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➜ Help with creating a runscript
Help with creating a runscript
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Posted by
| Renegade_Hipster
(1 post) Bio
| Fri 12 Aug 2016 06:33 AM (UTC) |
| Hi,
I have been an avid zmud/cmud user for years though changing it up with Mushclient when I started mudding again. I have yet to feel secure with the change but I am getting there.
One of the things I had in cmud was runscripts, and with that two different kinds. First one was an easy run from A to B, and if initiated again, run back from B to A. This was for open areas with non stationary mobs, i.e where I had to move myself.
The second one was basically the same, though taking it a step further. Here I had been finding mobs in different areas all around that I wanted to include in my run and just linked them together. Just toggled between them with a choosen button on the keyboard.
They way I remember it in cmud(was years ago) was that I had a database with a run on each line. A to B to A run was hence just two lines, to go there and back. Though the longer runs has a line per mob included.
Put in a macro that toggled the lines, which made life a lot easier. I have been searching for how to do something like this(or something way better) in mushclient, but I am not finding the right information. | Top |
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It is now over 60 days since the last post. This thread is closed.
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