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➜ MUSHclient
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➜ SetStatus problems.
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Posted by
| FishOnSpeed
USA (31 posts) Bio
| Wed 26 Mar 2008 06:20 PM (UTC) |
| I'm trying to send my prompt to the status line at the bottom of the screen. My trigger fires fine and all that then I get an error.
Heres the error.
Compile error
World: darkeningsun
Immediate execution
[string "Trigger: DStracker"]:1: ')' expected near ':'
Heres the trigger.
match="[*][*][*/* * *][*/*](*)"
<send>SetStatus ("[".. %1 .."][".. %2 .."][".. %3 .."/".. %4 .." ".. %5 .." ".. %6 .."][".. %7 .."/".. %8 .."](".. %9 ..")")
The only place in the prompt where a : shows up is in the time part. Can I not send something with numbers and symbols to the status line? I.e. 2:30am Because it works fine if I take the time out.
~FishOnSpeed | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #1 on Wed 26 Mar 2008 08:39 PM (UTC) Amended on Wed 26 Mar 2008 08:40 PM (UTC) by Nick Gammon
| Have a look at point 32.
Say in your example that %1 is a time. Let's see how that will look:
SetStatus ("[".. 19:32 .."][" ... etc ... )
This will fail because it won't accept 19:32 as a variable name or number.
String values in wildcards need to be quoted like this:
SetStatus ("[".. "%1" .."][".. "%2" .."][".. "%3" .."/".. "%4" .." ".. "%5" .." ".. "%6" .."][".. "%7" .."/".. "%8" .."](".. "%9" ..")")
Of course that looks ridiculously complex, so just simplify it like this:
SetStatus ("[%1][%2][%3/%4 %5 %6][%7/%8](%9)")
You already have a quoted string - things like %1 are not variables, they are simply substituted into the string literally.
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| FishOnSpeed
USA (31 posts) Bio
| Reply #2 on Wed 26 Mar 2008 08:45 PM (UTC) |
| Nice. Works perfectly, thanks. |
~FishOnSpeed | Top |
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