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➜ Help with stat roll matching
Help with stat roll matching
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Posted by
| Boen310
(17 posts) Bio
| Wed 09 Nov 2022 02:09 PM (UTC) Amended on Wed 09 Nov 2022 11:15 PM (UTC) by Boen310
| Trying to create a stat roller where its matching on words and the value after(word) is the sample output
Your basic stats:
Strength: good Power: excellent
Dexterity: good Intelligence: very good
Agility: very good Wisdom: good
Constitution: very good Charisma: good
Luck: very good Unused: very good
Currently I am using this but am not having any luck
^/s*(Strength|Dexterity|Constitution|Wisdom|Agility)\s+\ (good|very good|excellent)
#switch (%2)
("good") {Goodcnt = @Goodcnt + 1}
("very good") {VGcnt = @VGcnt + 1}
("excellent") {EXCcnt = @EXCcnt + 1}
Then second trigger:
^Do you want to reroll this char$
#show @EXCcnt
#IF (@EXCcnt > 4) (#show @EXCcnt;#3#beep) {y}
EXCcnt = 0
VGcnt = 0
Goodcnt = 0
Any help would be apprecaited.
PS tried [code] [/code] as top output isn't mono spaced | Top |
Posted by
| AdInfinitum
(74 posts) Bio
| Reply #1 on Wed 09 Nov 2022 05:49 PM (UTC) Amended on Wed 09 Nov 2022 05:50 PM (UTC) by AdInfinitum
| You aren't very clear on what isn't working, but I suspect it's the following.
The code you are using seems to be zscript, commonly used by zMUD/CMUD. In order to use it in MUSHclient, you'll need to emulate the same functions in a language that MUSHclient can utilize.
In Lua code, you could do something akin to:
if ("%2" == "good") then
SetVariable("Goodcnt", GetVariable("Goodcnt") + 1)
elseif ("%2" == "very good") then
SetVariable("VGcnt", GetVariable("VGcnt") + 1)
elseif ("%2" == "excellent") then
SetVariable("EXCcnt", GetVariable("EXCcnt") + 1)
That would be your first trigger, send to script. For your second trigger, you would do:
if (GetVariable("EXCcnt") > 4) then
Sound("ding.wav") -- or whatever sound you want to play
Send("y") -- Assuming you want to reroll if excellent count is greater than 4; perhaps you meant 'n' instead?
SetVariable("Goodcnt", 0)
SetVariable("VGcnt", 0)
SetVariable("EXCcnt", 0)
Also, make sure that Regular Expression is ticked in each of your trigger boxes. The triggers you supplied are in regex form, and should be flagged as such. | Top |
Posted by
| Boen310
(17 posts) Bio
| Reply #2 on Wed 09 Nov 2022 11:25 PM (UTC) |
| Thank you for the update to the code. Was what found for something and modified. I can't seem to get anything to trigger. Copied what you gave for both and sent first to Script and sent second to World and it never triggers
Your basic stats:
Strength: excellent Power: very good
Dexterity: very good Intelligence: very good
Agility: very good Wisdom: very good
Constitution: very good Charisma: very good
Luck: very good Unused: excellent
^/s*(Strength|Dexterity|Constitution|Wisdom|Agility)\s+\ (good|very good|excellent)
| Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #3 on Thu 10 Nov 2022 03:05 AM (UTC) |
Please help us by showing:
- A copy of the trigger, alias or timer you were using (see
Copying XML)
- The error message, if any, that you got
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| AdInfinitum
(74 posts) Bio
| Reply #4 on Thu 10 Nov 2022 03:23 AM (UTC) |
Boen310 said:
Thank you for the update to the code. Was what found for something and modified. I can't seem to get anything to trigger. Copied what you gave for both and sent first to Script and sent second to World and it never triggers
Your basic stats:
Strength: excellent Power: very good
Dexterity: very good Intelligence: very good
Agility: very good Wisdom: very good
Constitution: very good Charisma: very good
Luck: very good Unused: excellent
^/s*(Strength|Dexterity|Constitution|Wisdom|Agility)\s+\ (good|very good|excellent)
Your trigger is missing a colon, which seems to exist in your output. Additionally, there are two other errors with your trigger line. When you start a trigger line with a "^", it means to start looking at the start of the line and nowhere else. This means, at the very least, that "Wisdom" will never be captured. Additionally, your "/s" is supposed to be "\s". Your trigger line probably needs to be:
(Strength|Dexterity|Constitution|Wisdom|Agility):\s+\ (good|very good|excellent)
Once again, make sure that you have Regular Expression ticked, otherwise it will not work.
Also, BOTH triggers need to be Send to script if using the code.
If all this fails, please follow what Nick asked above. It really helps to have you display what your triggers are by providing the XML of it, and doubly so when you give us the error message if one is provided. | Top |
Posted by
| Boen310
(17 posts) Bio
| Reply #5 on Thu 10 Nov 2022 04:56 PM (UTC) Amended on Thu 10 Nov 2022 04:57 PM (UTC) by Boen310
(Strength|Dexterity|Constitution|Wisdom|Agility):\s+\ (good|very good|excellent)
if ("%2" == "good") then
SetVariable("Goodcnt", GetVariable("Goodcnt") + 1)
elseif ("%2" == "very good") then
SetVariable("VGcnt", GetVariable("VGcnt") + 1)
elseif ("%2" == "excellent") then
SetVariable("EXCcnt", GetVariable("EXCcnt") + 1)
Do you want to reroll this char
if (GetVariable("EXCcnt") > 4) then
SetVariable("Goodcnt", 0)
SetVariable("VGcnt", 0)
SetVariable("EXCcnt", 0)
Both to Script
Getting this error now:
Run-time error
World: Duris
Immediate execution
[string "Trigger: "]:2: attempt to perform arithmetic on a nil value
stack traceback:
[string "Trigger: "]:2: in main chunk
The value of 2 here [string "Trigger: "]:2: changes between 1,2,4,6 | Top |
Posted by
| AdInfinitum
(74 posts) Bio
| Reply #6 on Thu 10 Nov 2022 05:31 PM (UTC) |
| I see what the issue is. You do not have Goodcnt, VGcnt, and EXCcnt set prior to running the script. To counter that, make the following change:
if ("%2" == "good") then
SetVariable("Goodcnt", (GetVariable("Goodcnt") or 0) + 1)
elseif ("%2" == "very good") then
SetVariable("VGcnt", (GetVariable("VGcnt") or 0) + 1)
elseif ("%2" == "excellent") then
SetVariable("EXCcnt", (GetVariable("EXCcnt") or 0) + 1)
If the variable does not exist, it'll assume 0 and add 1 to it. Otherwise, it will take the variable's count and add 1 to it.
Hopefully this solves it all. | Top |
Posted by
| Boen310
(17 posts) Bio
| Reply #7 on Thu 10 Nov 2022 05:37 PM (UTC) |
Run-time error
World: Duris
Immediate execution
[string "Trigger: "]:1: attempt to compare number with string
stack traceback:
[string "Trigger: "]:1: in main chunk
made changes and get this now. | Top |
Posted by
| AdInfinitum
(74 posts) Bio
| Reply #8 on Thu 10 Nov 2022 07:04 PM (UTC) |
| This is what happens when you try to respond while at work. Despite being a number, variables are saved as type "string". The change for the second trigger needs to be:
if (GetVariable("EXCcnt") > 4) then
changed to:
if (tonumber(GetVariable("EXCcnt")) > 4) then
If there are more failures, please highlight the triggers in the GUI and click the 'Copy' button located near the bottom right of the button group. Then come here and 'paste' the actual XML. | Top |
Posted by
| Boen310
(17 posts) Bio
| Reply #9 on Thu 10 Nov 2022 07:36 PM (UTC) Amended on Thu 10 Nov 2022 07:50 PM (UTC) by Boen310
| I turned on tracing if that is what you mean and this is the output from that. This is made after your latest change. It run this and does not continue to keep rolling.
Your basic stats:
Strength: very good Power: very good
TRACE: Matched trigger "(Strength|Dexterity|Constitution|Wisdom|Agility):\s+\ (good|very good|excellent)"
Dexterity: very good Intelligence: good
TRACE: Matched trigger "(Strength|Dexterity|Constitution|Wisdom|Agility):\s+\ (good|very good|excellent)"
Agility: very good Wisdom: very good
TRACE: Matched trigger "(Strength|Dexterity|Constitution|Wisdom|Agility):\s+\ (good|very good|excellent)"
Constitution: very good Charisma: very good
TRACE: Matched trigger "(Strength|Dexterity|Constitution|Wisdom|Agility):\s+\ (good|very good|excellent)"
Luck: very good Unused: very good
Lame: 0-9 Poor:10-21 Below Avg:22-33
Avg:34-67 Above Avg:68-79 Good:80-85
Very good:86+:
Place your bonuses as you think will fit your playing style, as well as benefit
TRACE: Matched trigger "Place your bonuses as you think will fit your playing style, as well as benefit"
your character. Your stats will be further modified within the game by equipment
and spells, and can be permanently modified as well.
Do you want to reroll this char (y/n) [y]:
Accepting these stats.
If looking for something else please let me know as I did not see that option. Thank you for assisting. | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #10 on Thu 10 Nov 2022 08:46 PM (UTC) |
| I don’t see how your trigger will match both items on the same line (eg. Strength and Power).
You probably need to go about it differently:
When you see the line “Your basic stats:” activate (enable) another trigger
This second trigger matches “*" (ie, everything).
In the code, do a regular expression match (using Lua “string.match” function) for all the words (Strength, Power, Dexterity etc.).
If one matches note what value you got
When you see the line “Do you want to reroll this char” then respond accordingly and turn the trigger I mentioned above off.
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
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