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➜ Resuming Slow_Speedwalk with Previous Direction instead of Next Direction
Resuming Slow_Speedwalk with Previous Direction instead of Next Direction
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Posted by
| Alaedrus
(2 posts) Bio
| Tue 12 May 2020 04:28 AM (UTC) |
| I've had an issue come up recently where the speedwalk would be paused as normal, but then at the point after it resumes but before it moves to the next room an aggro mob walks in and proceeds to attack. The speedwalk still pauses, but then is no longer on the correct path (being one room behind where the speedwalk thinks you are).
A textual example would be something as follows:
[HP: 500/500]
Visible Exits:
A corpse of a ghoul is here.
A corpse of a dullahan is here.
[HP: 500/500]
>No mobs!
A Dullahan has arrived.
A Dullahan attacks you!
[HP: 485/500]
{Speedwalk resumed}
You can't do that while fighting.
The mobcheck fully evaluates before the dullahan arrives, and then proceeds to try to leave. However, because I get into combat before the speedwalk resumes, I end up losing my place in the speedwalk and the entire pathing crumbles.
My question then is there a way to put west into a variable and store that, and then activate a trigger to try and go that direction once again? | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #1 on Tue 12 May 2020 06:38 AM (UTC) |
| Are you talking about the speedwalk plugin? If so, which variant? Link please.
My question then is there a way to put west into a variable and store that, and then activate a trigger to try and go that direction once again?
Yes, virtually anything is possible.
It's a little hard to automate what you describe, because most of the time it works. You could just manually type "west" in this case, by reviewing where you would normally have gone.
If this is to make a bot that does its stuff while you are watching TV, well it is possible, but I'll leave it to you to make it work. I don't want to sound judgemental, but having bots running around automatically killing stuff and making in-game money 24/7 isn't really fair on players who are playing as real people. Some server operators frown on them. |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Alaedrus
(2 posts) Bio
| Reply #2 on Tue 12 May 2020 06:56 AM (UTC) Amended on Tue 12 May 2020 07:04 AM (UTC) by Alaedrus
| The one from 2008 from this thread:
And no worries. I understand many people's reservations for aiding others botting. While on this server it is allowed, I get it. Knowing it's possible to store and then call something like this gives me something to look for. Thanks! | Top |
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It is now over 60 days since the last post. This thread is closed.
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