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 Entire forum ➜ MUSHclient ➜ General ➜ Array within an alias

Array within an alias

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Posted by Xandler   (52 posts)  Bio
Date Fri 15 Jan 2021 11:54 PM (UTC)
I'm trying to re-build all the triggers and the like I lost when my HDD died and I'm struggling with this part. I remember I had an array of sorts within an alias, when that alias would fire it would add 1 to the variable then transport me to the next place. For the life of me I don't remember how to set this up. Right now it is currently just adding 1 to the variable I want, which is correct, I would just like the list of places it should take me to as well.

In short, it will land on Earth which I'll denote as 1, it will request a freelance quest from the questmaster, go back to the transport then transport to let's say Pluto which will be 2, I think this is done within an array, but I've lost the knowledge on how to set it up. I have variables to capture the planet's number and the planet name currently.

Posted by Xandler   (52 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #1 on Sat 16 Jan 2021 01:23 AM (UTC)
Figured it out with if checks.

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