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➜ A problem i need to find a solution with Packet...
A problem i need to find a solution with Packet...
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Posted by
| Maxhrk
USA (76 posts) Bio
| Wed 09 May 2007 07:03 PM (UTC) |
| I have a little problem here... My goal was to find if end of the packet have '\n'. (Is that for EF hex code or something different?.. i am unfamiliar with hex codes though!)
Anyway.. if it dont have \n then the packet will be added to packets table and will return packet null or ''. but if it do, then i will unpack packets to packet and then return packet.
it just one of my experiment to figure it about this OnPluginPacketRecieved feature.
..Lowe points no 0d 0a 4c 6f 77 65 20 70 6f 69 6e 74 73 20 6e 6f
rthwards....[32m 72 74 68 77 61 72 64 73 2e 0d 0a 1b 5b 33 32 6d
3223h,.[37m.[32m 33 32 32 33 68 2c 1b 5b 33 37 6d 1b 5b 33 32 6d
4645m,.[37m.[32 20 34 36 34 35 6d 2c 1b 5b 33 37 6d 1b 5b 33 32
m 4408e,.[37m.[3 6d 20 34 34 30 38 65 2c 1b 5b 33 37 6d 1b 5b 33
2m 10p,.[37m.[32 32 6d 20 31 30 70 2c 1b 5b 33 37 6d 1b 5b 33 32
m 15015en,.[37m. 6d 20 31 35 30 31 35 65 6e 2c 1b 5b 33 37 6d 1b
[32m 22125w.[37m 5b 33 32 6d 20 32 32 31 32 35 77 1b 5b 33 37 6d
ex-.. 20 65 78 2d ff ef
function OnPluginPacketReceived (packet)
if aDebug == true then
if string.find(packet, "\n$") == nil then
packetcount = packetcount + 1
packet = ''
packet = unpack(packets)
ColourNote("red","black","packets count until endline:" .. packetcount)
packetcount = 0
end -- if
end -- if
return packet
| Top |
Posted by
| Maxhrk
USA (76 posts) Bio
| Reply #1 on Wed 09 May 2007 07:15 PM (UTC) Amended on Wed 09 May 2007 07:52 PM (UTC) by Maxhrk
| I forgot to add something.. when my packet has returned.. it seem my Prompt Trigger has fired twice. Is that a bug or intentional? I thought probably because your mushclient read from both source from Onplugin and other. I am not sure really... bah.
EDIT: nevermind, i saw that my packettest plugin added prompt trigger.. it shouldn't. | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #2 on Wed 09 May 2007 09:32 PM (UTC) |
| |
Posted by
| Maxhrk
USA (76 posts) Bio
| Reply #3 on Wed 09 May 2007 11:01 PM (UTC) Amended on Thu 10 May 2007 12:56 AM (UTC) by Maxhrk
| thanks you.. it seem easy to do that.. last question for you.... how do you to hex code instead of oct code like FF/EF?
nevermind, i has to search google to go over to find RFCS for EF/FF.. it seem i find a DEC code for it... is there a completed document regards TELNET in general? | Top |
Posted by
| Maxhrk
USA (76 posts) Bio
| Reply #4 on Thu 10 May 2007 12:52 AM (UTC) |
| it work perfectly; however, it seem i learned that i can only return packet of 1024 chars.. athough it is an interesting experiment nevertheless. :D | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #5 on Thu 10 May 2007 01:25 AM (UTC) Amended on Thu 10 May 2007 01:26 AM (UTC) by Nick Gammon
You can convert bases with most scientific calculators, or in Lua do this:
print (tonumber ("FF", 16)) --> 255
Given that FF is "really" 255 in decimal, you can now convert it to octal:
print (bit.tostring (255, 8)) --> 377
If you want to imbed hex FF into a string, one way is to use string.char:
ff = string.char (255)
Or, simply put the decimal number into the string:
ff = "\255"
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #6 on Thu 10 May 2007 01:39 AM (UTC) Amended on Thu 10 May 2007 01:43 AM (UTC) by Nick Gammon
... it seem i learned that i can only return packet of 1024 chars ...
There is no such limitation that I am aware of. This small test correctly displays 40 lines of over 60 characters per line (over 2400 bytes), when it sees the word "east".
In fact, it will display 100 lines, without problem.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE muclient>
author="Nick Gammon"
purpose="Testing OnPluginPacketReceived with big lines"
function OnPluginPacketReceived (s)
if string.match (s, "east") then
for i = 1, 40 do
s = s .. "\n" .. tostring (i) .. ": " .. string.rep ("-", 60)
end -- for
end -- if
return s
end -- function OnPluginPacketReceived
Example output
say east
You say 'east'
<28/28hp 105/105m 110/110mv 1252/8748xp>
1: ------------------------------------------------------------
2: ------------------------------------------------------------
3: ------------------------------------------------------------
4: ------------------------------------------------------------
5: ------------------------------------------------------------
6: ------------------------------------------------------------
7: ------------------------------------------------------------
8: ------------------------------------------------------------
9: ------------------------------------------------------------
10: ------------------------------------------------------------
11: ------------------------------------------------------------
12: ------------------------------------------------------------
13: ------------------------------------------------------------
14: ------------------------------------------------------------
15: ------------------------------------------------------------
16: ------------------------------------------------------------
17: ------------------------------------------------------------
18: ------------------------------------------------------------
19: ------------------------------------------------------------
20: ------------------------------------------------------------
21: ------------------------------------------------------------
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23: ------------------------------------------------------------
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25: ------------------------------------------------------------
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40: ------------------------------------------------------------
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #7 on Thu 10 May 2007 01:45 AM (UTC) |
| I should point out also that a newline can occur in the middle of a packet. |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
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It is now over 60 days since the last post. This thread is closed.
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