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➜ MUSHclient
➜ Plugins
➜ Improved health bar plugin - can be dragged around
Improved health bar plugin - can be dragged around
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Pages: 1
Posted by
| Aralia Faal
(25 posts) Bio
| Reply #90 on Fri 23 Sep 2011 06:22 PM (UTC) |
| It wont let me add the entire thing so i'm adding only the parts that I changed.
<!-- Triggers -->
match="^[PL\: (\d+)][KI\: (\d+)][STA\: (\d+)] "
match="^\|CUR Pl\: [(\d+)] CUR KI\: [(\d+)] CUR STA\: [(\d+)]\n|MAX Pl\: [(\d+)] MAX KI\: [(\d+)] MAX STA\: [(\d+)]"
hp = %1
max_hp = %4
endurance = %2
max_endurance = %5
guile = %3
max_guile = %6
-- draw gauge
do_prompt ("", "", { pl, ki, sta } )
function do_prompt (name, line, wildcards)
pl = tonumber (wildcards [1])
ki = tonumber (wildcards [2])
sta = tonumber (wildcards [3])
-- don't know maxima yet? can't proceed
if max_pl == 0 or
max_ki == 0 or
max_sta <= 0 then
local pl_percent = pl / max_pl
local ki_percent = ki / max_ki
local sta_percent = sta / max_sta
DoGauge ("PL: ", pl_percent, ColourNameToRGB "red")
DoGauge ("KI: ", ki_percent, ColourNameToRGB "mediumblue")
DoGauge ("STA: ", sta_percent, ColourNameToRGB "gold")
WindowShow (win, true)
-- get maxima from last time
max_pl, max_ki, max_sta =
tonumber (GetVariable ("max_pl")) or 0,
tonumber (GetVariable ("max_ki")) or 0,
tonumber (GetVariable ("max_sta")) or 0
function OnPluginEnable ()
WindowShow (win, true)
-- draw gauge again if possible
if pl and ki and sta then
do_prompt ("", "", { pl, ki, sta } )
end -- if know pl, ki and sta
end -- OnPluginEnable
function OnPluginSaveState ()
-- save window current location for next time
movewindow.save_state (win)
SetVariable ("enabled", tostring (GetPluginInfo (GetPluginID (), 17)))
SetVariable ("max_pl", max_pl or 0)
SetVariable ("max_ki", max_ki or 0)
SetVariable ("max_sta", max_sta or 0)
end -- OnPluginSaveState
| Top |
Posted by
| Hianastu
(2 posts) Bio
| Reply #91 on Thu 19 Jan 2012 01:27 AM (UTC) |
| Hi, I'm new to this whole plugin/scripting thing, and I'm trying to figure out how I would get this to work to capture the prompt bar from a trigger.
In the plugin script it says
- <triggers>
<trigger enabled="y" match="^.*?\[(\d+)\/(\d+)hp\|(\d+)\/(\d+)mp\|(\d+)\/(\d+)mv\]$"
I'm not sure if I'm getting this right but in there I'd create a Trigger, like one with the name Promptbar, that would be the trigger to match on instead of the actual promt text itself, then I could modify what the trigger fires on, right?
so instead it would read
- <triggers>
<trigger enabled="y" match="promptbar"
Then I would make a trigger called promptbar and have it fire on
HP%1/%2 M%3/%4 MV%5/%6 ST%7/%8
That would work if my staus bar read as above, right?
| Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #92 on Thu 19 Jan 2012 07:10 PM (UTC) |
| I'm not sure I understand the question. The whole thread is about capturing from a trigger to make health bar.
Can you explain in more detail? Like, give actual MUD output? |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Hianastu
(2 posts) Bio
| Reply #93 on Thu 19 Jan 2012 07:54 PM (UTC) |
Nick Gammon said:
I'm not sure I understand the question. The whole thread is about capturing from a trigger to make health bar.
Can you explain in more detail? Like, give actual MUD output?
I don't have a mud output, I'm trying to figure out how to get this to work with Armageddon Mud, and was wondering how I get this to read my promptbar. I noticed in the script it said 'get trigger=' then a group of variables.
Is this a trigger I write if so how? How do I change the plugin to read it, then use it?
For instance, I use a prompt format of:~
HP%H/%h ST%T/%t MV%V/%v\n %A/%n/%E/%e >
%H/h Health %T/t Stun
%V/v Movement \n New line
%A Armed status %n name
%E Encumberance level %e time of day
the parts I'd want to grab are Health Stun and Movement (with an extra option for a mana addition to the prompt bar)
So seeing as the Prompt values vary between PC and PC I'd need a trigger that read my first line of prompt values as wildcards, right?
so something like HP%1/%2 ST%3/%4 MV%5/%6
This would fire every-time my health, stun, movement, and mana if present are sent to Mush-client, correct?
I'm new at this, and this would be the first bit of scripting past single command aliases I've ever done, so getting it from the MUD to the script is getting me stuck.
| Top |
Posted by
| Fiendish
USA (2,534 posts) Bio
Global Moderator |
| Reply #94 on Thu 19 Jan 2012 09:15 PM (UTC) |
Quote: I don't have a mud output...
Uhhh...yes you do. Copy and paste what the game sends you. | | Top |
Posted by
| Jsportive-Thalanvor
Netherlands (71 posts) Bio
| Reply #95 on Sat 10 Mar 2012 11:57 PM (UTC) |
| what lines would i have to add to show an hunger bar and a thirst bar in the same window? | Top |
Posted by
| Fiendish
USA (2,534 posts) Bio
Global Moderator |
| Reply #96 on Sun 11 Mar 2012 03:03 AM (UTC) |
what lines would i have to add to show an hunger bar and a thirst bar in the same window?
It's not clear that you can do that with this particular plugin idea, since Aardwolf does not send hunger or thirst through the prompt. You'd have to read those values another way. | | Top |
Posted by
| Jsportive-Thalanvor
Netherlands (71 posts) Bio
| Reply #97 on Sun 11 Mar 2012 04:22 AM (UTC) |
| ah, i see. that would mean an updating plugin using some invisible 'hunger' syntax every tick :P fun to look into.
would make a nice first assignment. | Top |
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