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 Entire forum ➜ MUSHclient ➜ Plugins ➜ Aardwolf stats detection plugin

Aardwolf stats detection plugin

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Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Sat 12 Jul 2008 10:32 PM (UTC)

Amended on Sat 12 Jul 2008 11:23 PM (UTC) by Nick Gammon

The plugin below is the basis of a lot of the plugins I have recently developed for Aardwolf. It centralized the detection of player "stats" (that is, their health, mana, moves, experience, and so on).

The reason for doing this is to have a single place that detects the player stats, rather than each individual plugin having to do it.

Once this plugin is installed, and you connect to Aardwolf, it sends a telnet option to Aardwolf telling it to send the "{stats}" line each time your status changes.

This line looks like this:

{stats}15/11,29/25,41/30,22/15,22/15,24/21,100,88,100,41,28,You are Standing.,9999,452/452,464/526,788/788,1585,10,0,2500,248,20,5

The plugin uses a trigger to detect this line, and then omit it from output. Then it breaks down the line at the commas, putting each one into an appropriately-named variable, for use by other plugins. Once that is done it does a BroadcastPlugin to notify all other plugins that the stats have changed. Any other plugin (written in any language) can then use those stats to behave appropriately (eg. cast spells, move around, update a status bar).

Other plugins can detect a stats change like this:

function OnPluginBroadcast (msg, id, name, text)
  if id == "8a710e0783b431c06d61a54c" then
     stats = GetPluginVariableList ("8a710e0783b431c06d61a54c")
     fighting = stats.fighting == "y"
  end -- stats changed

In Lua, it is particularly easy, because you can use GetPluginVariableList to get all the plugin variables.

In this case you can now get each individual field by indexing into the stats table. The example above shows extracting the "fighting" flag.

Other languages would need to get variables individually, for example:

    -- get one variable
    fighting = GetPluginVariable ("8a710e0783b431c06d61a54c", "fighting")

Because MUSHclient variables are stored as strings, each field is a string, even those that are basically numeric. Thus to do arithmetic or comparisons you should use tonumber (field) in Lua, or the appropriate conversion in other languages (eg. CInt in VBscript).

The individual fields returned are:

  • align -- your alignment
  • base_con -- your base con
  • base_dex -- your base dex
  • base_int -- your base int
  • base_luck -- your base luck
  • base_str -- your base str
  • base_wis -- your base wis
  • con -- your current con
  • damroll -- how much damage is done with a successful blow
  • dex -- your current dex
  • doing -- what you are doing (eg. "You are Standing.")
  • enemy -- the current enemy you are fighting, or an empty string if not fighting
  • enemy_percent -- what % health the enemy has, or 9999 if not fighting
  • fighting -- "y" if fighting, "n" if not fighting
  • gold -- how much gold you have
  • hitroll -- the possibility of a successful strike against a target
  • hp -- your current HP value
  • hp_percent -- your HP as a percentage (0 to 100)
  • int -- your current int
  • last_enemy -- the last enemy you fought (if not fighting), same as enemy if fighting
  • level -- your current level
  • luck -- your current luck
  • mana -- your current mana value
  • mana_percent -- your current mana as a percentage (0 to 100)
  • max_hp -- your max HP
  • max_mana -- your max mana
  • max_moves -- your max moves
  • moves -- your current moves value
  • moves_percent -- your current moves as a percentage (0 to 100)
  • position -- your position: 0=dead, 1=sleeping, 2=resting, 3=sitting, 4=fighting, 5=standing
  • position_str -- your position as a string ("dead" / "sleeping" / "resting" / "sitting" / "fighting" / "standing" / "unknown")
  • qp -- your quest points
  • str -- your current str
  • to_level
  • tp -- your trivia points
  • wis -- your current wis

To use it, download the code below and save as Stats_Detector.xml in the Aardwolf subdirectory below your Plugins directory. If you haven't used any Aardwolf plugins before you may need to make the Aardwolf directory.

Alternatively, RH click the link below and choose "Save Link As" (or "Save Linked File As") to save the linked file.

This plugin uses telnet negotation, so you also need this file:

The telnet options file is described here:

In a standard MUSHclient installation these two files should to into this directory:

C:\Program Files\MUSHclient\worlds\plugins\Aardwolf\

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE muclient [
  <!ENTITY timer_mins "5" > 
  <!ENTITY timer_secs "0" > 
<!-- Saved on Saturday, June 30, 2007, 10:48  -->
<!-- MuClient version 4.13 -->

   author="Nick Gammon"
   purpose="Process {stats} line into variables"
<description trim="y">


Detects and processes the {stats} tag, for the benefit of other plugins.

First, await the OnPluginBroadcast which notifies you stats have changed
(or just check them when you need to).

Then pull out one of more variables. You can use GetPluginVariableList to
get the lot, or GetPluginVariable to get one.


function OnPluginBroadcast (msg, id, name, text)
  if id == "8a710e0783b431c06d61a54c" then
    -- get all variables
   stats = GetPluginVariableList("8a710e0783b431c06d61a54c")
    -- pull one out of table
    print (stats.str, stats.fighting)
    -- get one variable
    fighting = GetPluginVariable ("8a710e0783b431c06d61a54c", "fighting")
  end -- stats changed





<!--  Script  -->



Example of stats line:

      You are Standing.,9999,532/567,510/510,880/880,3199,0,0,2500,241,25,5

1="39/30"     -->  current str / base str,
2="16/13"     -->  current int / base int,  
3="13/13"     -->  current wis / base wis,  
4="28/25"     -->  current dex / base dex,  
5="29/25"     -->   current con / base con,  
6="13/10"     -->   current luck / base luck,
7="93"        --> hp percent,
8="100"       --> mana percent,
9="100"       --> moves percent,
10="44"       -->  hitroll,
11="34"       --> damroll, 
12="You are Standing."  --> position, 
13="9999"     --> enemy pct (9999 if not fighting),
14="532/567"  --> hp / maxhp,
15="510/510"  --> mana / max mana,
16="880/880"  --> moves / max moves, 
17="3199"     --> gold,
18="0"        --> qp,
19="0"        --> tp,
20="2500"     --> align,
21="241"      --> exp to level,
22="25        --> current level
23="5"        --> position

Example of converted output:

(after doing: stats = GetPluginVariableList("8a710e0783b431c06d61a54c")

"doing"="You are Standing."
"last_enemy"="A black manta ray"

positions = {
   [0] = "dead",
   [1] = "sleeping",
   [2] = "resting",
   [3] = "sitting  ",
   [4] = "fighting",
   [5] = "standing",
require "var"

function do_pair (item)
  return string.match (item, "(%d+)%/(%d+)")
end -- do_pair
function capitalize (s)
  return string.sub (s, 1, 1):upper () .. string.sub (s, 2):lower ()
end -- capitalize 

function process_prompt (name, line, wildcards)

  local data = {}
  for item in string.gmatch(wildcards [1], "[^,]+") do 
     table.insert (data, item)
  -- put into our table, other plugins can pull them out
  var.str, var.base_str   = do_pair (data [1]), var.base_int   = do_pair (data [2])
  var.wis, var.base_wis   = do_pair (data [3])
  var.dex, var.base_dex   = do_pair (data [4])
  var.con, var.base_con   = do_pair (data [5])
  var.luck, var.base_luck = do_pair (data [6])
  var.hp_percent = data [7]
  var.mana_percent = data [8]
  var.moves_percent = data [9]
  var.hitroll = data [10]
  var.damroll = data [11]
  var.doing = data [12]  -- 'fighting x' for example
  var.enemy_percent = data [13]
  var.hp, var.max_hp = do_pair (data [14])
  var.mana, var.max_mana = do_pair (data [15])
  var.moves, var.max_moves = do_pair (data [16]) = data [17]
  var.qp = data [18] = data [19]
  var.align = data [20]
  var.to_level = data [21]
  var.level = data [22]
  var.position = data [23]
  -- interpret a couple of them
  -- position as a string
  var.position_str = positions [tonumber (data [23])] or "unknown"
  -- who we are fighting
  if var.position == "4" then
    var.fighting = "y"
    var.enemy = capitalize (string.match (data [12], "^You are fighting (.+)%.$") or "Enemy")
    last_enemy = var.enemy
    var.fighting = "n"
    var.enemy = ""
    var.last_enemy = last_enemy
  end -- who enemy is
  BroadcastPlugin (1, "")
end -- process_prompt

function OnPluginInstall ()
  -- if we are connected when the plugin loads, it must have been reloaded whilst playing
  if IsConnected () then
    OnPluginConnect ()
  end -- if already connected
end -- OnPluginInstall

-- pull in telnet option handling
dofile (GetPluginInfo (GetPluginID (), 20) .. "telnet_options.lua")
function OnPluginConnect ()
  TelnetOptionOn (TELOPT_STATMON)
end -- function OnPluginConnect

function OnPluginClose ()
  TelnetOptionOff (TELOPT_STATMON)
end -- OnPluginClose

function OnPluginEnable ()
  OnPluginConnect ()
end -- OnPluginEnable

function OnPluginDisable ()
  OnPluginClose ()
end -- OnPluginDisable


- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #1 on Sat 12 Jul 2008 10:52 PM (UTC)
Although this particular plugin is tailed to Aardwolf, you could adapt it to pretty-much any MUD that returns some sort of prompt line.

For example, Smaug has configurable fighting and non-fighting prompts. By using the "prompt" and "fprompt" commands you could make your prompt look a lot like the {stats} line, and then adapt the plugin as required to extract the various field.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Introvert   (2 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #2 on Tue 09 Nov 2010 02:56 AM (UTC)
Firt I want to say, I know next to nothing about computers, programs, or how they work, so please have patience if i ask what may seem like a dumb question.

I've been trying to install the stats detector seeing as a number of the other plugins I'm interested in rely upon it. However, whenever I try I get the message

Line 16: Value for attribute named 'name' not supplied (in quotes) (Cannot load)

Can anyone help me fix this please?

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #3 on Tue 09 Nov 2010 03:32 AM (UTC)
I can't reproduce that. I tried again from the links above and it worked OK.

Make sure you grab the file telnet_options.lua as described in the post above. Then get the Stats_Detector.xml file.

Also make sure you RH-click and "Save Link As ..." to save the file(s), don't just open them in a browser window.

Use the File Menu -> Plugins to "Add" the plugin.

If you are still having problems please advise the version of MUSHclient you are using.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Introvert   (2 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #4 on Tue 09 Nov 2010 10:21 PM (UTC)
Mushclient v 4.61

I did grab the telnet options file. Both files were saved by right click and save target as. My right click doesn't give me the option to save link as, but I thought they were the same, correct me if I'm mistaken.

My computer has windows 7, I'm not sure if that's relevant.

If you need any other information, let me know. As I said before I'm pig-ignorant about how these things work.

Many thanks,

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