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Learning Mapper with MSDP

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Posted by Fiendish   USA  (2,534 posts)  Bio   Global Moderator
Date Reply #15 on Wed 17 Jun 2020 03:28 PM (UTC)

Amended on Wed 17 Jun 2020 03:35 PM (UTC) by Fiendish

I envision the mapper being able to:

Automap an area either by walking through it


or maybe it doing some of it by itself dependent on what the pc is able to see (wrt the in-game automap - i.e. radius of 5 rooms).

Bad idea unless you plan to start transmitting metadata for every room within a 5 room radius.

Show/hide rooms that are in different areas (usually this is by .are)


This will help with a bit of overlapping I currently am getting in some places

Some, maybe, but nothing will prevent overlap if your room connections span irregular distances, because the display part of the plugin doesn't try to deal with that.

Auto set the sector


Show entities in surrounding rooms (this is enabled by a wearable item in-game)

Just don't store it with the room information, because this changes constantly.

Right now it does not report sectortype or exit vnum. I believe I need this to enable more of what I am asking for here.


I am up for going back to Nick's GMCP_Mapper and 'porting' it to use MSDP. I would think the most of the changes will need to be done within OnPluginBroadcast to ensure the mapper understands what it is receiving.


Can I have a bit of guidance on what I should be doing first?

Making sure that the server sends everything that you want to use.

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