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 Entire forum ➜ MUSHclient ➜ Plugins ➜ Aardwolf spellups plugin

Aardwolf spellups plugin

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Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #45 on Sat 14 Feb 2009 06:52 PM (UTC)
OK, we need to get to the bottom of this. We now have a couple of reports of the spellups plugin "doing nothing".

My original spellup plugin worked fine when I last used it. Admittedly that was a little while ago as I have been doing other things. First thing I would check is that timers are enabled in your main world, as timers are what are used to keep the main loop "ticking".

Next we need to establish how far it has got. On page 1 of this thread it shows how, after you ask for spellups, you briefly see something like:

Pending (2): Armor, Bless
Position: Standing

Do you in fact see a list of pending spellups like this? If not, then certainly it won't try to cast them. Remember you need to tell it which spellups you want, for example by typing:

spellup all

Next question is, if you manually spellup yourself, does the plugin detect it?

For example, if you just type:

cast 'detect magic'

Then the spellup window should then show something like:

Spellups affecting you (1):

Detect magic      7m

Does that happen?

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by radialmonster   (5 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #46 on Sun 15 Feb 2009 07:16 AM (UTC)
The issue I was having, yes, the spells were shown in both requested and pending.

If i manually cast a spell, spellups would recognize it and begin to count down the time remaining correctly.

I have since though fixed the issue by uninstalling aardwolf client and reinstalling and installing the plugin files using the directions from here:


Posted by Swalec   (24 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #47 on Sun 15 Feb 2009 11:08 AM (UTC)
I've replicated both of these bugs. The display.timer errors often happens on load. I *think* the problem is a race condition; perhaps, if the timer runs before the plugin state is serialized? Quite likely to happen in my case, because one of my plugins has a very large state file which is slow to deserialize.

For the second issue -- no spells being cast -- I've also replicate the work around, which is to manually cast a spell. I think it's the same problem as with the repeated spell cast; the plugin doesn't know exactly what has happened on the server side. Having the plugin resync by parsing saffect would be my solution...

BTW, I think we have a version problem now. Endavis' version of the plugin has one really nice enhancement (for me!) -- it works for skills also. Would it be possible to get spellup onto a VCS somewhere; it would be a pity if we ended up with a fork.

Thanks for the effort!


Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #48 on Sun 15 Feb 2009 08:49 PM (UTC)
Serialization is atomic - nothing will happen until the plugin initialization finishes.

If you are keen, you could modify the plugin to use SQLite instead of serialization. It would take a bit of work, but that would eliminate the loading delay, and the saving delay when the spells need to be written out again. See this thread for a discussion of the general idea, and how I changed the spell checker plugin to use SQLite:

Also multiple worlds could then share the spells information, which would mean that they don't need to be downloaded each time you make a new character.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Charlesk   (2 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #49 on Tue 11 Jan 2011 01:55 PM (UTC)
I know this is an old thread, but it made more sense to bump this than to start a new one.

I've been using this plugin for a while and really like it, but it has a number of problems. Would it be possible to get these addressed? I'm willing to pay a small fee for Mr. Gammon's time to do so.

The main problems I am currently aware of:

1. It gives the "too many failures, removed from spellups list" error when you lose concentration on spells that aren't in the spellups list.

2. The script seems to get confused when you are moving or fighting and there are spellups pending, causing it to generate many duplicate spellup commands, leading to a massive lag and waste of mana.


Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #50 on Wed 12 Jan 2011 12:51 AM (UTC)
The information provided on this forum is free of charge. :)

It's been a while since I worked on this, and thus a partial problem is that the Aardwolf spellup situation may have changed. I believe in fact that spellups are now integrated into the server-side code, but am not certain of this.

I also believe that Fiendish, and possibly others, are working on, or have worked on, improved spell-up plugins. It may well be worth asking on the Tech channel if there are more modern plugins available, or whether indeed the latest "Aardwolf Client" (which is really MUSHclient packaged up with various nifty plugins and configurations) addresses the problems you raised.

If you don't have any luck, perhaps post a more detailed example of the sorts of things you are talking about.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Charlesk   (2 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #51 on Mon 17 Jan 2011 11:04 PM (UTC)
Hi Nick,

Thanks for the reply.

I've tried to ask on the game and have been pointed to at least one variant but it doesn't work properly.

The two issues with the script are as follows.

The most important is that it seems to send the same cast command multiple times, getting confused sometimes if the spell doesn't cast the first time. It ends up taking 2, 3 or more times as many casts to get rebuffed as it should. I can paste a sample output if that would help.

The secondary issue is that it seems to count and report failures to cast spells and then "take them off the list" even if they never were on it... this includes spells that aren't buffs at all.

Posted by Fiendish   USA  (2,534 posts)  Bio   Global Moderator
Date Reply #52 on Tue 18 Jan 2011 02:43 AM (UTC)

Amended on Tue 18 Jan 2011 02:44 AM (UTC) by Fiendish

I believe that Bast is working on a brand new spellup plugin to replace the currently available gmcp modified miniwindowed plugin that was based on the old one Nick wrote. I don't know what the status of this new one is at present. I've been away for a few weeks.

Posted by Bast   (78 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #53 on Tue 18 Jan 2011 03:46 AM (UTC)
I am working on a new one. I have finished 75% of the feature set I would like to see in it. I am currently working on a spellup other solution and hunting a couple of bugs down. 2 weeks at the latest I hope.

If you know how to use subversion, you can checkout trunk/Bast at and give it a whirl.




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