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 Entire forum ➜ MUSHclient ➜ Plugins ➜ Aardwolf map plugin - improved

Aardwolf map plugin - improved

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Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Wed 08 Jul 2009 06:21 AM (UTC)

Amended on Wed 19 Aug 2009 05:53 AM (UTC) by Nick Gammon

This improved map plugin for Aardwolf shows the map in a miniwindow. It also allows you to drag it around by the title part (top bar) so you can place the map wherever you want. A new cool feature is the automatic map legend that pops up when you mouse-over the body of the map (see screenshot below).

Click on the "?" on the map to change both the title colour and the map background colour.

This plugin also uses the mw.lua file, so you also need to go to this forum thread and create the mw.lua file mentioned:

The mw.lua file needs to go into the "lua" subdirectory under where MUSHclient is installed.

The plugin uses telnet negotation, so you also need this file:

In a standard MUSHclient installation the plugin and telnet_options.lua files should to into this directory:

C:\Program Files\MUSHclient\worlds\plugins\Aardwolf\

Template:saveplugin=Aardwolf_Map_v3 To save and install the Aardwolf_Map_v3 plugin do this:
  1. Copy between the lines below (to the Clipboard)
  2. Open a text editor (such as Notepad) and paste the plugin into it
  3. Save to disk on your PC, preferably in your plugins directory, as Aardwolf_Map_v3.xml
  4. Go to the MUSHclient File menu -> Plugins
  5. Click "Add"
  6. Choose the file Aardwolf_Map_v3.xml (which you just saved in step 3) as a plugin
  7. Click "Close"

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE muclient>

   author="Nick Gammon"
   purpose="Shows Aardwolf map in a miniwindow"
<description trim="y">
Redirects the map to a mini window.


<!--  Triggers  -->



   match="You can now sense anger in your immediate area."
  <send>SendNoEcho ("map")</send>

<!--  Script  -->


background_colour = 0x00220E
title_colour = 0x696969
hyperlink_colour = 0x00FFFF
drag_hotspot = "z_drag_hotspot"  -- put beneath colour configuration

require "checkplugin"
require "commas"

map_lines = {}

function hyperlink_configure_background ()
  local new_colour = PickColour (background_colour)
  if new_colour ~= -1 then
    background_colour = new_colour
    Display_Map ()
  end -- new colour
end -- hyperlink_configure_background

function hyperlink_configure_title ()
  local new_colour = PickColour (title_colour)
  if new_colour ~= -1 then
    title_colour = new_colour
    Display_Map ()
  end -- new colour
end -- hyperlink_configure_title

function mouseover (flags, hotspotid)

 -- work out coordinates
  local left =  WindowInfo (win, 10)
  local top =  WindowInfo (win, 11)

  -- what to say - one line per table entry, with imbedded colour codes
  info = { 
"@WRoom contents:@w",
"  @M#@w  - You                      --- - North/south wall",
"  @R*@w  - Other players             |  - East/west wall",
"  @Y!@w  - Mobiles                   +  - Door (closed)",
"  @C!@w  - Pet/other charmed mob     @B+@w  - Door (locked)",
"  @R!@w  - Angry mob (with Sense     >  - Up exit",
"       Anger cast)               @y>@w  - Up exit (closed)",
"  @G!@w  - Unkillable Mob            <  - Down exit",
"  @G$@w  - Shopkeeper                @y<@w  - Down exit (closed)",
" @C[@W?@C]@w - Area exit                 @R#@w  - PK-flagged room",
" @G[@W?@G]@w - Clan public hall exit     @RD@w  - Donation room",
" [ ]   Inside                   . .   City",
" @g, `@w   Field                    @G; ;@w   Hills",
" @y/@w     Mountain                 @B~ ~@w   Water",
" @B~ ~@w   Waternoswim              @c. .@w   Air",
" @y~ ~@w   Desert                   @Y% %@w   Quicksand",
" @b~ ~@w   Underwater               @C~ ~@w   Ice",
" @B. .@w   Underground              - -   East/West road",
" . .   North/South road         @C~ ~@w   River",
" @R/@w     Volcano                  @b% %@w   Cave",
" # #   Dungeon                  @g( *@w   Forest",
  heading = ""
  align_right = true
  align_bottom = false
  capitalize = true

  -- show it  
  mw.popup (infowin,           -- window name to use
            heading_font_id,   -- font to use for the heading
            popup_font_id,           -- font to use for each line
            heading,           -- heading text
            info,              -- table of lines to show (with colour codes)
            left, top,         -- where to put it
            border_colour,     -- colour for round rectangle line
            background_colour, -- colour for background
            capitalize,        -- if true, force the first letter to upper case
            align_right,       -- if true, align right side on "Left" parameter
            align_bottom)      -- if true, align bottom side on "Top" parameter
end -- mouseover

function cancelmouseover (flags, hotspotid)
  WindowShow (infowin, false)
end -- cancelmouseover

function mousedown (flags, hotspotid)
  if hotspotid == drag_hotspot then
    -- find where mouse is so we can adjust window relative to mouse
    startx, starty = WindowInfo (win, 14), WindowInfo (win, 15)
    -- find where window is in case we drag it offscreen
    origx, origy = WindowInfo (win, 10), WindowInfo (win, 11)
  end -- if
end -- mousedown

function mouseup (flags, hotspotid)
  local f = hyperlink_functions [hotspotid]
  if f then
    f (hotspotid)
  end -- function found
end -- mouseup

function dragmove(flags, hotspot_id)

  -- find where it is now
  local posx, posy = WindowInfo (win, 17),
                     WindowInfo (win, 18)

  -- move the window to the new location - offset by how far mouse was into window
  WindowPosition(win, posx - startx, posy - starty, 0, 2);
  -- change the mouse cursor shape appropriately
  if posx < 0 or posx > GetInfo (281) or
     posy < 0 or posy > GetInfo (280) then
    check (SetCursor ( 11))   -- X cursor
    check (SetCursor ( 1))   -- hand cursor
  end -- if
end -- dragmove

function dragrelease(flags, hotspot_id)

  Repaint ()  -- update window location
  -- find where window is now
  local newx, newy = WindowInfo (win, 10), WindowInfo (win, 11)
  -- don't let them drag it out of view
  if newx < 0 or newx > GetInfo (281) or
     newy < 0 or newy > GetInfo (280) then
     -- put it back
    WindowPosition(win, origx, origy, 0, 2)
  end -- if out of bounds
  window_left = newx  -- remember for saving state
  window_top = newy
  window_mode = 0
  window_flags = 2   -- absolute position
end -- dragrelease

hyperlink_functions = {}

function make_hyperlink (text, id, left, top, action, hint)
local height = WindowFontInfo (win, font_id, 1)  
local right = left + WindowTextWidth (win, font_id, text)
local bottom = top + height

  WindowAddHotspot(win, id,  
                    left, top, right, bottom, 
                   "", -- mouseover
                   "", -- cancelmouseover
                   "", -- mousedown
                   "", -- cancelmousedown
                   "mouseup", -- mouseup
                   1, 0)
  WindowText (win, font_id, text, left, top, right, bottom, hyperlink_colour)               
  hyperlink_functions [id] = action
  return right
end -- make_hyperlink       

function Display_Line (line, styles)
local id = font_id

-- first 2 lines in bold
if line < 3 then
  id = font_id_bold

local left = 10
local top =  (line - 1) * font_height + 5

  for _, v in ipairs (styles) do
    left = left + WindowText (win, id, v.text,
                             left, top, 0, 0, v.textcolour)
  end -- for each style run                 

end -- Display_Line

function Display_Map ()

  local width = max_width * font_width + 50
  local height = (#map_lines + 1) * font_height
   -- recreate the window the correct size
   check (WindowCreate (win, 
                 window_left, window_top,   -- left, top (auto-positions)
                 width,     -- width
                 height,  -- height
                 window_mode,       -- auto-position: middle right
                 window_flags,  -- flags
                 background_colour) )
   -- DrawEdge rectangle
   check (WindowRectOp (win, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 15))
   WindowDeleteAllHotspots (win)
   -- title rectangle
   check (WindowRectOp (win, 2, 2, 2, -2, font_height * 2 + 10, title_colour))
   check (WindowRectOp (win, 5, 2, 2, -2, font_height * 2 + 10, 5, 8))
   -- display each line        
   for i, v in ipairs (map_lines) do
      Display_Line (i, v)
   end -- for           
   make_hyperlink ("?", "back_colour", width - 15, height - 5 - font_height, 
                    hyperlink_configure_background, "Choose background colour")

   make_hyperlink ("?", "title_colour", width - 15, font_height + 5, 
                    hyperlink_configure_title, "Choose title colour")
  -- make a hotspot
  WindowAddHotspot(win, drag_hotspot,  
                   0, 0, 0, font_height * 3,   -- first 3 lines
                   "",   -- MouseOver
                   "",   -- CancelMouseOver
                   "",   -- CancelMouseDown
                   "",   -- MouseUp
                   "Drag to move",  -- tooltip text
                   10, 0)  -- movement cursor
  WindowDragHandler(win, drag_hotspot, "dragmove", "dragrelease", 0) 
  -- make a hotspot
  WindowAddHotspot(win, "legend_hotspot",  
                   0, font_height * 3, 0, 0,   -- remainder
                   "mouseover",   -- MouseOver
                   "cancelmouseover",   -- CancelMouseOver
                   "",   -- MouseDown
                   "",   -- CancelMouseDown
                   "",   -- MouseUp
                   "",  -- tooltip text
                   0, 0)  -- movement cursor
   -- show it now (or refresh)
   WindowShow (win, true)
end -- Display_Map

-- map redirector
function map_redirect (name, line, wildcards, styles)
  EnableTrigger ("multi_line_map", true)  -- capture subsequent lines

  if name == "map_start" then
    map_lines = {}
    max_width = 0
  elseif name == "map_end" then
    EnableTrigger ("multi_line_map", false)  -- no more lines to go
    Display_Map ()
--    local len = #(trim (line))
      local len = #line
 --   if len > 0 or #map_lines < 3 then
      table.insert (map_lines, styles)
      max_width = math.max (max_width, len)
 --   end -- if
  end -- if

end -- function map_redirect 

function OnPluginInstall ()

  win = GetPluginID ()

  local fonts = utils.getfontfamilies ()
  if fonts.Dina then
    font_size = 8
    font_name = "Dina"    -- the actual font
    font_size = 10
    font_name = "Courier"
  end -- if
  window_left, window_top, window_mode, window_flags = 
      tonumber (GetVariable ("windowx")) or 0,
      tonumber (GetVariable ("windowy")) or 0,
      tonumber (GetVariable ("windowmode")) or 7, -- middle right
      tonumber (GetVariable ("windowflags")) or 0
  font_id = "map_font"  -- our internal name
  font_id_bold = "map_font_bold"  -- our internal name

  -- make miniwindow so I can grab the font info
  check (WindowCreate (win, 
                 window_left, window_top, 1, 1,  
                 window_mode,   -- top right
                 background_colour) )

  -- give main world window time to stabilize its size and position                
  DoAfterSpecial (5, "check_map_position ()", sendto.script)
  check (WindowFont (win, font_id, font_name, font_size, false, false, false, false, 0, 49))  -- normal
  check (WindowFont (win, font_id_bold, font_name, font_size, false, false, false, false, 0, 49))   -- bold
  font_height = WindowFontInfo (win, font_id, 1) -  WindowFontInfo (win, font_id, 4) + 1 -- height
  font_width = WindowFontInfo (win, font_id, 6)  -- avg width
  background_colour = tonumber (GetVariable ("background_colour")) or background_colour
  title_colour = tonumber (GetVariable ("title_colour")) or title_colour
  -- map key window
  require "mw"  -- see:
  -- our window frame/background colours
  border_colour = ColourNameToRGB "dimgray"
  -- a unique ID
  infowin = GetPluginID () .. ":info"

  -- font IDs
  popup_font_id = "popup_font"  
  heading_font_id = "popup_heading_font"  
  -- load fonts - mouseover window
  WindowCreate (infowin, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)   -- make 1-pixel wide window
  -- install the fonts  (49 is modern / fixed pitch)
  WindowFont (infowin, popup_font_id, font_name, font_size, false, false, false, false, 0, 49) 
  WindowFont (infowin, heading_font_id, font_name, font_size + 2, false, false, false, false, 0, 49)
  if GetVariable ("enabled") == "false" then
    ColourNote ("yellow", "", "Warning: Plugin " .. GetPluginName ().. " is currently disabled.")
    check (EnablePlugin(GetPluginID (), false))
  end -- they didn't enable us last time
  OnPluginEnable ()  -- do initialization stuff
end -- OnPluginInstall

-- pull in telnet option handling
dofile (GetPluginInfo (GetPluginID (), 20) .. "telnet_options.lua")
function OnPluginConnect ()
  TelnetOptionOn (TELOPT_AUTOMAP)
  TelnetOptionOff (TELOPT_SHORTMAP)
  TelnetOptionOn (TELOPT_MAP)
  TelnetOptionOn (TELOPT_ROOM_NAMES)
  TelnetOptionOn (TELOPT_EXIT_NAMES)
  just_connected = true
end -- function OnPluginConnect

function OnPluginClose ()
  -- if enabled
  if GetPluginInfo (GetPluginID (), 17) then
    TelnetOptionOff (TELOPT_MAP)
    TelnetOptionOff (TELOPT_ROOM_NAMES)
    TelnetOptionOff (TELOPT_EXIT_NAMES)
  end -- if was enabled
end -- OnPluginClose

function OnPluginEnable ()
  -- if we are connected when the plugin loads, it must have been reloaded whilst playing
  if IsConnected () then
    OnPluginConnect ()
  end -- if already connected
end -- OnPluginEnable

function OnPluginDisable ()
  TelnetOptionOff (TELOPT_MAP)
  TelnetOptionOff (TELOPT_ROOM_NAMES)
  TelnetOptionOff (TELOPT_EXIT_NAMES)
  WindowShow (win, false)
end -- OnPluginDisable

function OnPluginSaveState ()
  SetVariable ("enabled", tostring (GetPluginInfo (GetPluginID (), 17)))
  SetVariable ("background_colour", background_colour)
  SetVariable ("title_colour", title_colour)
  SetVariable ("windowx", tostring (window_left))
  SetVariable ("windowy", tostring (window_top))
  SetVariable ("windowmode", tostring (window_mode))
  SetVariable ("windowflags", tostring (window_flags))
end -- OnPluginSaveState

function check_map_position ()
 -- check miniwindow visible
  if window_left < 0 or window_left > GetInfo (281) or
     window_top < 0 or window_top > GetInfo (280) then
     window_left, window_top = 0, 0  -- reset to top left
     window_mode = 7
     window_flags = 0
  end -- if not visible

  WindowPosition (win, window_left, window_top, window_mode, window_flags)
end -- check_map_position


[EDIT] Updated on 9th July 2009 to fix problems with whether it remembered its window position correctly. The updated version is 3.7.

If your version does not appear on the screen, even after moving around, you probably have the older one.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #1 on Wed 08 Jul 2009 06:22 AM (UTC)

Amended on Wed 08 Jul 2009 10:50 PM (UTC) by Nick Gammon


This is what the map looks like. Also visible is the legend window, as I was mousing over the map at the time.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Tabakista   Poland  (2 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #2 on Mon 16 Nov 2009 03:15 PM (UTC)
Sorry if it's stupid question, but I'm beginner.

I tried run this mapper, but got something like that:

[string "Plugin"]:5: module 'movewindow' not found:
no field package.preload['movewindow']
no file '.\movewindow.lua'
no file 'D:\PROGRAM FILES\MUSHCLIENT\lua\movewindow.lua'
no file 'D:\PROGRAM FILES\MUSHCLIENT\lua\movewindow\init.lua'
no file 'D:\PROGRAM FILES\MUSHCLIENT\movewindow.lua'
no file 'D:\PROGRAM FILES\MUSHCLIENT\movewindow\init.lua'
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'require'
[string "Plugin"]:5: in main chunk

There is something missing in my copy of client, or something?

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #3 on Mon 16 Nov 2009 06:42 PM (UTC)

Amended on Mon 16 Nov 2009 06:43 PM (UTC) by Nick Gammon

Version 4.42 added movewindow.lua to the MUSHclient distribution.

I suggest you upgrade to version 4.43:

Template:post=9659 Please see the forum thread:

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Tabakista   Poland  (2 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #4 on Mon 16 Nov 2009 08:29 PM (UTC)
It's working. Thanks a lot.

Posted by Twisol   USA  (2,257 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #5 on Mon 16 Nov 2009 09:28 PM (UTC)

Amended on Mon 16 Nov 2009 09:29 PM (UTC) by Twisol

It might help if the MUSHclient main page and downloads page referred to 4.43 instead of 4.40, too... I noticed that they tend to lag behind the latest version a bit, is there any particular reason?

'Soludra' on Achaea


Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #6 on Mon 16 Nov 2009 09:47 PM (UTC)
Template:faq=4 Please read the MUSHclient FAQ - point 4.

But OK, I'll update it now.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Greyfeld   (2 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #7 on Thu 03 Jun 2010 07:27 AM (UTC)
Hi, I recently downloaded MUSHclient and finally found this map plugin for Aardwolf. I followed the directions here in the thread, but upon trying to load the plugin into the client, I received this message:

Line 1: Expected '<', got "{" (content not permitted here) (problem in this file)

Can somebody explain to me why this isn't working properly? I'm tired of trying to google an answer to this.

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #8 on Thu 03 Jun 2010 09:34 PM (UTC)
What did you do exactly? The plugin at the top of this page indeed starts with "<?xml" - so if it is complaining about a "{" symbol you must have a different file.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Greyfeld   (2 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #9 on Fri 04 Jun 2010 03:27 AM (UTC)
lol actually, I managed to figure it out last night. For some reason, doing a straight copy/paste onto notepad copied over some hidden characters in the script dealing with the font and paragraph breaks.

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To show them in your local time you can join the forum, and then set the 'time correction' field in your profile to the number of hours difference between your location and UTC time.


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