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 Entire forum ➜ MUSHclient ➜ Plugins ➜ Toggle Switches for Plugins

Toggle Switches for Plugins

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Posted by LupusFatalis   (154 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #15 on Tue 16 Jun 2009 05:10 AM (UTC)
Hmm... I copied that, the part that checks to see if its disabled when it loads the bar works fine. And the button toggles it on and off, but it only toggles the contrast to normal. Copied exactly what you have.
buttons = {

 -- button 1
  icon = "search_32.png",
  tooltip = "Underdark Mapper",
  target_plugin = "aba6daf3fb30699071cb5d05",
  script = function (n) 
            local id = buttons [n].target_plugin
            local f = frames [n]  -- where is image?
            local x1, y1, x2, y2 = f.x1, f.y1, f.x2, f.y2
            -- redraw the image
            WindowDrawImage(win, n, 
                    x1 + 1, y1 + 1,   -- left, top
                    x2 - 1, y2 - 1,  -- right, bottom
                    2)  -- mode - stretch or shrink
            -- toggle enable flag for target plugin
            EnablePlugin(id, not GetPluginInfo (id, 17))
            -- grey out if disabled now
            if not GetPluginInfo (id, 17) then 
               WindowFilter (win, x1, y1, x2, y2, 8, .4)
            end  -- if
            end,  -- function

  },   -- end of button 1

   -- button 2
  icon = "bubble_32.png",
  tooltip = "Spell Practice",
  target_plugin = "656eeab9f4fe9bd89d066e25",
  script = function (n) 
            local id = buttons [n].target_plugin
            local f = frames [n]  -- where is image?
            local x1, y1, x2, y2 = f.x1, f.y1, f.x2, f.y2
            -- redraw the image
            WindowDrawImage(win, n, 
                    x1 + 1, y1 + 1,   -- left, top
                    x2 - 1, y2 - 1,  -- right, bottom
                    2)  -- mode - stretch or shrink
            -- toggle enable flag for target plugin
            EnablePlugin(id, not GetPluginInfo (id, 17))
            -- grey out if disabled now
            if not GetPluginInfo (id, 17) then 
               WindowFilter (win, x1, y1, x2, y2, 8, .4)
            end  -- if
            end,  -- function

  },   -- end of button 2

   -- button 3
  icon = "block_32.png",
  tooltip = "Crafting Omit",
  target_plugin = "157dce098adaa8ceebcbfc88",
  script = function (n) 
            local id = buttons [n].target_plugin
            local f = frames [n]  -- where is image?
            local x1, y1, x2, y2 = f.x1, f.y1, f.x2, f.y2
            -- redraw the image
            WindowDrawImage(win, n, 
                    x1 + 1, y1 + 1,   -- left, top
                    x2 - 1, y2 - 1,  -- right, bottom
                    2)  -- mode - stretch or shrink
            -- toggle enable flag for target plugin
            EnablePlugin(id, not GetPluginInfo (id, 17))
            -- grey out if disabled now
            if not GetPluginInfo (id, 17) then 
               WindowFilter (win, x1, y1, x2, y2, 8, .4)
            end  -- if
            end,  -- function

  },   -- end of button 3

 --> add more buttons here
} -- end of buttons table

Thanks again Nick!

Posted by LupusFatalis   (154 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #16 on Tue 16 Jun 2009 05:22 AM (UTC)
Oh, I found another spot it won't work, I think. When the plugins are enabled/disabled in other means. Not necessarily by the user, but by the plugin itself. I was thinking maybe putting a heartbeat function in, like you did in the script. But is there a way to reference the id from the buttons rather than manually checking them? etc...

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #17 on Tue 16 Jun 2009 07:05 AM (UTC)
Did you use the plugin further down that page? The version 2.0 one?

As for the heartbeat, you probably need a timer that fires every second, and in that, loop through every button (like when the buttons are loaded) and draws the image appropriately.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by LupusFatalis   (154 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #18 on Tue 16 Jun 2009 07:13 AM (UTC)
This isn't the latest and greatest: ?

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #19 on Tue 16 Jun 2009 07:43 AM (UTC)
When I asked which plugin you were working on and you replied:


Oh, I'm working on the IconBar plugin.

I released 3 or 4 versions of that, which is why I asked.

In page 1 of this thread I mentioned which has versions 1 and 2 of the plugin, but you are using which is indeed later, but has version 4 of the plugin in it.

Since you are using the latest, greatest version, you also need to add a bit of code to the cooldowns section, which also draws the icon.

In the function SetCooldown, after the lines:

  if max > 0 then
    percent = (amount or 0) / max 
    percent = 0  -- don't divide by zero!
  end -- if
  -- reload the image
  if WindowDrawImage(win, n, 
                  x1, y1,   -- left, top
                  x2, y2,  -- right, bottom
                  2)  -- mode - stretch or shrink
    ~= error_code.eOK then
    WindowRectOp (win, 2, x1, y1,   -- left, top
                  x2, y2,  -- right, bottom


  if buttons [n].target_plugin then                    
    -- grey out if disabled now
    if not GetPluginInfo (buttons [n].target_plugin, 17) then 
       WindowFilter (win, x1, y1, x2, y2, 8, .4)
    end  -- if
  end -- if

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by LupusFatalis   (154 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #20 on Tue 16 Jun 2009 12:54 PM (UTC)

Amended on Tue 16 Jun 2009 12:55 PM (UTC) by LupusFatalis

Ok, got it working. And I duplicated some of your code and now have a working heartbeat, check it out!

In the timers section:
  <timer second="1.00" 

And later in the script:
function heartbeat (timername)
  for n, v in ipairs (buttons) do

    if v.icon then
      if WindowLoadImage (win, n, GetInfo (66) .. v.icon) ~= error_code.eOK then
          DoAfterSpecial (1, string.format ([[
              ColourNote ("white", "red", "Could not load image '%s'")]], 
                          string.gsub (GetInfo (66) .. v.icon, '\', '\\')),
      end -- if
    end -- if icon specified
    local x1, y1, x2, y2

    -- where to draw the icon
    if horizontal then
      x1, y1 = (n - 1) * (ICON_SIZE + OFFSET) + OFFSET, OFFSET
      x2, y2 = n * (ICON_SIZE + OFFSET), ICON_SIZE + OFFSET
      x1, y1 = OFFSET, (n - 1) * (ICON_SIZE + OFFSET) + OFFSET
      x2, y2 = ICON_SIZE + OFFSET, n * (ICON_SIZE + OFFSET)
    end -- if
    -- draw the image
    WindowDrawImage(win, n, 
                    x1, y1,   -- left, top
                    x2, y2,  -- right, bottom
                    2)  -- mode - stretch or shrink
	if v.target_plugin then                    
      -- grey out if disabled now
      if not GetPluginInfo (v.target_plugin, 17) then 
         WindowFilter (win, x1, y1, x2, y2, 8, .4)
      end  -- if
    end -- if
  end --  for each world
end -- heartbeat

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