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 Entire forum ➜ MUSHclient ➜ General ➜ Mush Chat connection prolems

Mush Chat connection prolems

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Posted by AzurDrake   (11 posts)  Bio
Date Fri 28 Mar 2014 08:45 PM (UTC)

Amended on Fri 28 Mar 2014 11:00 PM (UTC) by AzurDrake


basic info: im using laptop with windows vista. other person is using laptop with windows 7.

Initial setup: this other person came to my house and we were both logged into my wireless router and were able to connect properly with mush chat system.

Problem: when he returned home to his own router network and logged in, we were able to establish mush chat once, for a few seconds. then i got a message saying he'd closed the connection and we have not been able to re-establish connection. they keep timing out, no matter who tries to establish.

I Tried: disabled all firewalls and security on my laptop. have followed the guides to use a static ip. followed guides forward ports 4000 to 6000 (just to be sure) to my static ip address. Ive run a TracerT to the adress shown on the mushclient windows socks info, it's unreachable. Comodo internet security confirms mushclient is listening on port 4050.

He Tried: disabling firewalls and security. forwarding ports 4000 to 6000. disabling his router firewall.

the next step i can think of is to have him set up static ip as well, and will try that when he is avail again.

two questions i guess i have:

1. despite the fact i have created static ip for my computer..prior to that my ip according to the mushclient windows sock info never changed even if i logged out or rebooted. his ip changed naturally when he went from my home to his own, but hasnt changed since then. is changing him over to a static ip likely to help even tho his ip will still be the same?

2. what else could we do or try to get a chat connection established assuming that his having a static ip does not work. are we missing something here?


being on the same router network we used the socket info to connect with. however now that he's on his own router..his socket info shows his socket on his setup..just as mine shows mine. however when we google my ip and see what ip were showing to the net..that's the addy we can connect mush chat to.

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