads from these two files is not something I ever seem to remember, but in short, when starting up, PennMUSH reads the entire database into active memory and keeps it there until either that memory location is @dump'd to outdb, or the server is rebooted, which will update indb. Thus, it is important that you set your MUSH to dump periodically. This can be set in the mush.cnf file under dump_interval
As for the command window opening, routing to a log file and freezing, yes, after this is done, everything is being written to netmush.log, and that window can be closed. It may take a few more moments after this, but soon enough, you should be able to connect from your client. | Top |
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It is now over 60 days since the last post. This thread is closed.
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