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Ascii map maker

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Posted by Fletchling   Australia  (54 posts)  Bio
Date Thu 10 Aug 2006 01:14 PM (UTC)
I'm currently using AsciiMapmaker v1.4 to generate acsi maps that I save as a file.txt and can call up on screen with various aliases and triggers during game play. With some tedious extra code I can make parts nicely hyperlinked to navigate about the mud quickly with clicks.

The acsii maps are very quick (to load and display) and are very small. However the program isn't very smart and has been abandoned. What i'd like is some ascii or text editor where I can cut a section of text and plonk it down elsewhere on the screen, an editing function to make them more readable. Anyone got any favourite programs or suggestions?

I also use OpenBrowser ("link to map sites.specific map") but they are invariably large, slow and entirely graphical/jpg/gif/etc. I'd like to be able to persist with the ascii idea, so thanks for any good ideas.

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #1 on Thu 10 Aug 2006 09:06 PM (UTC)
You could use the inbuilt notepad. If you don't want to do that, I have been very happy with Crimson Editor, which is free:

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Fletchling   Australia  (54 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #2 on Mon 14 Aug 2006 09:24 AM (UTC)

I'd looked at other posts before extolling the merits of crimson editor but your suggestion here prompted me to go look harder. It's great, just what I wanted for shuffling my map data around, so now I can do things like this...

<send>for line in io.lines ("delf.txt") do
print (line)
end </send>

which displays a tiny (size) map super fast. The maps are now easy to edit for extra information.

Thanks again.

Posted by Onoitsu2   USA  (248 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #3 on Mon 14 Aug 2006 03:02 PM (UTC)

Amended on Mon 14 Aug 2006 03:11 PM (UTC) by Onoitsu2

I like your idea for displaying the map, one line at a time, until it is all displayed. Could you not use the ANSINOTE function to show colors as well ? Just a thought.
I have downloaded Ascii Map Maker and it is a weird little program...

Can I ask how is it benificial to you? When you cannot add room names? Nor symbols to show the starting area of the particular map?

I mean sure you can show the map, but it is very plain, and only useful if you already know all the room names, or rooms that have aggressive mobs in them.

I guess I am still stuck on the graphical mapper idea, which if someone could find an application that could do the job of mapping and having room names, I can make the triggers...


Posted by Fletchling   Australia  (54 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #4 on Tue 15 Aug 2006 09:16 AM (UTC)
welllll, it works for me like this.

I like maps for the mud I play, even though I use them less as I become more familiar with the place.

I don't like fat gifs and jpgs, even if I have them all on a local sharepoint server with a bunch of other aardwolf information one click away.

What I am doing to generate a map is to either
1. cut n paste from the maps the mud gives me, until I build up the map in total
2. greate the map from scratch using asciimapper

Previously I used excel and notepad, but crimsoneditor is perfect for the next step, which is to annotate the map with relevant stuff, like sub zones(for speedwalk references) start location, and a bunch of useful text.

Save the file where mushclient can read it, then create an alias that is zone specific, so ultimately I can do things like;

showzonenotes, which asks the mud the the zone name and displays any notes I may have made previously with writezonenote (interesting snippet often written posthumously)

showmap which ask the mud for the zone name and then displays the whole zone map, in ascii.

whereami which tells me where I am if it can id the room uniquely, and gives me a map of that place/area/zone

whereis (mob/room) which shows me where a target place or mob in relation to me, some have hyperlinks generated so that I can click n go there.

The only hassle I'm having is how to get something like this;

when sent to script....

Hyperlink ("run n","Healer: run n Cures maledictions; see 'help heal'.","black","red",0)
Hyperlink ("run 2s3en ","Bakery: run 2s3en Food for the hungry adventurer.","black","red",0)

I can't yet work out how to get a newline between entries. I use a bunch of these around my mud, triggered from zone start location to give me intrazone hyperlinked speedwalks and other activities I may have manually done previously in quantity.

I don't need a graphic mapper, I have all the maps for my mud, I just need, and work on frequently, using that information to give me better, faster, location-in-context information.

hope this answers your question :)


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