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 Entire forum ➜ MUSHclient ➜ Plugins ➜ Aardwolf spellups plugin

Aardwolf spellups plugin

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Posted by Bast   (78 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #30 on Sat 07 Feb 2009 09:39 PM (UTC)

Yes, the timer doesn't keep up with what has been attempted to cast. I have a modified spellup plugin at

It has a couple of additions, like being able to make a spell depend on another spell. So protection good will not be cast if inertial barrier is on. Also, you can temporarily disable a spell without taking it out of the list. You can use spellup skills like sneak, hide, heighten senses, nimble cunning, etc...

Also, you will need the modified AFK and Playing detector in the same directory. I modified those in some way I believe, but couldn't tell you what I did.

I will document those plugins eventually.




Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #31 on Sat 07 Feb 2009 10:02 PM (UTC)

if I have to cast a lot of spellups sometimes casts each spell many times, even after they have succeeded.

There is a bit of a timing problem, because of the nature of client/server interaction. It casts a spell, and if it doesn't get confirmation quickly enough, it assumes it has failed and casts it again. Sometimes if the success message arrives slightly too late, then it can "thrash" and recast an unnecessary spell. If you want to do lots on yourself, try "spellup fast" which casts them without waiting for confirmation.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #32 on Sat 07 Feb 2009 10:17 PM (UTC)
I have archived those plugins (as at this date/time) here, in case that site becomes unavailable:

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Bast   (78 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #33 on Sat 07 Feb 2009 10:35 PM (UTC)
Hi Nick,

If people want to use the miniwindow plugins of mine, they have been converted to use a class that I developed. Therefore, the files in the lua directory are also required.

I hope to have them documented this week, but didn't want Swalec to reinvent the wheel on the spellup plugin.




Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #34 on Sat 07 Feb 2009 10:45 PM (UTC)
OK I have uploaded them to a lua subdirectory inside the previous link.

For anyone wanting to use them, I presume you would need to put all the .lua files into the lua subdirectory under the MUSHclient executable.

Then the plugins would go into the world->plugins directory.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Swalec   (24 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #35 on Sun 08 Feb 2009 02:11 AM (UTC)
Thanks for the updated version, Eric.

I can see how a timer would cause this; I'm guessing that the spellup plugin keeps it's list of independent of the mud? I'm guessing that there isn't an equivalent of a "effects" but with tags that you can call to sync the two.


Posted by Swalec   (24 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #36 on Sun 08 Feb 2009 02:26 AM (UTC)
Hmmm, well okay, so this doesn't cast at all. I've tried to add in the other versions of the plugins.

Looks like we have a serious version problem here, I think. WIll experiment more tomorrow.


Posted by Swalec   (24 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #37 on Wed 11 Feb 2009 02:58 PM (UTC)
I've written a little patch to your latest version, which I include below. Basically, it adds a tick timer to the spellups. Perhaps a little out of place, but the existing tick timer uses the status bar. This overwrites PotionQuaffer. And the spellup script already has a looping timer which works perfectly.

Just a thought.

diff Aardwolf_Spellups.xml.orig Aardwolf_Spellups.xml
> local last_tick = 0
> function OnPluginTelnetOption (option)
> if option == string.char (101,1) then
> last_tick = os.time()
> SetStatus ("Time to tick: " .. (last_tick + 30) - os.time ())
> end -- if
> end -- function
> -- PWL END
> -- PWL -- tick added
> local ttt = (last_tick + 30) - os.time ()
> w:Note ( "" )
> w:Note ( "" )
> if( ttt > 10 ) then
> w:Note ( "Time to Tick: " .. ttt )
> else
> w:ColourNote ( "red", "", "Time to Tick: " .. ttt )
> end
> -- PWL END

Posted by radialmonster   (5 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #38 on Fri 13 Feb 2009 04:20 AM (UTC)
I have a problem with this plugin. I am using the custom Aardwolf MUSHclient from their download page. I have not added any plugins except for this spellup plugin. I get the spellup window, and it tracks my spells fine. if I am affected, it tells me what spell and how much longer i am affected. When i type spellup spell it says it is requested and that it is pending. I can do spellup all and i get like 6 requested, and 6 pending spells,

but it does not cast.

i am standing. i did a resume. did pause, resume. still does not cast. A nice gentleman in game helped me trouble shoot it. Thanks to Inicus. He had me remove my LUA sandbox and change it to -- sandbox disabled. upon doing so and exiting and entering the program i get a ton of errors. here are the errors:

Welcome to MUSHclient version 4.33!
Written by Nick Gammon.

For information and assistance about MUSHclient visit our forum at:

--- Connected on Thursday, February 12, 2009, 11:35 PM ---
--- Aardwolf Mushclient - setup already done ---
--- Type 'initaard' to automatically size windows ---
What be thy name, adventurer?
Existing profile loaded - please enter your password.
############# Reconnecting to Game #############
Refreshing affected / learned / spellup list.
You have no missed tells.
[370/370hp 439/439mn 698/698mv 0qt 637tnl] >
Invalid spellheaders line: 108,create sou
Run-time error
Plugin: Aardwolf_Spellups (called from world: Aardwolf)
Function/Sub: display_timer called by timer
Reason: processing timer "display_timer"
[string "Plugin"]:887: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
[string "Plugin"]:887: in function 'show_wanted'
[string "Plugin"]:824: in function 'show_current_buffs'
[string "Plugin"]:1391: in function <[string "Plugin"]:1390>
Error context in script:
883 : w:ColourNote ("olive", "", "You have not requested any spellups.")
884 : else
885 : local buf_names = {}
886 : for _, sn in ipairs (wanted_buffs) do
887*: table.insert (buf_names, capitalize (spells [sn].name))
888 : end -- for
889 : w:ColourNote ("olive", "", "Requested (" .. #buf_names ..
890 : "): " .. table.concat (buf_names, ", "))
891 : end -- if
Invalid spellheaders line: nd,0,0,0,-1,1
Loaded information about 555 spells.
Loaded information about 25 recoveries.
[370/370hp 439/439mn 698/698mv 0qt 637tnl] >
On the outskirts of a battlefield
Quickly moving through the areas around the battlefield, you manage to
avoid most of the severe fighting. Though the sounds of battle are all
around you still, you are, at least for now, safe. [Exits: north east west]
A three-legged stool runs with great ease.
A bucket filled with who-knows-what floats after you.
[370/370hp 439/439mn 698/698mv 0qt 637tnl] >
Timer function "display_timer" not found or had a previous error.
Timer function "display_timer" not found or had a previous error.
Timer function "display_timer" not found or had a previous error.
Timer function "display_timer" not found or had a previous

And it just keeps doing the display timer error forever.

Posted by radialmonster   (5 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #39 on Fri 13 Feb 2009 04:21 AM (UTC)
Continued. when the default of the sandbox text is in there, i never see any errors. it's just that the plugin still does not cast. all other functions of the plugin seem to work.

here's the default sandbox text

trust_all_worlds = false -- change to true to trust all the worlds
trust_all_plugins = false -- change to true to trust all the plugins
warn_if_not_trusted = false -- change to true to show warnings


-- Lua initialization (sandbox) --> please read comments carefully.

-- Default initialization supplied with version 3.80.

Use this to create a "sandbox" for safe execution of non-trusted scripts.

If you only run your own scripts or plugins then you may not need this.

The code in this area is executed after each Lua script space is created
but before any of your scripts are done. This can be used to initialise things
(eg. load DLLs, load files, set up variables) or to disable things as shown below.

By setting a function name to nil you effectively make it unavailable.

You can remove some functions from a library rather than all of them, eg.

os.execute = nil -- no operating system calls
os.remove = nil -- no deleting files
os.rename = nil -- no renaming files

This script will automatically be replaced if you completely delete it from
the Global Preferences, and restart MUSHclient. To avoid this, leave a comment
in (if you don't want any further action taken).


-- Example sandbox --

function MakeSandbox ()

local function ReportDisabled (pkg, func)
return function ()
error (string.format (
"Function '%s.%s' disabled in Lua sandbox - see MUSHclient global preferences",
pkg, func), 2)
end -- function
end -- ReportDisabled

package.loadlib = ReportDisabled ("package", "loadlib") -- disable loadlib function
package.loaders [3] = nil -- disable DLL loader
package.loaders [4] = nil -- disable all-in-one loader

for k, v in pairs (io) do
if type (v) == "function" then
io [k] = ReportDisabled ("io", k)
end -- type is function
end -- for

local orig_os = os -- so we know names of disabled ones

-- replace 'os' table with one containing only safe functions
os = {
date =,
time = os.time,
setlocale = os.setlocale,
clock = os.clock,
difftime = os.difftime,

for k, v in pairs (orig_os) do
if not os [k] and type (v) == "function" then
os [k] = ReportDisabled ("os", k)
end -- not still active
end -- for

if warn_if_not_trusted then
ColourNote ("yellow", "black",
"Lua sandbox created, some functions disabled.")
end -- if warn_if_not_trusted

end -- end of function MakeSandbox

-- default is to sandbox everything --

-- To trust individual worlds or plugins, add them to the lists below.

-- To find your current world ID, do this: /print (GetWorldID ())
-- Plugin IDs are mentioned near the start of every plugin.

-- You can limit the behaviour to specific worlds, or specific plugins
-- by doing something like this:


-- World IDs of worlds we trust - replace with your world IDs
-- (and remove comment from start of line)

local trusted_worlds = {
-- ["a4a1cc1801787ba88cd84f3a"] = true, -- example world A
-- ["cdc8552d1b251e449b874b9a"] = true, -- example world B
-- ["1ec5aac3265e472b97f0c103"] = true, -- example world C
} -- end of trusted_worlds

-- Plugin IDs of plugins we trust - add your plugins to the table

local trusted_plugins = {
[""] = "", -- trust main script (ie. if no plugin running)
["03ca99c4e98d2a3e6d655c7d"] = "Chat",
["982581e59ab42844527eec80"] = "Random_Socials",
["4a267cd69ba59b5ecefe42d8"] = "Installer_sumcheck",
["83beba4e37b3d0e7f63cedbc"] = "Reconnecter",
} -- end of trusted_plugins

-- check worlds
if not trust_all_worlds then
if not trusted_worlds [GetWorldID ()] then
if warn_if_not_trusted then
ColourNote ("yellow", "black", "Untrusted world " .. WorldName () ..
", ID: " .. GetWorldID ())
end -- if warn_if_not_trusted
MakeSandbox ()
end -- not trusted world or plugin
end -- not trusting all worlds

-- check plugins - check name *and* plugin ID
if not trust_all_plugins then
if trusted_plugins [GetPluginID ()] ~= GetPluginName () then
if warn_if_not_trusted then
ColourNote ("yellow", "black", "Untrusted plugin " .. GetPluginName () ..
", ID: " .. GetPluginID ())
end -- if warn_if_not_trusted
MakeSandbox ()
end -- not trusted world or plugin
end -- if not trusting all plugins

end -- local block

-- warn if we can't load DLLs (checkbox might be unchecked)
if not package.loadlib and warn_if_not_trusted then
local by_this_plugin = ""
if GetPluginID () ~= "" then
by_this_plugin = " by this plugin"
end -- this is a plugin
ColourNote ("yellow", "black",
"Loading of DLLs" .. by_this_plugin .. " is disabled.")
end -- if

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #40 on Fri 13 Feb 2009 07:18 AM (UTC)
I'll try to reproduce your problem shortly, but first can I clarify something? You said:


I am using the custom Aardwolf MUSHclient from their download page. I have not added any plugins except for this spellup plugin.

On page 1 of this thread are detailed five files in addition to the spellups plugin itself, that need to be installed, as they are "helper" files that help it to work.

Did you install all these files, in the directories described on the first page of the thread?

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by radialmonster   (5 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #41 on Fri 13 Feb 2009 12:46 PM (UTC)

Amended on Fri 13 Feb 2009 01:22 PM (UTC) by radialmonster

Yes, I followed the instructions in the first page. I even tried the link you posted here on page 3 with an updated version of the spellup file as well.

I would assume that if i did not do the correct files in the correct places this plugin wouldnt work as much as it is working. everything seems to be functioning correctly, it just does not cast any spells for me. they are all stuck in pending.

Please pm me with your contact info and i can zip up my directory and send it to look at if you'd like.

Posted by Bast   (78 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #42 on Fri 13 Feb 2009 02:13 PM (UTC)
If you are using the one from this page:

There are some troubleshooting tips at the bottom of the page, along with an installation guide.



Posted by radialmonster   (5 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #43 on Fri 13 Feb 2009 03:04 PM (UTC)

Amended on Fri 13 Feb 2009 03:43 PM (UTC) by radialmonster

Thanks, I will check this out when I can later. I have not tried any of the files from that directory yet. Maybe part of the issue is there is a bunch of files here on page 1, then on another page theres a link to some newer files, then theres another elsewhere etc and some one else writes an update etc. Perhaps a modified first post that always has the most up to date version would be most helpful.


I want to report that I have uninstalled mushclient and reinstalled using the aardwolf client. i then also installed the spellups using the link here from with all of it's sub plugins.

The plugin appears to be working just fine! I will do this same thing on my home computer (yes Im at work;) ) that i was having the issue with maybe tomorrow and will report back.

Posted by LupeMatteo   (6 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #44 on Sat 14 Feb 2009 01:59 PM (UTC)
Endavis, your spellup script needs work.
#1. Right-Clicking and saving as isn't the best way to install the files. Loading them up and copying and pasting them into a notepad file works the best.

#2. It doesn't work. At least not on a reliable basis. A by reliable basis, I mean more than once. Currently, I'm logged into the realm of Aardwolf. Plugins installed correctly and properly into the right locations with no spellups on me. Spellup plugin is doing nothing at all.

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To show them in your local time you can join the forum, and then set the 'time correction' field in your profile to the number of hours difference between your location and UTC time.


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