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➜ MUSHclient
➜ Plugins
➜ Triggers and aliases, for the use in the realms of Achaea and Aetolia
Triggers and aliases, for the use in the realms of Achaea and Aetolia
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Pages: 1 2
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Mon 12 Apr 2004 11:34 PM (UTC) Amended on Tue 13 Apr 2004 01:39 AM (UTC) by Nick Gammon
| Submitted by Hathcock
This is a list of all the aliases that my system uses through mushclient. There are alot of them, but don't worry, most you may never use, I tried to put the more important ones near the top and place them all in their groups. If you have any troubles with the system, contact me (ISHAMAEL) to fix the problem. If you need to download a new copy of MUSHclient go to Caps and/or lower-case can be used for these aliases, it doesn't matter.
These aliases can be found in the plugin at (right-click and save to disk to use this file). Documentation (an RTF version of this page) is at
x (target) |
Sets your target for attacks |
l |
quick look |
dh |
drink health |
dm |
drink mana |
defsk |
Turns on Fortify, Celerity, Ward, Potence, Lifevision |
defup |
Prepares you for combat |
tm |
touch mindseye |
ts |
touch shield |
ss |
smoke skullcap |
tc |
touch cloak |
\ |
writhe |
Back to top
\ |
writhe |
cdd |
close door down |
cde |
close door east |
cdn |
close door north |
cdne |
close door northeast |
cdnw |
close door northwest |
cds |
close door south |
cdse |
close door southeast |
cdsw |
close door southwest |
cdu |
close door up |
cdw |
close door west |
odd |
open door down |
ode |
open door east |
odn |
open door north |
odne |
open door northeast |
odnw |
open door norhtwest |
ods |
open door south |
odse |
open door southeast |
odsw |
open door southwest |
odu |
open door up |
odw |
open door west |
cl1 |
clan switch 1 |
cl2 |
clan switch 2 |
cl3 |
clan switch 3 |
cl4 |
clan switch 4 |
cl5 |
clan switch 5 |
cl6 |
clan switch 6 |
clw |
clan who |
com |
compose |
con |
concentrate |
de |
diag |
en |
enter portal |
pp |
probe pack |
ppb |
probe pocketbelts |
pgip |
put gold in pack |
g (amount) |
get (x) gold from pack |
sa |
stand |
wearall |
wearall eq |
kk |
stand and frenzy at target |
ih |
info here |
ii |
info inv |
jfd |
join freeforall delos |
hy |
drink health, eat moss, mend |
wr |
wield rapier and shield |
ws |
wield both shields |
Back to top
as |
sileris |
ea |
ash |
eb |
bloodroot |
ebay |
bayberry |
ebe |
bellwort |
ec |
cohosh |
eec |
echinacea |
eg |
goldenseal |
egi |
ginseng |
ek |
kelp |
eko |
kola |
el |
lobelia |
em |
moss |
Back to top
ac |
apply caloric |
dh |
drink health |
dm |
drink mana |
ae |
apply epidermal |
am |
apply mending |
aml |
apply mending to leg |
ama |
apply mending to arm |
amt |
apply mending to torso |
amh |
apply mending to head |
ar |
apply restoration |
arl |
apply restoration to leg |
ara |
apply restoration to arm |
art |
apply restoration to torso |
arh |
apply restoration to head |
dhm |
drink health, eat moss |
dmm |
drink mana, eat moss |
di |
drink immunity |
df |
drink frost |
dv |
drink venom |
ds |
drink speed |
dl |
drink levitation |
amass |
apply mass |
invial |
put salves and elixers in pack |
outvial |
gets salves and elixers from pack |
Back to top
fco |
frenzy/confusion |
ffe |
frenzy/fear |
fim |
frenzy/impatience |
fpa |
frenzy/paranoia |
fst |
frenzy/stupidity |
fag |
frenzy/agoraphobia |
fma |
frenzy/masochism |
fpe |
frenzy/peace |
fan |
frenzy/anorexia |
fam |
frenzy/amnesia |
fde |
frenzy/dementia |
fre |
frenzy/recklessness |
flo |
frenzy/loneliness |
11 |
curare/stupidity w/rapier |
22 |
eurypteria/masochism w/rapier |
33 |
vernalius/amnesia w/rapier |
44 |
prefarar/stupidity w/rapier |
55 |
xentio/recklessness w/rapier |
66 |
kalmia/amnesia w/rapier |
77 |
gecko/anorexia w/rapier |
88 |
monkshood/stupidity w/rapier |
99 |
larkspur/stupidity w/rapier |
00 |
euphorbia/anorexia w/rapier |
[[ |
oculus/anorexia w/rapier |
]] |
oculus/stupidity w/rapier |
fff |
feed target |
bb |
breath target, use dead breath on target |
x (target) |
sets target for attacks |
xs |
sets target for sergeant |
xg |
sets target for goblin |
xh |
set target for hobgoblin |
xf |
sets target for foreman |
xz |
sets target for zombie |
Back to top
fp |
fill pipes |
lp |
light pipes |
sall |
smoke all pipes |
selm |
smoke elm |
sv |
smoke valerian |
ss |
smoke skullcap |
emp |
empties all pipes of good herb |
smup |
fills/lights/smokes all pipes |
Back to top
ff |
frenzy at target |
yy |
tackle target |
Back to top
tt |
touch tree |
tm |
touch mindseye |
ts |
touch shield |
tw |
touch web, webs target |
th |
touch hammer, destroys target's shield |
sum |
touch brazier, summons target |
zzz |
touch hourglass, puts target to sleep |
Back to top
aa |
purify blood |
ba (minion) |
blood affinity (minion) |
baf |
blood affinity off |
bb (minion) |
blood beckons (minion) |
br (minion) |
blood rage (minion) |
bs |
bloodsever |
calmg |
order ghast passive,calm, follow |
calmwi |
order wight passive,calm, follow |
calmwr |
order wraith passive, calm, follow |
ogf |
order ghast follow |
owf |
order wraith follow |
owif |
order wight follow |
ogp |
order ghast passive |
owp |
order wraith passive |
owip |
order wight passive |
ogk |
order ghast kill target |
owk |
order wraith kill target |
owik |
order wight kill target |
si |
siphon target |
an |
annihilate target |
re |
restore |
rghast (corpse) |
raise corpse as ghast |
rwraith (corpse) |
raise corpse as wraith |
rwight (corpse) |
raise corpse as wight |
for |
fortify |
cel |
celerity |
pot |
potence |
vit |
vitality |
ls |
lifescent |
meld |
earthmeld |
mm |
mend |
mf |
mistform |
ns |
nightsight |
Back to top
Hecah |
gives all corpses to hecah |
Blaan |
gives corpses to blaan |
gs |
give furs to Shanea |
gt |
give rabbit to trapper |
Back to top
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #1 on Tue 13 Apr 2004 01:37 AM (UTC) |
| In addition to the aliases mentioned above, the plugin has 540 triggers which are designed to react to various circumstances.
The plugin size is 249 Kb. It is a nice illustration of what can be done with MUSHclient plugins. :) |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Hathcock
(49 posts) Bio
| Reply #2 on Tue 13 Apr 2004 01:44 AM (UTC) |
| Thanks Nick :)
If you have any problems at all, please contact me in Aetolia as Pythona and I will help as best I can, this was all written from the ground up personally (so you may run into one or two bugs/problems), with help on the harder details from others within this forum, many thanks to Ked for his help and of course Nick. | Top |
Posted by
| Adriana
(8 posts) Bio
| Reply #3 on Sun 25 Apr 2004 04:17 AM (UTC) |
| I know this sounds rather primitive since everyone here basically knows how to script and all BUT I'm really really REALLY interested in learning how to script triggers and aliases (or plugins?) for MUSHclient. Specifically for Iron Realms games (Aetolia, Achaea, Imperian). However, I have no idea how to start learning. And I'm talking about the absolute basics. Not intermediate knowledge or anything. I'm completely uncomprehending of how to set up a variable for MUSHclient. If anyone can help, I'd be ever so incredibly grateful!!! Just email me. |
Instant gratification isn't fast enough! | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #4 on Sun 25 Apr 2004 05:07 AM (UTC) |
| There is so much we can cover, it is probably best to start with a specific example.
Also, I would start a new thread for that, so it doesn't get confused with this rather elaborate plugin that this thread describes.
However first do a search of this forum - examples of making a little script (or alias) to do something like setting up a target to attack have been done quite a few times. |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Azekiel
(4 posts) Bio
| Reply #5 on Thu 04 Aug 2005 11:37 PM (UTC) |
| I noticed the triggers are using outb instead of outr, how old is this ?
| Top |
Posted by
| Rakon
USA (123 posts) Bio
| Reply #6 on Fri 05 Aug 2005 05:41 AM (UTC) Amended on Fri 05 Aug 2005 05:42 AM (UTC) by Rakon
| Found in file
The file is a bit old, but nothing that cant be tweaked.
**EDIT<Reason:Forgot end code tag>** |
Yes, I am a criminal.
My crime is that of curiosity.
My crime is that of judging people by what they say and think, not what they look like.
My crime is that of outsmarting you, something that you will never forgive me for. | Top |
Posted by
| Azekiel
(4 posts) Bio
| Reply #7 on Fri 05 Aug 2005 01:03 PM (UTC) |
| Yeah, thats true - easiest way I found is to go through and use find/replace. | Top |
Posted by
| Azekiel
(4 posts) Bio
| Reply #8 on Mon 08 Aug 2005 07:03 PM (UTC) |
| Another thing I have noticed is the APPLY RESTORATION reflex to the monk combo attacks to the head kick in when someone is attacking someone else because it is reflexed on "He connects to the HEAD!" anyone know how to get around this? | Top |
Posted by
| Flannel
USA (1,230 posts) Bio
| Reply #9 on Mon 08 Aug 2005 08:54 PM (UTC) |
| Does it say anything else when you're doing it (or I suppose it's being on the receiving end of it, yes?)? Like "he connects to your head!" or something?
Whats the situation? Most of us don't play these particular servers, so we need some background to adequately help with complicated things. |
Messiah of Rose
Eternity's Trials.
Clones are people two. | Top |
Posted by
| Azekiel
(4 posts) Bio
| Reply #10 on Tue 09 Aug 2005 02:56 PM (UTC) |
| This is the part of the script as it is now;
match="He connects to the left arm!"
<send>apply restoration to arm
parry left arm</send>
That is why if I am in a room, my reflexes will also go off -
Soandso launches a powerful uppercut at soandso.
He connects to the head!
HOWEVER if I am fighting, the message is;
Soandso launches a powerful uppercut at you.
He connects to the head!
IT is the same, I suppose I need some kindo of multiline trigger ???
| Top |
Posted by
| Ograch
(2 posts) Bio
| Reply #11 on Fri 13 Jan 2006 12:32 PM (UTC) |
| I cannot change the specifics in this Plugin..
can i get the plugin to be listed by aliases, triggers, seperately? like when i make my own it comes out listed on the triggers menu | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #12 on Sat 14 Jan 2006 12:27 AM (UTC) |
| Can you clarify this? The triggers and aliases are all in the plugin. You should be able to edit them with a text editor. |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Ograch
(2 posts) Bio
| Reply #13 on Sun 15 Jan 2006 04:44 AM (UTC) |
| well.. i cannot change pipe1, pipe2, and pipe3 variables (if that is what they are..) when i do LP
it says the specific number of the pipe.. where can i change that?
| Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #14 on Sun 15 Jan 2006 11:13 PM (UTC) |
| I don't know myself, I didn't write the plugin. |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
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