Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Well, if this MUD allows it. Here is a way I thought up to detect anagrams from a list of known words.
Basically A is an anagram of B is it has the same letters with the same frequencies (eg. 2 x A, 3 x E, 2 x T). So we can take our known words and turn them into a table, like this:
The word "All" for example has 1 x A and 2 x L ("10000000000200000000000000").
So we can save them in a table, and look up a target word to see if it has the same pattern (like "LAL" would have).
-- return a string with a count for each occurrence of the letters A-Z
function calculateFrequencies (str)
-- no letters have appeared yet
local t = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
for i = 1, #str do
local c = str:sub (i, i):upper () -- get each character (in upper case)
if c >= "A" and c <= "Z" then
local val = string.byte (c) - string.byte ("A") + 1
t [val] = t [val] + 1 -- one more occurence of this one
end -- if alphabetic
end -- for
for k, v in ipairs (t) do
if v > 9 then -- if more than 9 of one letter put an "x" there
t [k] = "x"
t [k] = tostring (v) -- turn into a string
end -- if
end -- for each one
return table.concat (t)
end -- calculateFrequencies
-- words we know
knownWords = {
"Twas", "brillig", "and", "the", "slithy",
"toves", "Did", "gyre", "and", "gimble",
"in", "the", "wabe", "All", "mimsy",
"were", "the", "borogoves", "And",
"the", "mome", "raths", "outgrabe",
-- converted into frequencies
convertedWords = { }
for k, v in ipairs (knownWords) do
convertedWords [calculateFrequencies (v)] = v
end -- for each word
-- words to test against
testWords = {
"food", "candy", "nick", "lua", -- not known
"swat", "votes", "dna", "mmoe" -- known
for k, v in ipairs (testWords) do
print (v)
local original = convertedWords [calculateFrequencies (v)]
if original then
print (" -->", original)
print (" not known.")
end -- if
end -- for
Output from test:
not known.
not known.
not known.
not known.
--> Twas
--> toves
--> And
--> mome
- Nick Gammon, | Top |