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 Entire forum ➜ MUSHclient ➜ General ➜ Minor annoying problems with 4.29

Minor annoying problems with 4.29

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Posted by Tsinghahla   Sweden  (14 posts)  Bio
Date Thu 26 Jun 2008 05:32 PM (UTC)

Amended on Thu 26 Jun 2008 05:34 PM (UTC) by Tsinghahla

I just upgraded the client, but I got a minor annoying problem. It doesn't echo aliases/commands anymore and I can't find a way to enable the option. I've done a few searches about the 'problem' but can't find any good solutions. My second problem is even more annoying and I can't say what I'm doing wrong, I'm not too good at these things.

I have the "echo my input in: (no change)" box marked.
So, instead of:

360/360h 414/414m 1701e 1937w eb> bd>
Before an austere library. (City of Stavenn.)
A runic totem is planted solidly in the ground. Hanging silently to itself, a
shadow figure hides here. There are 2 monolith sigils here.
You see exits leading north (closed door) and south.
360/360h 414/414m 1701e 1940w eb> bd>

I want my command to show up(this is using both my own commands or, as in this case, using the keypad):

360/360h 414/414m 1701e 1937w eb> bd>QL
Before an austere library. (City of Stavenn.)
A runic totem is planted solidly in the ground. Hanging silently to itself, a
shadow figure hides here. There are 2 monolith sigils here.
You see exits leading north (closed door) and south.
360/360h 414/414m 1701e 1940w eb> bd>

Couldn't find any good posts on the MUSHforum.

Edit: Turning off aliases and using the keypad shows me echoes, but that's a nono since I want my aliases

Another problem encountered....

Whenever I do an alias it gives me this(example):

360/360h 373/414m 1701e 1965w eb> bd>
You utter a short charm to mask your soul from prying eyes.
360/360h 371/414m 1701e 1964w b> bd>
What are you trying to do?

Like it adds an extra command?
The alias just looks like this, nothing strange really...or is it?


Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #1 on Fri 27 Jun 2008 05:07 AM (UTC)
The alias looks fine. I have been using 4.29 extensively recently testing other things, and I don't have this problem.

A couple of things might be wrong. One is you have a plugin that is interfering with what you type. Try disabling all plugins and see if the problem goes away.

Another possibility is that you have an alias that is catching what you type, and then choosing to not echo it. Check out your other aliases, see if you have one matching on "*" (everything).

Also see under the Display menu whether "No Command Echo" (at the bottom of the menu) is checked. That would explain what you are seeing.

The MUD sends a "don't echo" sequence when it asks for your password, and it should then cancel that.

If that was checked, uncheck it, and then go to the Commands configuration and check "Ignore 'Echo Off' messages".

- Nick Gammon,

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