Sorry for the random ordering of replies. Hope I get everyone.
For those of you who can't be bothered to read all this..
Thanks, no source yet, almost definitely open/free source in the future.
Quote: I'm jealous :( Any chance that we will see the source/help/whatever?
This is contained enough to be a plugin, (excluding the sandbox and the dlls required, and their dependencies..) but things like zone selection are still being done via some (relatively nice..) aliases. I'm a newbie at wx, this is my first play, so I'm going to look into tree/list/tabstrip controls, but I won't promise anything yet.
In short: It needs some serious cleaning up, and probably an actual installer to get it going (as apposed to a plugin). I'm working on it.
If anyone's had any luck getting the wxLua dll to build, I'd be interested. I've managed to get the VC6 package to build, but that fails to give you a dll.
At the moment it has two major limitations, being;
- It's using outdated wx code (2.4.2)
- You can't destroy windows, meaning MUSH hangs when you update the script file.
Quote: It certainly does remove the amount of extraneous details and lets you just focus on the algorithm's internals, as opposed to the language's internals.
I still can't vouch for the functional branch of programming.. or even oo, but I am starting to like languages like php above c, simply due to the raw power and stability (and common syntax).
A note on the extensions:
wxLua: I'd be pretty impressed if there's a better way to get dialogs going from a scripting language, excluding having a standalone executable.
LuaCOM: This is used for the DB access _alone_. No other features from it are used. If there was a MUSH way to open dbs, run queries and get their results as lua tables, LuaCOM would be obsolete.
Quote: You're not actually auto-mapping, though, are you? You're displaying a ZMUD map?
By automapping, you mean drawing and saving to the db? No. But the infrastructure is there to captures n,s,e,w, etc. and move the map around, it's just not fully written yet.
If anyone's interested, I've stolen Tubbeh's ( Map ( and I'm working off that. :)
Quote: Server timed out for me... couldn't see the picture. :)
That's probably the cruddy no-ip stuff. Sorry. If it was the actual server (pretty costy dedicated.. etc.) then I'll be really.. off :p
Quote: I'm starting to like Lua...
I used to think Lua was horrid, because trying to do thigns `the php way` simply doesn't work. There are, however, most of the things there, you just have to search through the documentation (google) until you find it. eg.
- unset() becomes =nil
- =array() becomes ={}
- foreach ($a as $b => $c) becomes for b,c in pairs(a)
- etc..
Anything less syntatical I'm trying to duplicate... Here:
Quote: ...such as easy array manipulation (e.g. give me a copy of the array, without element x)
You do not want to see my code for this and how much it gets used :p
Quote: Just one minor comment though. At some point it might be nice to use an OGL library or the like to create and iso-metric style map.
LuaOGL exists, I believe, at least under wx. I've already tried and failed to do this in flash (writing the 3d code in actionscript isn't pretty, believe me). I'm definitely going to go for this once the code becomes more smooth. I'm pretty proficient with OpenGL, but there may be someone out there who is more so.
This, however, is _not_ a priority atm.
Thanks again :) |