Yes, well I'm incredibly sorry to report that due to my not paying attention to what the mud was putting out, sensing on white was more sufficent.
I do, however, have a different problem.
The MUD prefixes each room you enter with a 'compass' representing the directions available to you and whether or not they are open or close.
It looks like this:
Market Street - N -
(-------------------------------------------------) - <---(M)---> #
- S -
What I was trying to do was to read that in, ommit it, then re-create it, replacing available directions with hyperlinks. I simple made a trigger to operate on '* * * *' and the put those values into world variables which are then passed to the following script:
Sub compass (a,b,wildcard)
Dim roomvar1
Dim roomvar2
Dim roomvar3
Dim roomvar4
roomvar1 = world.getvariable ("roomvar1")
roomvar2 = world.getvariable ("roomvar2")
roomvar3 = world.getvariable ("roomvar3")
roomvar4 = world.getvariable ("roomvar4")
world.colourtell "yellow", "black", " " & roomvar1
if roomvar2 = "NW" then
world.hyperlink "northwest", "NW", "Travel NorthWest", "yellow", "black", 0
elseif roomvar2 = "SW" then
world.hyperlink "southwest", "SW", "Travel SouthWest", "yellow", "black", 0
world.colourtell "#000080", "black", "-"
end if
world.tell " "
if roomvar3 = "N" then
world.hyperlink "north", "N", "Travel North", "yellow", "black", 0
elseif roomvar3 = "S" then
world.hyperlink "south", "S", "Travel South", "yellow", "black", 0
world.colourtell "#000080", "black", "-"
end if
world.tell " "
if roomvar4 = "NE" then
world.hyperlink "northeast", "NE", "Travel NorthEast", "yellow", "black", 0
elseif roomvar4 = "SE" then
world.hyperlink "southeast", "SE", "Travel SouthEast", "yellow", "black", 0
world.colourtell "#000080", "black", "-"
end if
end sub
I've posted an example of a room at:
If there's anything else you need to know to better understand my problem just ask and I'll post it.
Oh, and I'm aware that at present that trigger and script will only replace the upper and lower row of the compass, but if I can get this portion working the adaption will be simple.
-Heathen |