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Posted by
| Magnum
Canada (580 posts) Bio
| Reply #15 on Wed 07 Aug 2002 06:40 PM (UTC) Amended on Wed 07 Aug 2002 06:43 PM (UTC) by Magnum
| Reminder, This is PAGE 2 on the forums, Check page 1, I have a new post there too.
And also, would I be able to also like type "exitall" to exit that particular question and stop any other triggers which may bring up questions like those until activated by myself?
Hmm. Ok, first of all, I assume you made a trigger to call the "Ask_Encounter_Question". Let's say it's something like this:
match="Llama checks you out."
The sample label above for the trigger is "Mob_Llama_Enters". We could build a subroutine to turn the trigger on and off:
Sub Toggle_AutoQuestion (Aliasname, AliasLine, arrWildcards)
Dim TriggerState
Dim TriggerName
TriggerName = "Mob_Llama_Enters"
If World.IsTrigger(TriggerName) Then
TriggerState = World.GetTriggerInfo(TriggerName, 8)
If TriggerState Then
World.EnableTrigger TriggerName, vbFalse
World.Note "Trigger Disabled: " & TriggerName
World.EnableTrigger TriggerName, vbTrue
World.Note "Trigger Enabled: " & TriggerName
End if
World.Note "Error: Couldn't find the trigger: " & TriggerName
End If
End Sub
That subroutine checks to see if the trigger exists. If so, if it was enabled, then it becomes disabled. If it was disabled, then it becomes enabled. You would use an alias to call that subroutine:
Use the copy and paste mentioned in the previous message to add that as an alias.
All of this code I have provided you works with just one trigger, hardcoded to a single mob. If you are interested in learning Visual Basic, you may want to take this on as a project, and see if you can modify the code so that it would work on multiple mobs (without duplicating the script a bunch of times for each mob) It might not be too hard.
Nick, I would like to point him to the Visual Basic Manual help file, but I don't want to navigate MS's site to find the link. Any chance you could host it yourself here as well, since so many people here are likely to need it? |
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Magnum. | Top |
Posted by
| Penguin
(46 posts) Bio
| Reply #16 on Thu 08 Aug 2002 05:34 AM (UTC) |
| lol.. I forgot to remove the alias thing from the script:P oops.
grin anyway I managed to get the questions to work:) Thanks.. however there seems to be a problem with the "autoq" command. The error message "Error: Couldn't find the trigger: Mob_Llama_Enters" appears when I type "autoq". And after typing that, the question still appears when triggered. | Top |
Posted by
| Magnum
Canada (580 posts) Bio
| Reply #17 on Thu 08 Aug 2002 07:39 AM (UTC) |
| Do either:
- Replace the line:
TriggerName = "Mob_Llama_Enters"
... with a different value in quotes. Put the actual label of your 'Llama enters' trigger.
- Check/Change the label of your 'Llama enters' trigger, and make sure it matches what is in quotes, above.
Incidentally, I realized later, if you enter something that causes an error, with the "pick" alias, the question gets reset anyway. For example, if you typed "pick 4", then you get told that's not an option, and the question is reset. You can't do "pick 3" after that. Indeed, You can only use the "pick" alias once, then the answers are reset! That could be a problem if you wanted to do "pick 1" and then "pick 2" after.
Why not take a stab at coding and see if you can edit the script so it's more flexible? :) |
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Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #18 on Thu 08 Aug 2002 10:15 AM (UTC) |
| So, "pick 4" is really "exitall?
Perhaps don't disable the alias if an invalid answer is given?
If Not IsNumeric(ArrWildcards(1)) Then
World.Note "Invalid answer: You must pick a number."
Exit Sub
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Penguin
(46 posts) Bio
| Reply #19 on Thu 08 Aug 2002 10:55 AM (UTC) |
| Yup, entering an invalid choice clears the question, which works quite fine for me. However I still have problems with the "autoq" thing. Just to get me back on track, "autoq" is supposed to exit all further questions which may occur due to triggers right?
Anyway the same error message still appears
Error: Couldn't find the trigger: R_question
even though I changed the label of the trigger to "R_question" and edited the value of TriggerName in the script file to "R_question" Don't see what's wrong.. unless something is wrong with the script itself? | Top |
Posted by
| Magnum
Canada (580 posts) Bio
| Reply #20 on Thu 08 Aug 2002 08:50 PM (UTC) |
| Heh... Ok, I'll blame this one on Nick. :) :)
I checked the documentation for "World.IsTrigger()" here:
and realized, the function returns a "0" if the trigger does exist. That contradicts standard Visual Basic Programming. If you do this:
/World.Note True
directly in the command box, you will see a "-1" result. If you change it to False, you will see a "0" result.
...So, "World.IsTrigger()" is giving us backwards results. Oh well, we will compensate. Change the appropriate line to this:
If NOT World.IsTrigger(TriggerName) Then
...And things should work, I believe.
P.S. to Nick: I can see why you made this function the way you did... Heh, just a surprise for those of us who don't RTFM till something goes wrong... LOL. |
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Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #21 on Thu 08 Aug 2002 09:15 PM (UTC) |
| Strictly speaking, it returns eOK, where eOK happens to be defined as 0.
The reason was, I wanted to return more than just "true" or "false", as the other return value was "bad label".
The return of eOK is consistent with the way most other trigger routines work.
However I agree that I then do, rather confusingly, use 0 or 1 in some other places to indicate false or true, in circumstances where they are the only two valid responses.
Also, also, in Jscript (and C etc) true is 1, not -1. |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #22 on Fri 09 Aug 2002 01:37 AM (UTC) |
Also, I seem to recall that in version 3.20, errors in the script file would be brought out by the Scripting Error window while attempting to save the script file. Is it changed now?
It attempts to compile script files when you save the script, and when you save an alias (etc.) with a script argument it tries to resolve that (ie. find the routine for it), so you may well get an error message at that point too. |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Twilight_Player
(1 post) Bio
| Reply #23 on Sat 10 Aug 2002 10:04 AM (UTC) |
| Following the Above codes i have been able to create many 'selection screens'...however...instead of using e.g 'autoq_look' or 'autoq_login' to check the current status of the selection screen, how would i be able to write a script to show all the autoq commands' status..
e.g autoq_status (and it shows autoq_look status : enabled, autoq_login : disabled...etc etc...) | Top |
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