OK, this was trickier than I thought. ;)
The improved version below allows you to configure it for horizontal or vertical bars. Change the ENTITY line (3rd line in) to be "n" for a vertical bar, or "y" for a horizontal one.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE muclient [
<!ENTITY horizontal "n" >
author="Nick Gammon"
purpose="Shows an activity bar"
date_written="2009-02-18 09:00"
date_modified="2009-03-28 15:00"
<description trim="y">
Install this plugin to show an activity bar which shows
more than 10 worlds.
Click on a number to activate that world.
Hover over a number to show the world name.
<!-- Timers -->
<timer name="draw_bar"
active_closed="y" >
<!-- Script -->
horizontal = ("&horizontal;"):lower ():sub (1, 1) == "y";
win = GetPluginID () -- get a unique name
-- configuration
BACKGROUND_COLOUR = ColourNameToRGB "bisque"
BOX_COLOUR = ColourNameToRGB "royalblue"
BUTTON_FILL = ColourNameToRGB "white"
BUTTON_FILL_CLICK = ColourNameToRGB "darkgray"
BUTTON_FILL_MOUSEOVER = ColourNameToRGB "lemonchiffon"
BUTTON_EDGE = ColourNameToRGB "silver"
ACTIVE_COLOUR = ColourNameToRGB "red"
ACTIVE_BLINK_COLOUR = ColourNameToRGB "mediumslateblue"
INACTIVE_COLOUR = ColourNameToRGB "black"
NOT_CONNECTED_COLOUR = ColourNameToRGB "rosybrown"
-- font and size to use
FONT_NAME = "Fixedsys"
-- where to put the window
WINDOW_POSITION = 6 -- top right
OFFSET = 5 -- gap inside box (between button edge and number)
EDGE_WIDTH = 2 -- size of border stroke (of rectangle holding all buttons)
BUTTON_GAP = 3 -- distance between buttons
BUTTON_CURVE = 5 -- width and height of ellipse
Useful positions:
4 = top left
5 = center left-right at top
6 = top right
7 = on right, center top-bottom
8 = on right, at bottom
9 = center left-right at bottom
local mouse_down_id = nil
local mouse_over_id = nil
function mouseover (flags, hotspot_id)
mouse_over_id = hotspot_id
draw_bar ()
end -- mouseover
function cancelmouseover (flags, hotspot_id)
mouse_over_id = nil
draw_bar ()
end -- cancelmouseover
function mousedown (flags, hotspot_id)
mouse_down_id = hotspot_id
draw_bar ()
end -- mousedown
function cancelmousedown (flags, hotspot_id)
mouse_down_id = nil
draw_bar ()
end -- cancelmousedown
function mouseup (flags, hotspot_id)
mouse_down_id = nil
draw_bar ()
if GetWorldID () ~= hotspot_id then
local w = GetWorldById (hotspot_id)
if w then
w:Activate ()
end -- if world exists
end -- if
end -- mouseup
local old_world_list = {}
-- draw the bar here
function draw_bar (name)
local max_width = 0
world_list = GetWorldIdList ()
Hotspots do not react well if you remove them during a mouse-click.
Thus, we will only recreate the window, and recreate the hotspots
if we absolutely have to. That is, if the number of worlds has changed,
or the world IDs in the list has changed.
local list_changed = #old_world_list ~= #world_list
-- number of worlds are the same, but are the IDs the same?
if not list_changed then
for i = 1, #old_world_list do
if #world_list [i] ~= #old_world_list [i] then
list_changed = true
end -- if
end -- if
end -- if
-- work out widest number
for i = 1, #world_list do
max_width = math.max (max_width, WindowTextWidth (win, "f", string.format ("%i", i)))
end -- for each world
-- height depends on the number of worlds
local gauge_height, gauge_width
if horizontal then
gauge_height = font_height + OFFSET * 2
gauge_width = #world_list * (max_width + OFFSET * 2) +
(#world_list - 1) * BUTTON_GAP
gauge_height = #world_list * (font_height + OFFSET * 2) +
(#world_list - 1) * BUTTON_GAP
gauge_width = max_width + (OFFSET * 2)
end -- if
-- make window if we need to
if list_changed then
-- make the miniwindow
WindowCreate (win,
0, 0, -- left, top (auto-positions)
gauge_width + EDGE_WIDTH * 2, -- width
gauge_height + EDGE_WIDTH * 2, -- height
WINDOW_POSITION, -- auto-position: bottom left
0, -- flags
end -- if world list has changed
-- draw the numbers
-- draw each world button
for count, id in ipairs (world_list) do
local text = string.format ("%i", count)
local number_width = WindowTextWidth (win, "f", text)
local left, top, button_left, button_top, button_right, button_bottom
left = OFFSET + (max_width - number_width) / 2 -- go in offset, then center
if horizontal then
button_left = (count - 1) * (max_width + OFFSET * 2 + BUTTON_GAP)
button_top = 0
left = left + button_left
top = button_top + OFFSET
button_left = 0
button_top = (count - 1) * (font_height + OFFSET * 2 + BUTTON_GAP)
top = button_top + OFFSET
end -- if
button_right = button_left + EDGE_WIDTH + max_width + OFFSET * 2
button_bottom = button_top + EDGE_WIDTH + font_height + OFFSET * 2
local colour = INACTIVE_COLOUR
local w = GetWorldById (id)
local world_name = w:GetInfo (2)
local new_lines = w:GetInfo (202)
local connected = w:GetInfo (227) == 8
-- fill with BUTTON_FILL, unless we have moused-over or moused-down in it
local fill_colour = BUTTON_FILL
if id == mouse_down_id then
fill_colour = BUTTON_FILL_CLICK
elseif id == mouse_over_id then
end -- if
-- draw the button (round rectangle)
WindowCircleOp (win, 3,
button_left + EDGE_WIDTH, -- left
button_top + EDGE_WIDTH, -- top
button_right, -- right
button_bottom, -- bottom
BUTTON_EDGE, 6, 1, -- pen colour, pen style (solid), pen width
fill_colour, 0, -- fill colour, fill style (solid)
BUTTON_CURVE, BUTTON_CURVE) -- width and height of ellipse
-- text colour depends on world's status
if new_lines > 0 then
if os.time () % 2 == 1 then
end -- if
elseif not connected then
end -- if
-- draw the number
WindowText (win, "f", text, left + EDGE_WIDTH, top + EDGE_WIDTH, 0, 0, colour)
-- make a hotspot we can click on
if list_changed then
WindowAddHotspot(win, id,
button_left + EDGE_WIDTH, button_top + EDGE_WIDTH, -- left, top
button_right, button_bottom, -- right, bottom
world_name, -- tooltip text
1, 0) -- hand cursor
end -- if world list has changed
end -- for each world
-- draw the border of the whole box
WindowCircleOp (win, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, BOX_COLOUR, 6, EDGE_WIDTH, 0x000000, 1)
-- ensure window visible
WindowShow (win, true)
-- save list for next time so we know if it changes
old_world_list = world_list
end -- draw_bar
-- hide window on removal
function OnPluginClose ()
WindowShow (win, false) -- hide it
end -- OnPluginClose
-- hide window on disable
function OnPluginDisable ()
WindowShow (win, false) -- hide it
end -- OnPluginDisable
-- startup stuff
-- make the window
WindowCreate (win, 0, 0, 0, 0, WINDOW_POSITION, 0, 0x000000) -- create window
-- grab a font
WindowFont (win, "f", FONT_NAME, FONT_SIZE) -- define font
-- work out how high it is
font_height = WindowFontInfo (win, "f", 1) -- height of the font
Untrusted world xxxxxx, ID: 56e1bc02299365a20fd38bb7
You can modify the Lua sandbox to get rid of those messages. See this thread for a discussion and a graphic that shows what to change: