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 Entire forum ➜ MUSHclient ➜ Plugins ➜ Improved action bar plugin, with cooldowns

Improved action bar plugin, with cooldowns

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Posted by Fiendish   USA  (2,534 posts)  Bio   Global Moderator
Date Reply #30 on Sun 06 Jan 2019 04:29 AM (UTC)

Amended on Fri 10 Apr 2020 08:53 PM (UTC) by Nick Gammon

Someone wanted help using text instead of icons as mentioned in one of the previous comments, so I made the necessary modifications for that.

Summary of changes:
* Moved the text printing into a separate function so that it could be used in multiple places.
* Split ICON_SIZE into separate ICON_WIDTH and ICON_HEIGHT values so that they don't have to be squares.
* Loaded a few extra font sizes and weights.
* Tweaked colors.
* If there is a "text" field in the button instead of an "icon" field, then it will print that text. (I left the "icon" fields there as nil below, but nil is the same as not having it in the table at all)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE muclient [
  <!ENTITY horizontal "y" > 
  <!ENTITY show_time "y" >

   author="Nick Gammon"
   purpose="Shows a bar of buttons you can click on to do things"
   date_written="2009-02-26 09:00"
   date_modified="2010-05-31 17:22"
<description trim="y">
Install this plugin to show a button bar.

Click on an icon to execute a script or send a command to the MUD.



<!--  Timers  -->

    enabled="y" second="1.00" 
    active_closed="y" >

<!--  Script  -->


-- pull in entities outside the CDATA block

horizontal = ("&horizontal;"):lower ():sub (1, 1) == "y";
show_time = ("&show_time;"):lower ():sub (1, 1) == "y";


-- table of buttons

  Each button can have:
  icon - filename of the image to draw
  text - text to write if no icon is set
  tooltip - what to show if you hover the mouse over the button
  send - what to send to the MUD
  script - a script function to call
  cooldown - time spell takes to cool down, in seconds
  sound - sound to play when button pressed


buttons = {

  -- button 1
  icon = nil,
  tooltip = "Heal self",  -- tooltip help text
  text = "Heal",
  send = "echo doing heal",  -- what to send
  cooldown = 10,          -- cooldown time in seconds
  sound = "chimes.wav",   -- sound to play when cast
  }, -- end of button 1
  -- button 2
  icon = nil,
  text = "Attack",
  tooltip = "Attack the darkness",  -- tooltip help text
  send = "echo doing attack",
  cooldown = 5,
  }, -- end of button 2
 --> add more buttons here
} -- end of buttons table

-- configuration


BACKGROUND_COLOUR = ColourNameToRGB "dimgray"
BOX_COLOUR = ColourNameToRGB "royalblue"
BUTTON_EDGE = ColourNameToRGB "silver"

MOUSE_DOWN_COLOUR = ColourNameToRGB "darkorange"

-- where to put the window
WINDOW_POSITION = 6  -- top right
OFFSET = 6  -- gap inside box
EDGE_WIDTH = 2 -- size of border stroke

Useful positions:

4 = top left
5 = center left-right at top
6 = top right
7 = on right, center top-bottom
8 = on right, at bottom
9 = center left-right at bottom

-- font and size to use

FONT_NAME = "Lucida Sans Unicode"
TEXT_COLOUR = ColourNameToRGB "white"
FADED_TEXT_COLOUR = ColourNameToRGB "darkgray"

-- sound to play if on cooldown
ON_COOLDOWN_SOUND = "ding.wav"

frames = {}  -- remember where each icon was

require "commas"

function mousedown (flags, hotspot_id)

  if hotspot_id == "_" then
    -- find where mouse is so we can adjust window relative to mouse
    startx, starty = WindowInfo (win, 14), WindowInfo (win, 15)
    -- find where window is in case we drag it offscreen
    origx, origy = WindowInfo (win, 10), WindowInfo (win, 11)
    end -- if
  local n = tonumber (hotspot_id)
  -- draw the button border in another colour for visual feedback
  WindowRectOp (win, 1, 
                frames [n].x1, frames [n].y1, frames [n].x2, frames [n].y2, 
  Redraw ()                
end -- mousedown

function cancelmousedown (flags, hotspot_id)
  local n = tonumber (hotspot_id)
  -- draw the button border in original colour for visual feedback
  WindowRectOp (win, 1, 
                frames [n].x1, frames [n].y1, frames [n].x2, frames [n].y2, 
  Redraw ()                

end -- cancelmousedown

function mouseup (flags, hotspot_id)
  -- fix border colour
  cancelmousedown (flags, hotspot_id)
  local n = tonumber (hotspot_id)
  local button = buttons [n]
  -- shift key clears cooldown
  if (flags, 1) == 1 then
    SetCooldown (n, nil)
  end -- if
  -- can't press button if on cooldown
  if (button.cooldown_left or 0) > 0 then
  end -- still on cooldown
  -- play sound if defined
  if button.sound then
    Sound (button.sound)
  end -- sound to play
  -- send to world if something specified
  if type (button.send) == "string" and 
    button.send ~= "" then
    local errors =  {} -- no errors yet
    -- function to do the replacements for string.gsub
    local function replace_variables (s)
      s = string.sub (s, 2)  -- remove the @
      replacement = GetPluginVariable ("", s)    -- look up variable in global variables
      if not replacement then  -- not there, add to errors list
        table.insert (errors, s)
      end -- not there
      return replacement  -- return variable
    end -- replace_variables 
    -- replace all variables starting with @
    local command = string.gsub (button.send, "@%a[%w_]*", replace_variables)
    -- report any errors
    if #errors > 0 then
      for k, v in ipairs (errors) do
        ColourNote ("white", "red", "Variable '" .. v .. "' does not exist")
      end -- for
    end -- error in replacing
    Execute (command)
  end -- if
  -- execute script if wanted
  if type (button.script) == "function" then
    button.script (n) 
  end -- if
  SetCooldown (n, button.cooldown)
end -- mouseup

function dragmove(flags, hotspot_id)

  -- find where it is now
  local posx, posy = WindowInfo (win, 17),
                     WindowInfo (win, 18)

  -- move the window to the new location
  WindowPosition(win, posx - startx, posy - starty, 0, 2);
  -- change the mouse cursor shape appropriately
  if posx < 0 or posx > GetInfo (281) or
     posy < 0 or posy > GetInfo (280) then
    SetCursor (11)   -- X cursor
    SetCursor (10)   -- arrow (NS/EW) cursor
  end -- if
end -- dragmove

function dragrelease(flags, hotspot_id)
  local newx, newy = WindowInfo (win, 17), WindowInfo (win, 18)
  -- don't let them drag it out of view
  if newx < 0 or newx > GetInfo (281) or
     newy < 0 or newy > GetInfo (280) then
     -- put it back
    WindowPosition(win, origx, origy, 0, 2);
  end -- if out of bounds
end -- dragrelease

function SetCooldown (n, amount)
  assert (n >= 1 and n <= #buttons, 
          "Bad button number " .. n .. " to SetCooldown")
  if amount then
    assert (amount >= 0, "Bad amount " .. amount .. " to SetCooldown")
  end -- if
  local frame = frames [n] 
  local x1, y1, x2, y2 = frame.x1 + 1, frame.y1 + 1, frame.x2 - 1, frame.y2 - 1
  buttons [n].cooldown_left = amount  -- cooldown time left in seconds
  local max = buttons [n].cooldown or 0   -- max cooldown time
  local percent  -- how far cooled down we are as a percent
  if max > 0 then
    percent = (amount or 0) / max 
    percent = 0  -- don't divide by zero!
  end -- if
  -- reload the image
  if WindowDrawImage(win, n, 
                  x1, y1,   -- left, top
                  x2, y2,  -- right, bottom
                  2)  -- mode - stretch or shrink
    ~= error_code.eOK then
    WindowRectOp (win, 2, x1, y1,   -- left, top
                  x2, y2,  -- right, bottom
    local button_text = buttons[n].text
    if button_text then
      AddText(button_text, n, false, (amount == 0) and TEXT_COLOUR or FADED_TEXT_COLOUR)
  if amount and amount > 0 then
    -- calculate pie end point
    local endx = math.cos (math.rad (percent * 360 + 90)) * ICON_WIDTH + ICON_WIDTH / 2
    local endy = -1 * math.sin (math.rad (percent * 360 + 90)) * ICON_HEIGHT + ICON_HEIGHT / 2
    -- clear temporary window
    WindowRectOp (tempwin, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0xFFFFFF)  -- fill with white
    -- draw the pie showing amount of cooldown
    WindowCircleOp (tempwin, 5, -10, -10, ICON_WIDTH + 10, ICON_HEIGHT + 10,   -- pie
          0x000000, 5, 0,   -- no pen
          0x000000, 0,  -- solid brush, black
          ICON_WIDTH / 2, 0,   -- from 12 o'clock position
          endx, endy)
    -- turn pie shape into an image
    WindowImageFromWindow(win, "mask", tempwin)
    -- blend in (darken mode) with 50% opacity
    WindowBlendImage(win, "mask", 
                     x1, y1, x2, y2,  -- rectangle
                     5,  -- darken
                     0.5)  -- opacity
    -- if they want to see the time left (text on top of the button) do that now   
    if show_time then
      local time_left = convert_time (amount)
      time_left = string.gsub (time_left, "[ s]", "") -- get rid of spaces, and "s"
      AddText (time_left, n, true, COOLDOWN_TEXT_COLOUR)
    end -- show_time
    buttons [n].cooldown_left = nil
  end -- if
  Redraw ()
end -- function SetCooldown

function AddText (text, n, bold, colour)
  local frame = frames [n] 
  local x1, y1, x2, y2 = frame.x1 + 1, frame.y1 + 1, frame.x2 - 1, frame.y2 - 1
  local font = bold and "f1" or "f5"
  local text_len = WindowTextWidth (win, font, text)
  -- use smaller font if it doesn't fit
  if text_len > ICON_WIDTH then
    font = bold and "f2" or "f6"
    text_len = WindowTextWidth (win, font, text)

    -- still too big?
    if text_len > ICON_WIDTH then
      font = bold and "f3" or "f7"
      text_len = WindowTextWidth (win, font, text)

      -- still too big?
      if text_len > ICON_WIDTH then
        font = bold and "f4" or "f8"
        text_len = WindowTextWidth (win, font, text)
      end -- if
    end -- if

  end -- if

  local font_height = WindowFontInfo (win, font, 1)  
  local x_offset = math.max ((ICON_WIDTH - text_len) / 2, 0)
  local y_offset = math.max ((ICON_HEIGHT - font_height) / 2, 0)
  WindowText (win, font, text, x1 + x_offset + 2, y1 + y_offset + 2, x2, y2, 0x000000)
  WindowText (win, font, text, x1 + x_offset, y1 + y_offset, x2, y2, colour)

function OnPluginInstall ()

  local x, y, mode, flags = 
      tonumber (GetVariable ("windowx")) or 0,
      tonumber (GetVariable ("windowy")) or 0,
      tonumber (GetVariable ("windowmode")) or WINDOW_POSITION, -- top right
      tonumber (GetVariable ("windowflags")) or 0
  -- check miniwindow visible
  if x < 0 or x > GetInfo (281) or
     y < 0 or y > GetInfo (280) then
     x, y = 0, 0  -- reset to top left
  end -- if not visible
  win = GetPluginID ()  -- get a unique name
  tempwin = win .. ":temp"
  local gauge_height, gauge_width
  if horizontal then
    window_width = (#buttons * (ICON_WIDTH + OFFSET)) + OFFSET
    window_height = ICON_HEIGHT + (OFFSET * 2)
    window_width = ICON_WIDTH + (OFFSET * 2)
    window_height = (#buttons * (ICON_HEIGHT + OFFSET)) + OFFSET
  end -- if
  -- make the miniwindow
  WindowCreate (win, 
             x, y,   -- left, top (auto-positions)
             window_width,     -- width
             window_height,  -- height
             mode,   -- position mode
             flags,  -- flags
  -- for drawing cooldowns (window not visible)
  WindowCreate (tempwin, 
             0, 0,   -- left, top 
             ICON_WIDTH,     -- width
             ICON_HEIGHT,  -- height
             12,   -- position mode
             0,  -- flags
             ColourNameToRGB "white") 

  -- grab bold fonts
  WindowFont (win, "f1", FONT_NAME, FONT_SIZE, true)
  WindowFont (win, "f2", FONT_NAME, FONT_SIZE_MEDIUM, true)
  WindowFont (win, "f3", FONT_NAME, FONT_SIZE_SMALL, true)
  WindowFont (win, "f4", FONT_NAME, FONT_SIZE_SMALLEST, true)
  -- grab not-bold fonts
  WindowFont (win, "f5", FONT_NAME, FONT_SIZE, false)
  WindowFont (win, "f6", FONT_NAME, FONT_SIZE_MEDIUM, false)
  WindowFont (win, "f7", FONT_NAME, FONT_SIZE_SMALL, false)
  WindowFont (win, "f8", FONT_NAME, FONT_SIZE_SMALLEST, false)

  -- draw the buttons
  for n, v in ipairs (buttons) do

    if v.icon then
      if WindowLoadImage (win, n, GetInfo (66) .. v.icon) ~= error_code.eOK then
          DoAfterSpecial (1, string.format ([[
              ColourNote ("white", "red", "Could not load image '%s'")]], 
                          string.gsub (GetInfo (66) .. v.icon, '\\', '\\\\')),
      end -- if
    end -- if icon specified
    local x1, y1, x2, y2

    -- where to draw the icon
    if horizontal then
      x1, y1 = (n - 1) * (ICON_WIDTH + OFFSET) + OFFSET, OFFSET
      x2, y2 = n * (ICON_WIDTH + OFFSET), ICON_HEIGHT + OFFSET
      x1, y1 = OFFSET, (n - 1) * (ICON_HEIGHT + OFFSET) + OFFSET
      x2, y2 = ICON_WIDTH + OFFSET, n * (ICON_HEIGHT + OFFSET)
    end -- if
    -- remember where to draw the frame, for mouse clicks
    frames [n] = { 
      x1 = x1 - 1,
      y1 = y1 - 1,
      x2 = x2 + 1,
      y2 = y2 + 1
    -- draw the image
    if WindowDrawImage(win, n, 
                    x1, y1,   -- left, top
                    x2, y2,  -- right, bottom
                    2)  -- mode - stretch or shrink
        ~= error_code.eOK then
      WindowRectOp (win, 2, x1, y1,   -- left, top
                    x2, y2,  -- right, bottom
      if v.text then
        AddText(v.text, n, false, TEXT_COLOUR)
    end -- if
    -- draw the button border
    WindowRectOp (win, 1, 
                  frames [n].x1, frames [n].y1, frames [n].x2, frames [n].y2, 
    -- make a hotspot we can click on
    WindowAddHotspot(win, n,  
                 frames [n].x1, frames [n].y1, frames [n].x2, frames [n].y2,   -- rectangle
                 "",   -- mouseover
                 "",   -- cancelmouseover
                 v.tooltip,  -- tooltip text
                 1, 0)  -- hand cursor
  end --  for each world

  -- draw the border of the whole box
  WindowCircleOp (win, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, BOX_COLOUR, 6, EDGE_WIDTH, 0x000000, 1) 
  -- make a hotspot
  WindowAddHotspot(win, "_",  
                   0, 0, 0, 0,   -- whole window
                   "",   -- MouseOver
                   "",   -- CancelMouseOver
                   "",   -- CancelMouseDown
                   "",   -- MouseUp
                   "Drag to move",  -- tooltip text
                   10, 0)  -- arrow (NS/EW) cursor
  WindowDragHandler(win, "_", "dragmove", "dragrelease", 0) 
  if GetVariable ("enabled") == "false" then
    ColourNote ("yellow", "", "Warning: Plugin " .. GetPluginName ().. " is currently disabled.")
    EnablePlugin (GetPluginID (), false)
  end -- they didn't enable us last time
  -- ensure window visible
  WindowShow (win, true)
end -- OnPluginInstall

-- hide window on removal
function OnPluginClose ()
  WindowShow (win,  false)  -- hide it
end -- OnPluginClose

-- show window on enable
function OnPluginEnable ()
  WindowShow (win,  true)  -- show it
end -- OnPluginEnable

-- hide window on disable
function OnPluginDisable ()
  WindowShow (win,  false)  -- hide it
end -- OnPluginDisable

function OnPluginSaveState ()
  SetVariable ("enabled",     tostring (GetPluginInfo (GetPluginID (), 17)))
  SetVariable ("windowx",     WindowInfo (win, 10))
  SetVariable ("windowy",     WindowInfo (win, 11))
  SetVariable ("windowmode",  WindowInfo (win, 7))
  SetVariable ("windowflags", WindowInfo (win, 8))
end -- OnPluginSaveState

-- called every second on a timer
function handle_cooldowns (name)
  for n, v in ipairs (buttons) do
    if buttons [n].cooldown_left then
      SetCooldown (n, buttons [n].cooldown_left - 1) 
    end -- if some cooldown left
  end -- for
end -- function handle_cooldowns



The above modified plugin can be downloaded from: GitHub - Icon_Bar.xml - commit 6955ede

The latest version is available at: GitHub - Icon_Bar.xml - master

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #31 on Fri 10 Apr 2020 09:18 PM (UTC)

As requested here I have amended it to have a “done” function which is called when the time is up. Download from

As shown in the comments you can add a function call to the bar like this:

The function can be inline (like above) or a function elsewhere in your code. The function is passed the number of the icon bar which has reached its cooldown time.

- Nick Gammon,

The dates and times for posts above are shown in Universal Co-ordinated Time (UTC).

To show them in your local time you can join the forum, and then set the 'time correction' field in your profile to the number of hours difference between your location and UTC time.


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