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Posted by Killakia   (2 posts)  Bio
Date Thu 10 Apr 2014 05:51 PM (UTC)
Hello all,
I'm learning how to code and I wanted to start a project that I can tinker with and get my feet wet so to speak but at the same time I have a vision in my head of having my on MU* in the end. I'm on a Windoew 7 using pennmush 1.8.5p4 I have followed the PennMush instruction and run this command. c:\pennMush\game>pennMush /run This is my output.

C:\pennmush\game>pennmush /run
[04/10 14:39:49] Setting ctype locale to English_United States.1252
[04/10 14:39:49] Setting time locale to English_United States.1252
[04/10 14:39:49] No support for message locale.
[04/10 14:39:49] Setting collate locale to English_United States.1252
[04/10 14:39:49] Reading mush.cnf
[04/10 14:39:49] CONFIG: directive 'mud_url' in cnf file ignored.

[04/10 14:39:49] CONFIG: directive 'event_handler' in cnf file ignored.

[04/10 14:39:49] CONFIG: directive 'chunk_swap_initial_size' in cnf file

[04/10 14:39:49] CONFIG: directive 'ssl_private_key_file' in cnf file ign

[04/10 14:39:49] CONFIG: directive 'ssl_ca_file' in cnf file ignored.

[04/10 14:39:49] CONFIG: directive 'ssl_require_client_cert' in cnf file

[04/10 14:39:49] CONFIG: directive 'socket_file' in cnf file ignored.

[04/10 14:39:49] CONFIG: directive 'connect_fail_limit' in cnf file ignor

[04/10 14:39:49] CONFIG: directive 'max_named_qregs' in cnf file ignored.

[04/10 14:39:49] CONFIG: directive 'chan_title_len' in cnf file ignored.

[04/10 14:39:49] CONFIG: directive 'sql_platform' in cnf file ignored.

[04/10 14:39:49] CONFIG: directive 'sql_host' in cnf file ignored.

[04/10 14:39:49] CONFIG: directive 'sql_database' in cnf file ignored.

[04/10 14:39:49] CONFIG: directive 'sql_username' in cnf file ignored.

[04/10 14:39:49] CONFIG: directive 'sql_password' in cnf file ignored.

[04/10 14:39:49] CONFIG: directive 'noisy_cemit' in cnf file ignored.

[04/10 14:39:49] CONFIG: directive 'probate_judge' in cnf file ignored.

[04/10 14:39:49] CONFIG: directive 'mssp' in cnf file ignored.

[04/10 14:39:49] Reading alias.cnf
[04/10 14:39:49] Reading restrict.cnf
[04/10 14:39:49] CONFIG: directive 'use_ident' missing from cnf file, usi
ult value.
[04/10 14:39:49] CONFIG: directive 'ident_timeout' missing from cnf file,
default value.
[04/10 14:39:49] CONFIG: directive 'dump_message' missing from cnf file,
efault value.
[04/10 14:39:49] CONFIG: directive 'dump_complete' missing from cnf file,
default value.
[04/10 14:39:49] CONFIG: directive 'dump_warning_1min' missing from cnf f
ing default value.
[04/10 14:39:49] CONFIG: directive 'dump_warning_5min' missing from cnf f
ing default value.
[04/10 14:39:49] CONFIG: directive 'money_singular' missing from cnf file
default value.
[04/10 14:39:49] CONFIG: directive 'money_plural' missing from cnf file,
efault value.
[04/10 14:39:49] CONFIG: directive 'blind_page' missing from cnf file, us
ault value.
[04/10 14:39:49] CONFIG: directive 'wizwall_prefix' missing from cnf file
default value.
[04/10 14:39:49] CONFIG: directive 'rwall_prefix' missing from cnf file,
efault value.
[04/10 14:39:49] CONFIG: directive 'wall_prefix' missing from cnf file, u
fault value.
[04/10 14:39:49] CONFIG: directive 'newline_one_char' missing from cnf fi
ng default value.
[04/10 14:39:49] CONFIG: directive 'max_global_fns' missing from cnf file
default value.
[04/10 14:39:49] CONFIG: directive 'page_cost' missing from cnf file, usi
ult value.
[04/10 14:39:50] CONFIG: compression program is specified but not used in
[04/10 14:39:50] CONFIG: compression suffix is specified but not used in
Redirecting stderr to log/netmush.log

Any help would be great!

Posted by Killakia   (2 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #1 on Thu 10 Apr 2014 06:28 PM (UTC)
When I looked at the log I get this.

[04/10 15:19:17] 1.8.3
[04/10 15:19:17] MUSH restarted, PID 5728, at Thu Apr 10 15:19:17 2014
[04/10 15:19:17] Creating file: txthelp.txt
[04/10 15:19:17] Copying file: index.hlp, 43457 bytes
[04/10 15:19:17] Copying file: pennattr.hlp, 7061 bytes
[04/10 15:19:17] Copying file: pennchat.hlp, 14759 bytes
[04/10 15:19:17] Copying file: penncmd.hlp, 164875 bytes
[04/10 15:19:17] Copying file: penncode.hlp, 8726 bytes
[04/10 15:19:17] Copying file: pennconf.hlp, 11691 bytes
[04/10 15:19:17] Copying file: pennevents.hlp, 10672 bytes
[04/10 15:19:17] Copying file: pennflag.hlp, 29198 bytes
[04/10 15:19:17] Copying file: pennfunc.hlp, 173908 bytes
[04/10 15:19:17] Copying file: pennlock.hlp, 18079 bytes
[04/10 15:19:17] Copying file: pennmail.hlp, 13243 bytes
[04/10 15:19:17] Copying file: pennpueb.hlp, 4095 bytes
[04/10 15:19:17] Copying file: penntop.hlp, 84269 bytes
[04/10 15:19:17] Copying file: pennv174.hlp, 35047 bytes
[04/10 15:19:17] Copying file: pennv175.hlp, 23349 bytes
[04/10 15:19:17] Copying file: pennv176.hlp, 15500 bytes
[04/10 15:19:17] Copying file: pennv177.hlp, 71962 bytes
[04/10 15:19:17] Copying file: pennv180.hlp, 11571 bytes
[04/10 15:19:17] Copying file: pennv181.hlp, 21164 bytes
[04/10 15:19:17] Copying file: pennv182.hlp, 3770 bytes
[04/10 15:19:17] Copying file: pennv183.hlp, 875 bytes
[04/10 15:19:17] Copying file: pennv184.hlp, 45291 bytes
[04/10 15:19:17] Copying file: pennv185.hlp, 18371 bytes
[04/10 15:19:17] Copying file: pennvOLD.hlp, 207462 bytes
[04/10 15:19:17] Copied 24 files, 1038395 bytes
[04/10 15:19:17] Creating file: txtnews.txt
[04/10 15:19:17] Copying file: index.nws, 330 bytes
[04/10 15:19:17] Copying file: pennmush.nws, 53 bytes
[04/10 15:19:17] Copied 2 files, 383 bytes
[04/10 15:19:17] Creating file: txtevents.txt
[04/10 15:19:17] Copying file: index.evt, 251 bytes
[04/10 15:19:17] Copying file: pennmush.evt, 329 bytes
[04/10 15:19:17] Copied 2 files, 580 bytes
[04/10 15:19:17] Creating file: txtrules.txt
[04/10 15:19:17] **** No files matching: "txtrul*.rul" found.
[04/10 15:19:17] Creating file: txtindex.txt
[04/10 15:19:17] **** No files matching: "txtidx*.idx" found.
[04/10 15:19:17] File "data/indb" found, size 26508 bytes, modified on 10 Apr 2014 19:19:11
[04/10 15:19:17] File "data/outdb" found, size 26397 bytes, modified on 05 Jul 2012 21:54:01
[04/10 15:19:17] File "data/PANIC.db" found, size 26504 bytes, modified on 10 Apr 2014 17:58:12
[04/10 15:19:17] Verifying selected database.
[04/10 15:19:17] File "data/indb" found, size 26508 bytes, modified on 10 Apr 2014 19:19:11
[04/10 15:19:17] Input database verified. Proceeding to analysis.
[04/10 15:19:17] ANALYZING: data/indb
[04/10 15:19:17] ANALYZING: data/indb (done)
[04/10 15:19:17] LOADING: data/indb
[04/10 15:19:17] Loading database saved on Thu Apr 10 17:58:12 2014 UTC
[04/10 15:19:17] ERROR: failed object 0
[04/10 15:19:17] ERROR LOADING data/indb
[04/10 15:19:17] ERROR: Couldn't load databases! Exiting.

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To show them in your local time you can join the forum, and then set the 'time correction' field in your profile to the number of hours difference between your location and UTC time.


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