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➜ Possible Bug with Script Prefix in Accelerator?
Possible Bug with Script Prefix in Accelerator?
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Posted by
| Hinotori
(5 posts) Bio
| Thu 06 Sep 2007 12:46 PM (UTC) |
| This isn't posted in the Bug Report forum because I'm not entirely sure it's a bug. However, when I change the scripting prefix to something else, I find I no longer can call scripts from Accelerator. For example, my script prefix is "\" .
function TestPlayOff()
Accelerator ("A", "say Off.")
Accelerator ("O", "\TestPlayOn()")
Instead of executing the script, the function is sent, minus the prefix, to the World rather than to Script. E.g. in the preceding example, "TestPlayOn()" is sent to the MUD. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong here? | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #1 on Thu 06 Sep 2007 10:54 PM (UTC) |
Accelerator ("O", "\TestPlayOn()")
In Lua, and various other languages, \T is an escape sequence representing the tab character. That is why it isn't going to scripting, and why you are seeing a space. To incorporate a backslash in a script, you need to double it:
Accelerator ("O", "\\TestPlayOn()")
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Hinotori
(5 posts) Bio
| Reply #2 on Sat 08 Sep 2007 08:57 AM (UTC) |
| Thanks for coming to my aid once again, Nick. I'm a little embarrassed I didn't debug it enough to figure it out, but all the more reason to be grateful for the help. | Top |
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It is now over 60 days since the last post. This thread is closed.
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