Right, you want to see this sort of stuff:
{stats}22/20,24/18,23/23,29/26,30/23,25/25,100,100,100,31,26,You are Standing.,9999,3320/3320,3979/3979,3681/3681,711,100999,0,76,1000,201,5
3,acid blast,1,0,0,-1,1
320,acid stream,1,0,100,-1,1
83,acid wave,1,0,100,-1,1
200,acidic touch,1,0,0,-1,1
97,adrenaline control,3,0,0,-1,1
But this is not for any scripting or debugging purpose?
The plugins were deliberately designed to automatically supress that stuff, if you disabled the plugin, I can't see a fabulously good reason "just wanting to see it".
We have offered a number of ways you could see this "for interest":
- Packet debug
- The plugin I wrote to show all output in another window
- The suggestion that for Aardwolf at least, you write your own trigger that captures {* lines and displays them regardless.
Also you can do what I did just then to capture that stuff, just disable all plugins (select all, hit Disable), and then just type "tags <whatever>" to turn the tags back on. You could make an alias to do that.
And if it were a script command like "/omgFiendishIsSuchAJerkWhoWouldEverWantACommandLikeThis!?" I highly doubt that any player would accidentally toggle it.
You said you wanted a convenient way, that doesn't look convenient, to type that.
Also, once you have disabled scripting, how will you get it back? That is a script command/alias, and you have disabled scripting, aliases etc.
Honestly, in the 15 years of supporting this client, no-one has wanted that, and we have lots of people who script and write plugins.
I don't want to start adding features "that zMUD has" just for the sake of it.
A little while ago you wanted cursor addressing, "like zMUD has" so you could do a big map. I showed it could be done without the cursor addressing. So what you really wanted, was a way to do a nice map - the cursor addressing was just one possible way of achieving it.