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Generic GUI Plugin

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Posted by Halig   Portugal  (123 posts)  [Biography] bio
Date Reply #30 on Tue 03 Nov 2015 09:23 PM (UTC)

function create_hotkey (hotkey_number)

  win = "hotkey_window_"..hotkey_number
  hotkey = "hotkey_"..hotkey_number
  colour = ColourNameToRGB ("gold")
  offset = 115 + (67*hotkey_number)

  -- make a miniwindow under the text
  check (WindowCreate (win,   -- window ID
                offset,       -- left
                2,            -- top
                65,           -- width
                41,           -- depth
                12,           -- center it (ignored anyway) 
                2,            -- draw underneath (1) + absolute location (2)
                colour))      -- background colour

  -- load the icon background image if possible
  button = "images/layout/button_background.png"

  if WindowLoadImage (win, hotkey, GetInfo (66) .. button) == eOK then
    check (WindowDrawImage (win, hotkey, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2))  -- draw it
  end -- if

  -- draw the 'F1' to 'F12' labels on the buttons
  outlined_text (colour, win, "F"..tostring(hotkey_number), 6, 9, 23)

  -- draw the label, if any
  if hotkeys_name[hotkey_number] ~= nil then
    outlined_text (colour, win, hotkeys_name[hotkey_number], 8, 9, 7)
  end -- if

  -- show the window
  WindowShow (win, true)

  -- create a hotspot over the timer
  WindowAddHotspot(win, "hs_F"..tostring(hotkey_number), 0, 0, 65, 41, "", "", "hotkey_down", "hotkey_up" , "", "F"..tostring(hotkey_number), 1, 0)

print (hotkeys_name[hotkey_number])

end -- create_hotkey

function update_hotkey (hotkey_number)

  if hotkeys[hotkey_number] ~= nil then
    win = "hotkey_window_"..hotkey_number
    hotkey = "hotkey_"..hotkey_number
    colour = ColourNameToRGB ("gold")
    button = "images/layout/button_background.png"
    if WindowLoadImage (win, hotkey, GetInfo (66) .. button) == eOK then
      check (WindowDrawImage (win, hotkey, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2))  -- draw it
    end -- if

    -- draw the label, if any
    if hotkeys_name[hotkey_number] ~= nil then
      outlined_text (colour, win, hotkeys_name[hotkey_number], 8, 9, 7)
    end -- if

    -- draw the 'F1' to 'F12' labels on the buttons
    outlined_text (colour, win, "F"..tostring(hotkey_number), 6, 9, 23)
  end -- if

print (hotkeys_name[hotkey_number])

end -- update_hotkey

Perhaps i'm not doing the things the way i should.
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Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (22,975 posts)  [Biography] bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #31 on Tue 03 Nov 2015 10:33 PM (UTC)
My earlier reply suggested:

macro = ExportXML (3 , "F10" )
macrotext = string.match (macro, "<send>(.*)</send>")

I'm not seeing that anywhere, or anything like it.

- Nick Gammon

www.gammon.com.au, www.mushclient.com
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Posted by Halig   Portugal  (123 posts)  [Biography] bio
Date Reply #32 on Tue 03 Nov 2015 10:43 PM (UTC)
Oh, it is as follows. I declared the macros at the top of the plugin:

macro1 = ExportXML (3 , "F1" )
macro2 = ExportXML (3 , "F2" )
macro3 = ExportXML (3 , "F3" )
macro4 = ExportXML (3 , "F4" )
macro5 = ExportXML (3 , "F5" )
macro6 = ExportXML (3 , "F6" )
macro7 = ExportXML (3 , "F7" )
macro8 = ExportXML (3 , "F8" )
macro9 = ExportXML (3 , "F9" )
macro10 = ExportXML (3 , "F10" )
macro11 = ExportXML (3 , "F11" )
macro12 = ExportXML (3 , "F12" )

function get_hotkey_value (hotkey_string)
  if hotkey_string == "hs_F1" then
    macro = string.match (macro1, "<send>(.*)</send>")
    if macro ~= nil then
     Execute (macro)
     return 0
    end -- if
    return 1
  elseif hotkey_string == "hs_F2" then
    macro = string.match (macro2, "<send>(.*)</send>")
    if macro ~= nil then
     Execute (macro)
     return 0
    end -- if
    return 2
  elseif hotkey_string == "hs_F3" then
    macro = string.match (macro3, "<send>(.*)</send>")
    if macro ~= nil then
     Execute (macro)
     return 0
    end -- if
    return 3
  elseif hotkey_string == "hs_F4" then
    macro = string.match (macro4, "<send>(.*)</send>")
    if macro ~= nil then
     Execute (macro)
     return 0
    end -- if
    return 4
  elseif hotkey_string == "hs_F5" then
    macro = string.match (macro5, "<send>(.*)</send>")
    if macro ~= nil then
     Execute (macro)
     return 0
    end -- if
    return 5
  elseif hotkey_string == "hs_F6" then
    macro = string.match (macro6, "<send>(.*)</send>")
    if macro ~= nil then
     Execute (macro)
     return 0
    end -- if
    return 6
  elseif hotkey_string == "hs_F7" then
    macro = string.match (macro7, "<send>(.*)</send>")
    if macro ~= nil then
     Execute (macro)
     return 0
    end -- if
    return 7
  elseif hotkey_string == "hs_F8" then
    macro = string.match (macro8, "<send>(.*)</send>")
    if macro ~= nil then
     Execute (macro)
     return 0
    end -- if
    return 8
  elseif hotkey_string == "hs_F9" then
    macro = string.match (macro9, "<send>(.*)</send>")
    if macro ~= nil then
     Execute (macro)
     return 0
    end -- if
    return 9
  elseif hotkey_string == "hs_F10" then
    macro = string.match (macro10, "<send>(.*)</send>")
    if macro ~= nil then
     Execute (macro)
     return 0
    end -- if
    return 10
  elseif hotkey_string == "hs_F11" then
    macro = string.match (macro11, "<send>(.*)</send>")
    if macro ~= nil then
     Execute (macro)
     return 0
    end -- if
    return 11
  elseif hotkey_string == "hs_F12" then
    macro = string.match (macro12, "<send>(.*)</send>")
    if macro ~= nil then
     Execute (macro)
     return 0
    end -- if
    return 12
    return 0
  end -- if
end -- get_hotkey_value
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Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (22,975 posts)  [Biography] bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #33 on Wed 04 Nov 2015 12:33 AM (UTC)
Yes, but I don't see where you are putting that macro stuff into the part that displays the buttons.

- Nick Gammon

www.gammon.com.au, www.mushclient.com
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Posted by Halig   Portugal  (123 posts)  [Biography] bio
Date Reply #34 on Wed 04 Nov 2015 12:32 PM (UTC)
Correct Nick. I was trying to put only the part that you told me.

print (hotkeys_name[hotkey_number])

I can't see what to do and where. Sorry about this Nick, and thank you for all your help.

function create_hotkey (hotkey_number)

  win = "hotkey_window_"..hotkey_number
  hotkey = "hotkey_"..hotkey_number
  colour = ColourNameToRGB ("gold")
  offset = 115 + (67*hotkey_number)

  -- make a miniwindow under the text
  check (WindowCreate (win,   -- window ID
                offset,       -- left
                2,            -- top
                65,           -- width
                41,           -- depth
                12,           -- center it (ignored anyway) 
                2,            -- draw underneath (1) + absolute location (2)
                colour))      -- background colour

  -- load the icon background image if possible
  button = "images/layout/button_background.png"

  if WindowLoadImage (win, hotkey, GetInfo (66) .. button) == eOK then
    check (WindowDrawImage (win, hotkey, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2))  -- draw it
  end -- if

  -- draw the 'F1' to 'F12' labels on the buttons
  outlined_text (colour, win, "F"..tostring(hotkey_number), 6, 9, 23)

  -- draw the label, if any
  if hotkeys_name[hotkey_number] ~= nil then
    outlined_text (colour, win, hotkeys_name[hotkey_number], 8, 9, 7)
  end -- if

  -- show the window
  WindowShow (win, true)

  -- create a hotspot over the timer
  WindowAddHotspot(win, "hs_F"..tostring(hotkey_number), 0, 0, 65, 41, "", "", "hotkey_down", "hotkey_up" , "", "F"..tostring(hotkey_number), 1, 0)

end -- create_hotkey

function update_hotkey (hotkey_number)

  if hotkeys[hotkey_number] ~= nil then
    win = "hotkey_window_"..hotkey_number
    hotkey = "hotkey_"..hotkey_number
    colour = ColourNameToRGB ("gold")
    button = "images/layout/button_background.png"
    if WindowLoadImage (win, hotkey, GetInfo (66) .. button) == eOK then
      check (WindowDrawImage (win, hotkey, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2))  -- draw it
    end -- if

    -- draw the label, if any
    if hotkeys_name[hotkey_number] ~= nil then
      outlined_text (colour, win, hotkeys_name[hotkey_number], 8, 9, 7)
    end -- if

    -- draw the 'F1' to 'F12' labels on the buttons
    outlined_text (colour, win, "F"..tostring(hotkey_number), 6, 9, 23)
  end -- if

end -- update_hotkey
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Posted by Halig   Portugal  (123 posts)  [Biography] bio
Date Reply #35 on Sat 07 Nov 2015 01:15 PM (UTC)
Hello to all. Been trying and no luck.
Can you guide me in one direction?
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Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (22,975 posts)  [Biography] bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #36 on Sat 07 Nov 2015 08:49 PM (UTC)
I'd like to see you break the problem down into manageable steps.


Been trying and no luck.

That doesn't tell me, or anyone else, anything.

What did you try? Post it, don't just talk about it.

You should be able to obtain the macro strings (I think you did that in reply #32). Now you should be able to use the code we discussed earlier to display them.

- Nick Gammon

www.gammon.com.au, www.mushclient.com
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