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➜ Graphic mapper
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Pages: 1
Posted by
| WizWom
(1 post) Bio
| Reply #15 on Wed 15 Feb 2006 04:33 AM (UTC) |
| well, now, a map is, in effect, just a connectivity graph. a great example was the old game "wumpus" which used the connectivity graph of a dodecahedron. You get in to trouble when you try to take a connectivity graph and force it into a grid.
As long as the connectivity is consistent, it's easy to map; it's also easy if the random connection's endpoints can be told apart. It's when there is the "maze of twisty little passages, all alike" that have all possible directions enabled and not consistent that you get really flustered, and hope there isn't a cleaner creature - so you can use dropped items to create differences.
| Top |
Posted by
| Heliomance
(5 posts) Bio
| Reply #16 on Sat 11 Mar 2006 10:18 AM (UTC) |
| search for IMTS
It's designed for Imperian, so you'll have to wipe the IMAP file and map it yourself, but it is extremely good.Just download the mapper. It can display an ASCII graphic map in-game just by typing map, and it allows you to speedwalk from any mapped room to any mapped room, provided there is at least one fully mapped path between them. | Top |
Posted by
| Shadowfyr
USA (1,790 posts) Bio
| Reply #17 on Sat 11 Mar 2006 10:04 PM (UTC) |
| The IMTS one seems to be dead right now, but there is a LMTS version, for a different game, which is based off IMTS. However, there do not seem to be any files at all on that one... Hmm... | Top |
Posted by
| Azoroth
(31 posts) Bio
| Reply #18 on Tue 25 Mar 2008 12:24 AM (UTC) |
| Wouldn't it be possible to make a mapper such as Whtye's Mapper for Aetolia and Imperian? Just curious, or would you have to change the source code for each individual mud?
if it were possible, I've used this program on that mud and found it fanastic (especially when you're dealing with a mud that has MASSIVE grid areas such as mine...we're currently at more than like 400,000 rooms.) | Top |
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