there’s always a forced newline around hyperlinks
That’s by design, as different line “types” are made into new lines. For example, if you type a command, you don’t want it appended to the end of a previous line from the MUD.
The simulated message triggers the colorizer, the note does not.
Well, triggers are supposed to match incoming lines, not notes. If a trigger matched a note you might get into an endless recursive loop, if, for example, you happened to write a trigger that matched on “foo” and noted “foo”, which then matched a trigger, sent “foo” again, and so on until you got bored and force-quitted the client.
You could always make a version of Note that pushes what is being noted through trigger matching if you were desperate.
You might be thinking “but why can’t that be changed?” - the answer is that changing this sort of behaviour isn’t just a good thing for you and absolutely neutral for everyone else.
Let me give you a (somewhat unrelated) analogy. Say you are at an airport, waiting to catch your plane. Your luggage has been checked in and is in the hold of the aircraft. Unfortunately you didn’t hear the boarding announcement, and the calls for “Mr. Smith please go to gate lounge 10 immediately” until it is about one minute before departure time.
You rush down to the gate lounge and are denied boarding. Why? Because your bags have already been off-loaded, and they are not going to waste more time by putting them back on. And if they didn’t off-load your bags they might have a bomb on them and everyone on board might die.
There is no perfect solution. Maybe:
- You miss your flight
- Everyone is delayed, possibly missing further connections later on
- A bomb kills everyone on board because you had no intention of catching the flight
Similarly with the client. Changes like making simulated lines not trigger a newline would not be neutral. There may well be other people that are relying upon it working the way it currently does.
Maybe think of a different way of achieving your goal? For example, certain words could cause a miniwindow off to the right appear which has hyperlinks in it.