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These Forum Account Password Requirements Are Really Bad

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Posted by Rabbi   (5 posts)  Bio
Date Fri 11 Oct 2019 01:41 PM (UTC)

Amended on Fri 11 Oct 2019 02:18 PM (UTC) by Rabbi

  • Must be at least 10 characters long.
  • Must contain at least one number, one upper-case letter, one lower-case letter, and one punctuation character.
  • Must not be in a dictionary of the most common 100 passwords (eg. "password" or "letmein")
  • May not consist of more than 6 of the same character in any position (eg. "a1a2a3a4a5a6" would not be allowed).
  • May not contain sequences of 3 or more characters going up or down (eg. "abc", "456", "ZYX", "765").
  • May not contain repeats of 3 or more characters in a row (eg. "aaa" or "666" would not be allowed).
  • May not end with a number (so you can't just add numbers to a word, like "gorilla489")
  • May not contain part of your email address (so if your name is "" the password can't be "barb9642")

I was going to use a pretty low security password on these forums, and those got rejected. That's fine. Then I started moving up in security. I have a pretty complicated password that changes based on where I'm using it, but it happens to end in a number. So I can't use it. I tried some more, and it turns out I literally don't have any passwords I can use on this forum that I'll actually remember. That's fine, we live in the age of password managers.

Next up I smash "guid generator" into google and start grabbing GUIDs to try to use. Whoops, check out this _extremely_ insecure password I tried to use:
8c26cc26-ba34-4ce1-accd-f4bc36b05bca. You see, this extremely insecure password has more than 6 'c's in it. Whoopsa-daisy, I can't believe I almost got my account hacked.

I better try a new one, but once again I almost made another critical security error: f8083678-9931-41dd-bbe9-3bb01f32eac7. Obviously any malicious agent would have known that this password contains the ascending sequence "678".

Of course, these wouldn't have worked anyways, as these GUIDs don't have upper-case letters, once again a testament to their weakness. I ended up finding a generator that would work, and now if I ever lose access to google's password manager I can reset the password I guess. I now feel extremely safe that no one is going to steal my MUSHclient forum account, thank goodness.

Let's take a page from XKCD here:

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